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  1. R

    PAM for Fire and Movement Formations

    Thank you. I'll talk to my Sect Comd. as well.
  2. R

    PAM for Fire and Movement Formations

    Really struggled learning them on my SQ and could use some refreshing. Preferably in a pdf with diagrams. Anybody have it? ex. Single File, File, Arrowhead, or Spearhead, Diamond, and Extended Line Thanks
  3. R

    Pay Issues, split from Re: Just finished reserve infantry DP1, now what?-survival guide

    Thanks for the replies, everybody . I signed the pay sheets and filled out all necessary forms. Those were the first questions I got nailed with at the BOR lol. I'm going to talk to the CC tomorrow and see what can be done. I may be on BMQ for August so I hope it's done by then. Thanks again!
  4. R

    Pay Issues, split from Re: Just finished reserve infantry DP1, now what?-survival guide

    First off, excellent thread. Great advice, thanks! I'm a Class A reservist just recently sworn in so I don't know if this is the place to post. Let me know if I need to move this. Anyway, I'm having a problem that relates to getting paid. Actually, I havn't received any pay at all from the...
  5. R

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    Yeah sorry about the asthma thing, I'm obviously not an expert on this stuff. As per antihistamines: Sure, they work but what if I'm stuck without them? Are they a problem to have on course?  Besides, doesn't the army assume if you are reliant on a drug to do your job, you shouldn't be in the...
  6. R

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    I'm in the Army Reserves now (swore in May 5) and awaiting a course but I have a question regarding hay fever. When I signed up, I put down that I had mild hay fever (itchy eyes and cold symptoms when around grass). It's been like this all my life but yesterday something happened to me at...
  7. R

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Thanks for the all the great replies, everybody! At this point, if I'm offered my position, I'll take whatever I can get. Really, I can make either weekends or summers work for me. Although weekends would be nice. Yeah, I'm from the Vancouver area. I'm lucky that I'm working for a family...
  8. R

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Thanks for the reply, Skeletor If I can get on a weekend BMQ that would be preferable with my work and such but anything is possible. Is it a big problem if I refuse the summer course and wait until fall or is that a pain in the ass for the rest of the regiment? Thanks
  9. R

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Hey everybody, I'm just in the process of joining the army reserves in BC and I have a couple questions about training. 1. As I understand, there are summer and weekend BMQ courses offered. Are they usually run at regular intervals so I could start in Jan or Feb sometime? 2. How long does...
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    A bit about me

    Congratulations to you and good luck! Best Regards  :salute:
  11. R

    school assignment help -- war movie music

    In the second part of the movie, "Full Metal Jacket" has some good sound tracks. Some are by Pee-Wee Herman and The Rolling Stones.  ;D
  12. R

    College or Reg Force

    Stauds is right. Do what YOU think is best. We all are happy to give advice, but ultimately it's your decision to make, not ours. Best Reguards
  13. R

    "Amazing Kids - Salute to our Troops"

    Great video. Great to see that our kids are supporting the troops. Keep up the good work ;)
  14. R

    SoF's Story

    Good choice and best of luck to you in the Regs, SoF :salute: Rider12
  15. R

    Anyone Like Star Trek/Sci-fi ?

    Might be a good idea to issue these to Reg and Res personell in place of the bayonet. Could be put to good use in fighting terrorists :P
  16. R

    Anyone Like Star Trek/Sci-fi ?

    I'm a Star Trek fan as well. I like the new series called Enterprise but the classics are always good to watch. Rider12
  17. R

    Google-earth sightings....

    Some areas of China "conveniently" have a cloud blotting out the area. ::) Perhaps they are military instillations that they do not want us seeing.
  18. R

    Canadian sailor died in a port visit to the Bahamas...

    R.I.P LS Pye. You've made your country proud. :salute: Rider12
  19. R

    RCMP civilian members in the CF

    My friend is a reservist and works a civvie job for the RCMP. As side from a hectic schedule, his income is great and his family seems to be very happy with his decision. Hope this helps, Rider12
  20. R

    Old Jack Layton - Thoughts from a Soldier

    Count me in. I've sent him a copy as well. Perhaps we'll overload the bandwith on the hotmail account that he uses :P