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SoF's Story


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You know how board I am to be writing this ;D Lets see..where to begin....I suppose I was first interested in the Canadian Forces back in Fall 04; I was a senior in highschool and one day I happened to notice a recruiting desk setup infront of our cafeteria. My curiosity gave in and I spent my lunch hour speaking with the recruiters. At the time I was unhappy with my currrent job so once hearing the benefits($$$ ;D) the reserves offered I was quite intrigued. I was given a info package to take home and that I did. I read through the different trades and the recruiting process. A week or so later I made a decision to join the Naval Reserves. Being only 17 at the time I was forced to run this by my folks who were not pleased.  The application form sat on my desk for several months until I turned 18.

I ran into the recruiters again at my school and had a 2nd conversation; by then it was April and if I wanted to do bmq in the summer I had to get my application in asap. After having my letter of references filled out and a copy of my transcript and going over my decision to join it was pushing May.  I submitted my application early May to my local Naval Reserve unit choosing Nav Comm as my trade. The deadline was June 16 05 to complete the recruiting process and have my file approved. I did the CFAT (apptitude test) on May 16th and I had my interview booked for a week later. The interview went well and my medical exam was booked for a week later. The medical exam did not go so well, I needed a form filled out by my doctor which did not help my cause as I had a little over 2 weeks before the cut off date. I had the form filled out and it was sent to where ever it had to go to be approved. Jun 1st, my pt test. I failed the pushups :( and had to do a retake. I passed the retake a few days later. I had done everything on my part and was now waiting for "the call". A week went by and no calls. I started calling the recruiting centre often for an update. A week or so later my file had arrived.....a day or two  AFTER the cutoff date.

Summer came and went and In September I finally got the call from the reserve unit, I was sworn in late September 05. I attended training nights regularly and learned how to polish boots, iron, ranks, and all that good stuff. Summer came by again but this time I was in Borden, Ontario. Basic was difficult at times and challanging but I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. I felt my year at the reserve unit and 2 months at basic gave a basic understanding of military life. I  started college this September with a plan to go reg force after I graduated. I found college to be tedious and much like highschool; I was not happy. I decided, after much consideration, to withdrawal from my program and follow through with my plan to join the regular forces. I looked at the different trades the Navy offered and decided to stick with my current trade, Nav Comm.  I went to the recruiting centre 2 weeks ago and filled out the paper work for a component transfer. I had my interview yesterday which was a complete success and had my medical exam was booked. I was told if things go smooth I should be sworn in before January. Well there you go. I'll continue to update.
SoF, good luck with the Reg.'s. Its unfortunate that you loss interest in college, a good education would have been nice to fall back on if you lose interest in the military.

I made that mistake of not completing my education and when I hung up my uniform for the last time, it was a shock to find out that a good education is required for most jobs now.

It was necessary for me to complete my education so I could apply to trades school.  If I had my time back!
Well I got the call today ;D, nav comm it is. I'll be going to CFB Esquimalt mid March for my ql3s. I'll update when I get more info.
Congrats! I'm in Esquimalt now on my QL1 (reserve equivalent to QL3) and loving it! My course ends the last week of March, so maybe I'll see you here!
SoF, good to hear that you finally got the call.  Best of luck on course, enjoy the Island and your new career.
Thank you everyone for your comments, I very much appreciate it. :)