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College or Reg Force

A lot of people are recommending school first. I say, go with what YOU really want to do, don't let anyone else decide for you.

Last November, I was in my first term of University, and I knew it wasn't for me. There were a lot of reasons for me not wanting to stay in school, but it was still a hard decision to make. Not many people thought it was a good idea, but I decided to join the Army. A year later, and I am only 6 training weeks away from earning the privilege to wear the PPCLI cap badge. I have NO regrets and I have always been extremely proud to be part of the CF. I love what I am doing, and everyone I know is proud of me. I am making decent money for a 19 year old, and I am debt free. Ideally, I will return from Afghanistan with a few months left of my first contract, and I will be barely 21 years old. I can go to school then, with a good portion of the tuition paid for from the money I will have saved; or I will decide to sign on again, because I love what I am doing.

At some point you will just have to say "$%&# it, I'm doing this," and make the gamble. Nothing is for sure; go with your gut feeling and remember, it's YOUR decision, not anyone else's.
Stauds is right. Do what YOU think is best. We all are happy to give advice, but ultimately it's your decision to make, not ours.

Best Reguards
The mom in me screams "school".  But the person who has been through a lot this past years says "whatever makes you happy".  At the end of the day, the only person you need to please is yourself.  Do what your gut tells you.
Stauds said:
At some point you will just have to say "$%&# it, I'm doing this," and make the gamble. Nothing is for sure; go with your gut feeling and remember, it's YOUR decision, not anyone else's.

Amen. That's exactly what I'm going through right now. I figured I would give everyone at home a heads up about what my plans will be, and the results were less than desirable. For the past few years I've lived my life, for the most part, to please everyone but myself. I've learned from experience, however, that trying to please everybody pleases nobody. So now I know exactly what I want to do, and what I am GOING to do. It's a fairly simple conclusion to draw when you really think about it a bit. You'll have your own set of regrets in your life anyways, so keep that list as short as possible. I know most people are pushing the education idea, which I do not disagree with, but that just isn't in the cards for me. That's the decision I'll make, and the decision I'll live with. Sorry for going off into my own experiences, just thought I'd share a bit.
Hiow about both?  Some college programs are siubsidized by the CF. NCM-SEP.  Best of both worlds.
I am confronted with the same decision...college or reg force.  The way I see it is that after college theres never a garanteed job plus you'll have debts after school or a large dent out of your savings.  With reg force (granted you get accepted) your making 50K in 5 years with 100% dental and medical...sounds like a sweet deal to me.  But I think the best thing is to chose once you have a reg force offer in your hands and a school acceptance letter untill then dont cancel out one option because the other may not become availible
My best advice:
Flip a coin
You choose what side is which option and flip it, say heads is college and tails the CF, if when the coin lands and you find yourself making excuses or trying to convince yourself to change the option/flip it again/think it over, then your choice is already made.

Good Luck
I finished two years of university, joined the Res F when I was in my second year, started my third year and it got to me.  I had enough of school, it was boring and I didn't want to go where it was taking me (i.e. a desk).  So I withdrew from school and CT'd to the Reg's.  I'm extremely happy with my decision, I now know where I'm going and there is no more questions, wondering what I'm going to be doing after 4 years.  I'm with Stauds, you just have to say "#@%& it, I'm doing this"  Again, everyone I know is proud of me for what I am doing, not the fact that I dropped out, but the fact that I'm serving my country, and actually doing what I've always wanted to do.  That was my dilemma, I could pull off the degree, or I could be soldier.  Those of us who wore the same shoes as you can't tell you what to do or what you want to hear, all we can do is tell you what we did, and hopefully that will help you.
Be your own man. What do you want to do?

If you are on here saying you don't really enjoy school and are considering a Reg force career, I think you have already made up your mind. All I can say is welcome aboard, and CHIMO!! 
Well, I started this topic with a question to you all, well, I was here reading as you all posted with your comments and input, I'd just like to give you all an update. First I'd like to say thanks to all of you who posted, I took all of your comments and stories into consideration. Well this week I should be getting my cpls, I've got PLQ and class B work lined up for the new year, mod 6 and my 5's over the summer, then I'm gonna put in for my CT to the regs. Hopefully end up with either 1 or 2 CER. Once again thank you all, your input/stories/advice helped alot

Sapper24, CHIMO! and a merry christmas to you all :cdn:
Good luck with everything. And the best to you and yours in 07. CHIMO!
Nicely done on making a hard decision.  I wish you all the best in your future career.
I'm currently at the college, next year I will be at the University. You can always go with the Reserve and they'll help you pay for your education, plus you'll learn the military life, week-end warriors way. That's my opinion.
Best of luck and if its what you want than it was the right choice.
I also put some thought into College instead of joining, but came to the same conclusion.

My reasoning was that I didn't know exactly what I planned to take, and most of the things I was interested in you aren't exactly guaranteed to get a job doing locally. I found out apparently I could join up and do exactly what I wanted to do, get paid to learn to do it, and do it for an employer and in a place I would give my left nut to be a part of.

Real hard decision.  ::) I picked up an application the next day pretty much, and quit my job right away.

I can't wait for BMQ. I finally feel I am doing the right thing in life for once - It's real nice.  ;D
I found myself in the exact same situation many years ago. I ended up taking a year and a half off from school. I ended up working full time with the Reserves. I ended up clearing enough money to pay for the rest of my university education. I think the regular forces has a lot to offer but the benefit of having an education is priceless. You should examine what programs are available through the forces that could accommodate your education and allow you to decide if you want to make the jump. Good luck!
I did 4 years of school(dropped out for a year,for personal reasons), then joined the reg force. I then decided(while at st.jean), I personally should finish school :P.So I VR'd and now have one semester left of school and am currently awaiting acceptance into the reserves.Finish school, and stick with the reserves.when thats done go reg. force if you still feel up to it.best of luck.
Education is always a key factor, plus it wold help you  in your army career, but whatever you do should be what you want to do. Good Luck :)