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Old Jack Layton - Thoughts from a Soldier


Army.ca Veteran
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Just received this in an email.  I don't think it's been posted yet.  I wasn't given the original place where it was written, but here is one of the websites it has been put on: http://www.640toronto.com/station/blog_adler.cfm?bid=3074&m=9&y=2006

Ole Jack Layton ~ Thoughts From A Soldier

Dear Jack Layton,

You sit there in your quiet home
No fear is in your heart,
You sleep soundly certain that
It won't be blown apart.

Your children they can go to school
And play out in the park,
They've never seen a bomb explode
Heard air raids in the dark.

They've never seen dead bodies
Piled up on the street,
Your wife, she won't be beaten
Treated like a piece of meat

You are free to form opinions
Read any news print you can see,
You enjoy your rights and privileges
In this country wide and free.

The reason you can live like that
Is because I fight your wars
I fight and push the enemy back
I keep them off our shores.

I am here and you are there
Pretending you know best.
Well Ole Jack now listen close
While I get this off my chest.

You have the right to criticize
You have the right to complain
You don't have the right to drag me down
In a stupid political game

The thing about your rights Ole Jack
The part you can't comprehend
Is you work in the very system
The democracy I defend

I stand on fences around the world
Protecting those that need it
It is not for you too determine Jack
Whether or not it's worth it.

Ask the people in Afghanistan
If they want me to stay,
Women and children depend on me
You say just walk away.

I don't need your changing policy
Trying hard to not lose face
What I need is you behind me
Helping protect this place.

You know its hard to do this
When I Think I'm all alone.
I hear stories of young punks
Pissing on memorial stones.

I read the papers over hear
And they tell me what is said.
Canadians are losing faith
I can't get it through my head.

You say that it is hopeless
It really brings me down
Don't tell my mother we're losing
Spread that rumour around.

I'm doing good, were winning here
But no-one will believe
Because we are way over here
Where no one there can see.

Women here can work you see
Children starting school.
We built a working government
We've broken Taliban rule.

We are so close to winning this
It's not too far away
History will show that we
Were in the right to stay.

When that brilliant day arrives
Victory you'll claim is ours
You'll forget you said to run away
Forget you are a coward

On that day just thank me
For my courage and my trouble
Find another place that needs help
And send me on the double.


written by Josh Forbes
Calgary Alberta Canada
Truly amazing. If only sending millions upon millions of emails and letters and phone calls would get it through his head. (I think its that moustache of his.)
The following is reposted with permission from the CCS21 site - www.ccs21.org

The NDP, the War, and the Americans

Jack Granatstein, October 11, 2006

New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton has been demanding that Canada cease its combat role in Kandahar, a war, he says, that cannot be won, and devote itself to aid and development efforts there. In arguing this, he is on the moderate edge of his party--constituency associations at the NDP’s recent convention proposed resolutions that called Canadian troops “terrorists” and an “occupation” force—but he easily carried his delegates with him. Support the troops, the New Democrats cry. Bring ‘em home. Opinion polls suggest that preaching against the Afghan War resonates with Canadians.

The New Democratic Party is not one with much military expertise in its ranks. Layton himself has none; nor does Alexa McDonough, the former party leader. Only Nova Scotia M.P. Peter Stoffer (who spoke in opposition to Layton’s Afghan policy at the convention) and Winnipeg M.P. Bill Blaikie speak with any authority on military matters.

And yet, the NDP is scoring points with its Afghanistan position, especially as the casualties in the Canadians’ Kandahar operation continue their steady rise. Why?

The NDP always harks back to Canada’s proud tradition of United Nations peacekeeping. Canadians love peacekeeping which they associate with doing good, amilitary on the cheap, no casualties, and a role that differentiates them from their superpower neighbour. For a half-century, Canadians kept the peace in Cyprus, the Middle East, and the Congo with their blue berets and white-painted vehicles, while the United States makes war everywhere. This popular belief bears scant connection with either history or the reality of modern UN operations, but neither the NDP nor the public seems to care.

In fact, the NDP would far prefer Canada’s troops be deployed to Darfur in Sudan than to Kandahar. There, the UN would be in charge, or so Layton appears to believe. There are, of course, a few practical problems with a Darfur operation. The Khartoum government refuses entry to UN troops and threatens a jihad against them if they dare to come. Then, Canada has no way to get troops, even if it had the troops to send, to Darfur, no way to support them logistically in a barren area of the world, and no way to get them out in an emergency. Moreover, the casualties in Darfur might be far higher than in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, because the United States is (relatively) uninvolved and because women and children are being brutalized, Darfur is the NDP’s preferred operation.

The Afghanistan operation by contrast is portrayed as the work of a coalition of the willing—the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and a few other American satraps such as Australia. To Layton, Kandahar is just another part of George Bush’s Great War on Terror. “It’s time,” he said on September 26, “for a new approach. One that puts reconstruction, development and aid ahead of counter-insurgency.”

What Layton refuses to acknowledge is that the Afghan operation has been sanctioned by repeated United Nations resolutions, and is yet another military operation sub-contracted by the UN to those who are willing to pick up the burden. The UN’s undersecretary-general for peacekeeping, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, says bluntly that traditional UN peacekeepers can’t do the job in Afghanistan where robust forces are needed to take on the Taliban insurgents. The world organization wants its political and humanitarian efforts—and, not least, its efforts to assist women and children--in Afghanistan to succeed, and Guéhenne understands that without military action, the development and stabilization efforts could be stymied. The undersecretary-general last week even congratulated Canada for sending tanks to Kandahar!

Not one Canadian in a hundred, and certainly not Jack Layton and friends, understands that the United Nations considers the troops fighting in Afghanistan to be carrying out a Security Council mandate. The Canadian government would be wise to make this clear to the public.

That won’t stop the NDP, of course. While Jack Layton’s every instinct is to say that the United Nations is always good, his true default position is that the United States is forever evil. In Orwellian terms, the New Democrats equivalent to “four legs good, two legs bad” is “UN good, US evil.” Anti-Americanism sells well in Canada today, and President Bush is arguably the president of the last hundred years most despised by Canadians. So long as Stephen Harper insists on operating from what Layton calls “President George Bush’s tired playbook,” he will be painted as sharing a bed with the unpopular U.S. president. Canadians unhappy with the softwood lumber deal, with tightening border controls, and the Arar case are quick to accept Layton’s anti-Americanism at face value.

So, claiming to support our troops, Layton’s NDP wants our soldiers to concentrate on reconstruction and to opt out of an unwinnable war. Every Canadian wants an end to the war in Afghanistan and the establishment of government that can control this tribalized, dangerous state. Unfortunately, it will take combat to hold down the Islamist terrorists sufficiently to allow reconstruction and development to proceed. Ottawa understands this and even the United Nations does.

Why doesn’t Jack Layton get the message? The reason is clear: he believes that he can parlay Canadian casualties in Kandahar and the strident anti-Americanism in Canada into votes in the next election. He might be right, but Canadians should understand the bald-faced cynicism that underlies his policy.

Boxkicker said:
So shall we all email this to him maybe he will get the hint!!!!

Looks like so one already did...Guess you musta missed that post eh?

ArmyRick said:
I emailed him a copy of the poem.

The fact that he uses the death of soldiers for his twisted political agenda is disgusting. Support the troops? Jack Layton, you know nothing about support. You know nothing about anything which says something about everything about you. You are not in charge, you have nothing to do with any part of the mission and yet spew political bile continuously like you have digested all the ways the world works. Maybe if you took the picture of yourself with "PRIME MINISTER!!!!" written on it away from your desk you might get a dose of reality.

Woops, let that rant get away from me.  ;D
Patrick H. said:
The fact that he uses the death of soldiers for his twisted political agenda is disgusting. Support the troops? Jack Layton, you know nothing about support. You know nothing about anything which says something about everything about you. You are not in charge, you have nothing to do with any part of the mission and yet spew political bile continuously like you have digested all the ways the world works. Maybe if you took the picture of yourself with "PRIME MINISTER!!!!" written on it away from your desk you might get a dose of reality.

Woops, let that rant get away from me.  ;D

Of course he supports the troops about as much as quebec federalists love canada. =).
I've also sent a copy of the poem to the email.... It would be a pretty good idea if everyone here did the same to send TB Jack a little message.
Count me in. I've sent him a copy as well. Perhaps we'll overload the bandwith on the hotmail account that he uses :P

Disgusting of course...But I would not expect anything else, especially from the NDP.

What really bothers me is that they're willing to get elected on the back of a country (a'stan) that, until recently, was living in a medievil theocracy.

Layton and his minions could care less.

I have a hard time believing that the man or the party have a soul. If they do it must be pretty tarnished just now...

youravatar said:
Of course he supports the troops about as much as quebec federalists love canada. =).

Depends if you speak of people leaning toward PLQ or people leaning toward
PLC, section Québec...

PLC, section Québec will always be federalist.
PLQ tendancy, stangely, change with the leader. In the times before Mario Dumont quit
it to found the ADQ, they seem to tend toward more sovereignety and less federation...