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Anyone Like Star Trek/Sci-fi ?


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Anyone like stuff like Star Trek, or other Sci-fi shows etc ?

Oh you'll find plenty of fans of it anywhere in the world. Myslef I prefer Star Wars and Babylon 5 when it was on. But hey thats jus me.
Dude B5 Rocked.

Just loved the Combat Action Scenes, the White Stars were awesome.

Also liked the way Walter Koenig played Alfred Bester!

Rumour mill says they are going to produce a series based on Kirk's early career - his pre Enterprise days...wonder who they will get to play the young Kirk?  I vote Helo from BSG or Spike from Buffy...lol
Being in a Star Trek Club, based on the Maquis actually, I get to hear all that stuff quite regularly.

If it comes out, I'll have to see it.

HitorMiss said:
Oh you'll find plenty of fans of it anywhere in the world. Myslef I prefer Star Wars and Babylon 5 when it was on. But hey thats jus me.
Babylon 5? HoM I thought you were better than that.  :P
I like the older episodes of Star Trek the best, the newer ones are not bad, but there is something about the original show that I do like more.

BSG.  Simple as that.  I loved B5 as well, but never had the chance to watch it all.  Definitely had a very evolving story though.
Yes I really enjoy  watching star trek  and almost any other scifi out there in my personal collection I have Space Above and Beyond complete series , Firefly complete series  , Both Season of BSG , all the star wars movies , all the startrek movies  and the first three season of DS9  .   
        For me Sci fi is just plain fun to watch 

karl28 said:
Yes I really enjoy  watching star trek  and almost any other scifi out there in my personal collection I have Space Above and Beyond complete series , Firefly complete series  , Both Season of BSG , all the star wars movies , all the startrek movies  and the first three season of DS9  .   
        For me Sci fi is just plain fun to watch 
+1 on the Firefly and BSG
Any of you who haven't already taken the liberty to enjoy the very limited number of episodes of Firefly, I higly recommend you do.
I'm a fan of Starwars and Star Trek the next generation, the original Star Trek is alright.
HI Guys:

Wow I'm surprised.
And here I was thinking I'd get shot down, cause you all would be some serious Badasses! ;)

If anyone's interested I'm part of a Fan Club, which is free to join.


Check it out, if you like it, why not join .

Truth time:  I do like the Star Trek franchise.  When I was in high school, the original series was the only thing on at 10am, so my brother and I watched every one (no, we're not that old, re-runs on Space).  As a history nut, I really appreciated it for how it reflected the mood of the mid-60s - lots of issues are covered; racism, civil responsibility, crime and punishment, etc. etc.

I have only seen bits of the more recent series, but I've seen some episodes cover philosophical issues quite well.  I did get hooked on the final few season of DS9 because it was basically a continuing story about the war.  I'm a sucker for a continuing storyline, wanting to see how it turns out in the end.
I lof Star trek the next generation, DS9, and star wars, I love star gate

Im open minded but NO B5 for me
Gotta love Star Wars and Battlestar.  Used to like that CGI Starship Troopers series they had on awhile back.  Sort of stoked to see that new live-action Star Wars series when it eventually comes out.
I'm a Star Trek fan as well. I like the new series called Enterprise but the classics are always good to watch.

Sliders was one of the best sci fi shows to ever grace my television.  And firefly as well was a great, however short lived series,  and I also would suggest everyone watch at least one episode.  I just purchased the Dvd "Earth 2" I don't know if anyone remembers this one, it wasn't on for very long and it sucks watching the dvd because the story never goes anywhere it just ends.
:D GO BABYLON5.  I used to have to watch it in my room away from my family because they all thought it was the lamest corniest show ever.....pfffft...just look at me now!! :blotto:  hehe
I know this isn't a sci-fi per-say but Highlander is the greatest franchise ever known to man.  And if you watch the movies you find out the immortals are actually aliens! go figure.  The spin off show ( I think it was called Raven? starring that Amanda chick with the short blond hair) it was all right but I could tell from the beginning it wasn't going to last.

Man I am a GEEK, yet still I seem to get all the ladies?? ;) :salute: :cdn: