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Anyone Like Star Trek/Sci-fi ?

I am the biggest ST fan you will ever find. I have all the movies on VHS AND DVD, I own several of the series on DVD, I have computer games, etc. I even went as a Borg drone when I was 9 for Halloween.

But I still love Battlestar Galactica.

7 Of 9 in that suit  :o
Im a big fan myself...

I own a bat'telh :)

I own all the TNG series (all 7)
I own all the DS9 series (all 7)
I used to learn to speak Kligon
I used to have a ST suit
I was a geek come to thing of it :)
mysteriousmind said:
Im a big fan myself...

I own a bat'telh :)

I own all the TNG series (all 7)
I own all the DS9 series (all 7)
I used to learn to speak Kligon
I used to have a ST suit
I was a geek come to thing of it :)

>:D  Hey!  You are the one who said it!  ;)
   Hey Rice0031 yeah I here you on liking  my fave Firefly epesode is  "Janestown"
karl28 said:
  Hey Rice0031 yeah I here you on liking  my fave Firefly epesode is  "Janestown"

"The one they caaaallled.... Jayne."


"Let's get back to the part where Jayne got his ass kicked by an eighty pound girl, 'cause I don't think that's ever getting old."

Awesome show and movie.
"Jayne.... why is there a giant statue of you here?"

"Do you want to run this ship!?"
"Well... ... you can't"
I used to be a die-hard Trek fan (read: fan. No I'm not a convention-goer). Someone suggested I start watching Battlestar Galactica. I was skeptical because I saw about 20 minutes of the pilot and thought it was a bit lame. I was harrassed again to watch it by my cousin, so I gave in and watched the whole pilot. I was hooked. And now going back to Trek, its just not the same. Trek is old, worn-out, and realllllly reallllly corny in comparison. You can really see the contrast between the two. Completely different styles.
But I guess Trek will always have its place. Just not the old place it used to have where, BSG now is :)
mysteriousmind said:
Im a big fan myself...

I own a bat'telh :)

Might be a good idea to issue these to Reg and Res personell in place of the bayonet. Could be put to good use in fighting terrorists :P
I watched Aliens yesterday one of my favorite movies.It scared the shyte out of me when I watched it the first time as a kid.Today I think I'm going to watch predator. ;D
I like how Battlestar Galatica merges both space war and ground war together. Brilliant show just could do with some more entertaining storylines. Drags on a bit.
Buck Rogers - 25th Cent.

Col. Deering was HOT!
Here's a treat for you sci fi fans. It's a trailer but you can find the full version if you wish. Lets hope and pray it comes out eh. I love thinking outside the box.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYbIHvblUjg (Paul Hellyer)

I like what Col. Phillip J Corso said in the full version. He hit the nail on the head and bless him for that.

All these fans and no interest in joining my club ?

What's the matter with you guys ?

I'm forming a new internet based chapter, for all fans of sci-fi. So all of you who have internet ability are welcome to join !

I like BSG too !!!!

First trailer just dropped for Babylon 5: The Road Home, a new animated movie.

Cool story, but ST: Strange New Worlds season 2 premiered today. Can’t wait to watch it tonight. AND, this is the season that is somehow pulling off a crossover episode with the Lower Decks animated series.