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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Booty said:
LOL.Put it this way,ask around in the 2 Bt about the ex Royal Marine who had a private fight when locked in an office within the armoury with a mouthy Corporal.And ask what his nickname was.

Oh yeah,just to help you out. Look through the posts in the Rifleman Online site. ;)

2 BT, is that in QOR, the crowd you asked about previously?

What colour was the boat house, or even better, the jump tower......


Oh and booty, just heard back from a good mate, RM Officer numbers are prefixed N, 6 numerals, then a letter.

You sir, are the WALT-est link....GOODBYE
Jammer said:
Don't go anywhere..I'll be back in a couple of hours with your answer on the SNs

I can't talk about the British SNs, but the Canadian one he claims to have had could be correct, if he joined in the 60's. The first letter would indicate which Military District he enrolled in. After the letter is five or six digits. The service number was replaced by the SIN in the 60's (couldn't find a date) and then with the new SN in the 90's.

Not trying to say he is what he claims to be, but if he was QOR of C in the 60's, then his SN would be correct.

Towards_the_gap said:
Hmm, interesting, the booties I've worked with (LC's from Poole BTW) had numbers that were the same as RN numbers...ie  prefixed P0, 5 numerals, ending in a letter.

Sort of correct. Other than RMR who have no prefixed numbers as that designates the place of enlistment to the corps. Other than X, which is reserved for Conscription.

As for out of Poole, Boat Troop (the old raiding squadron),Commachio having moved on to other things,  hails from there  also. It is also the main RM amphibious training wing.
211RadOp said:
I can't talk about the British SNs, but the Canadian one he claims to have had could be correct, if he joined in the 60's. The first letter would indicate which Military District he enrolled in. After the letter is five or six digits. The service number was replaced by the SIN in the 60's (couldn't find a date) and then with the new SN in the 90's.

Not trying to say he is what he claims to be, but if he was QOR of C in the 60's, then his SN would be correct.

Nice one ;) A man who talks sence for once. 1965-73 those numbers were issued.
Here's the "Canadian Airborne Forces" connection.  This site was found by tracking through Booty's e-mail address:


Booty, I think most of us are still awaiting the answer to the questions about the colour of the boat house (or jump tower) and about p-coy.  Stop dancing and answer!  ("Stop talking in riddles old man!")
Michael O`Leary said:
Here's the "Canadian Airborne Forces" connection.  This site was found by tracking through Booty's e-mail address:



:rofl: :pop:
Towards_the_gap said:
So google is your friend. Still waiting on an answer RE: P-Coy.

And your RM number is still out to lunch

I did P Company with Brit 2 Para in 79 as part of the proposed amalgamation of the Royal Marines and the Brit Para's.However, I was winged-up prior which made me only one of two out of twenty six in P company who had jumped.

My numbers are not out to lunch. Officers DO NOT! have standard service numbers, only pay bill numbers. ::)
Michael O`Leary said:
Here's the "Canadian Airborne Forces" connection.  This site was found by tracking through Booty's e-mail address:



OK, you beat me to the punch, and with a much better link.


An association of jumpers, Canadian and allies.

Canadian Airborne Forces however was/is not a term used to describe specific units. The terminology, is used in literature to describe the various and sundry Airborne units we have had through history, starting with the 1st Cdn Para Battalion (1942) through the Canadian Airborne Regiment, to the current jump Coys within the three Infantry Regiments.
well, I have a RM telling me otherwise, that RM offrs DO have service numbers.

So 2 Para ran p-coy???? Hmm.....thought it was for all airborne forces...funny that...
Tell me, on the trainasium, what is the very first obstacle, ie, what is the first thing you must do from the word go.

Teeps74 said:
OK, you beat me to the punch, and with a much better link.


An association of jumpers, Canadian and allies.

Canadian Airborne Forces however was/is not a term used to describe specific units. The terminology, is used in literature to describe the various and sundry Airborne units we have had through history, starting with the 1st Cdn Para Battalion (1942) through the Canadian Airborne Regiment, to the current jump Coys within the three Infantry Regiments.


Still waiting on an answer wrt the colour of the boat house...
Towards_the_gap said:
Oh and booty, just heard back from a good mate, RM Officer numbers are prefixed N, 6 numerals, then a letter.

You sir, are the WALT-est link....GOODBYE

Your mate needs to read his P&AR's more carefully.The N stands for Navy and is not used as a service referance prefix. The amount of numerals and or letters depends on when one joined and nothing else. ::)
But, I'm confused...

Your original story doesn't sound like one of an officer, or any sort of thing an officer would post.  Also, RM officers would show a heck of a lot more respect to their Canadian colleagues than you do.  You say that the story has everything to do with the Canadian Army, but the terminology is a mixed up mash of British terms that could be gleaned from reading various books and websites.  Andy McNab your favourite?  Ah, but, wait...  Were you the second guy on the balcony of the Iranian embassy?  Yeah, I heard he was an officer on secondment from the RM's.  I bet that was you!  C'mon, you can level with us.   ::) :boring:

You have a whole boatload of unanswered questions here.  Why did you post such a self-aggrandizing story in the first place?  To impress us?  Hasn't been done, now has it?   ::)

... and for the record, I called "walt" first!    ;)
