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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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Chris Pook said:
I read it as a statement of agreement under duress while, at the same time, maintaining the supremacy of the executive in foreign affairs.

Yes, but how can you release two official statements regarding the same matter?
Lumber said:
Yes, but how can you release two official statements regarding the same matter?
You just do - and season the interpretations with Tweets & statements from other officials.
PPCLI Guy said:
I take it that you must have some kind of inside track, because obviously you are not:

Nope, put me in the same group. I'm just Joe 24 pak that gives passing interest on NA politics. I've no training, don't do extreme in depth research to form my opinions, don't much care who listens or agrees. However, I do know when I'm being screwed though, and by whom.

And PPCLI Guy knows I could care less for smarmy, self righteous attacks upon myself. I don't pay particular attention to those that don't contribute anything except using their weight and stature to show up in threads to just insult the other people here. If they actually provided discussion worthy narrative, instead of childish barbs, they might actually be useful around here.

**SIDEBAR** - In case members haven't noticed, the owner has decided to clamp down on some past practices that got away from us over the years. ad hominem attacks and other practices we are used to are gone. As a major offender of such, I've decided to stay level towards politicians and others and support Mike on his way forward. Others used to the old ways will have to change or bow out.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Third, what does it have to do with Trudeau? You gave a habit of deflecting your responses to just attacks on the left when Trump is criticized. I assume this is because you have no actual evidence outside of a blog or some similar vehicle to prove your points.

4th, you forgot to mention that our economy grew faster than any in the G20 and interest rates went up due to the bank of Canada's increased confidence in our economy. You also forgot that the military got a 70% budget hike.

I'm not the one that brought Trump into the Canadian politics thread. I simply replied to others' statements

I didn't forget anything.

70% budget hike consisting of smoke and mirrors and yet they still can't buy a pair of boots. :rofl:

We're not changing each others minds. It's been fun.
Rounding back to American political fracas, some of the latest from social media on the anti-Russian sanctions -- a Twitter dig from John McCain (attached), as well as this from Russia's PM via FB:
The US President's signing of the package of new sanctions against Russia will have a few consequences. First, it ends hopes for improving our relations with the new US administration. Second, it is a declaration of a full-fledged economic war on Russia. Third, the Trump administration has shown its total weakness by handing over executive power to Congress in the most humiliating way. This changes the power balance in US political circles.

What does it mean for them? The US establishment fully outwitted Trump; the President is not happy about the new sanctions, yet he could not but sign the bill. The issue of new sanctions came about, primarily, as another way to knock Trump down a peg. New steps are to come, and they will ultimately aim to remove him from power. A non-systemic player has to be removed. Meanwhile, the interests of the US business community are all but ignored, with politics chosen over a pragmatic approach. Anti-Russian hysteria has become a key part of both US foreign policy (which has occurred many times) and domestic policy (which is a novelty).

The sanctions regime has been codified and will remain in effect for decades unless a miracle happens. This legislation is going to be harsher than the Jackson-Vanik amendment as it is overarching and cannot be lifted by a special presidential order without Congress' approval. Thus, relations between Russia and the United States are going to be extremely tense regardless of Congress’ makeup and regardless of who is president. Lengthy arguments in international bodies and courts are ahead, as well as rising international tensions and refusal to settle major international issues.

What does it mean for us? We will steadily continue our work on developing the economy and social sector, take efforts to substitute imports, and solve major national tasks, relying mostly on ourselves. We have learned to do so in the past few years, in conditions of almost closed financial markets as well as foreign investors' and creditors' fear of investing in Russia upon penalty of sanctions against third parties and countries. To some extent, this has even been to our advantage, although sanctions are meaningless overall. We will cope.
Further digs via Twitter (here, here) from RUS's PM also attached ...


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Lumber said:
Yes, but how can you release two official statements regarding the same matter?

It's done all the time here in canada, Lumber: One official statement in French, one in English.

... and funny enough, they don't always match one another  ;D.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
It's done all the time here in canada, Lumber: One official statement in French, one in English.

... and funny enough, they don't always match one another  ;D.
True, but it's not often we see the French version being a "yeah, but..."  ;D
Bird_Gunner45 said:
4th, you forgot to mention that our economy grew faster than any in the G20 and interest rates went up due to the bank of Canada's increased confidence in our economy. You also forgot that the military got a 70% budget hike.

Not to mention that taxes as a percentage of GDP are at their lowest level in half a century.  Our economy grew at the fastest rate this millennium.
The "vote fraud exists" / "no it doesn't" debate misses the point.  Voting controls exist to protect appearances, not just reality.  Whether people believe "the system" is fair and unimpeachable is at least as important as whether it truly is.
Brad Sallows said:
The "vote fraud exists" / "no it doesn't" debate misses the point.  Voting controls exist to protect appearances, not just reality.  Whether people believe "the system" is fair and unimpeachable is at least as important as whether it truly is.

Which is what makes Trump's baseless accusations about fraud so dangerous. He started blaming fraud when he though he'd lose, than doubled down for whatever reason. If there isn't proof he should stop this non sense
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Which is what makes Trump's baseless accusations about fraud so dangerous. He started blaming fraud when he though he'd lose, than doubled down for whatever reason. If there isn't proof he should stop this non sense

You mean like the Trump/Russia collusion witch hunt? How long have we been talking about it, and the best proof discovered so far was "some people met with Russian people once". Dollars to donuts the Grand Jury finds nothing, and the media quickly drops all mention of it. It'll be an easy transition considering Trump's propensity to put his foot in his own mouth, but the story will disappear as soon as the general public finds out its false.
PuckChaser said:
You mean like the Trump/Russia collusion witch hunt? How long have we been talking about it, and the best proof discovered so far was "some people met with Russian people once". Dollars to donuts the Grand Jury finds nothing, and the media quickly drops all mention of it. It'll be an easy transition considering Trump's propensity to put his foot in his own mouth, but the story will disappear as soon as the general public finds out its false.

No, I mean like Trump making people doubt the voting system. Not related to Trump's Russian Daliances. No need to deflect
Bird_Gunner45 said:
No, I mean like Trump making people doubt the voting system. Not related to Trump's Russian Daliances. No need to deflect

There is doubt about the voting system every election, and there will be next time, also.
Jarnhamar said:
There is videos of voters stuffing the ballot box for Clinton.  Other stories of dead people voting. If anyone should doubt anything it's the media in the US with their bs 99.9%  landslide for Clinton  polls and such.  The elite and media have been against Trump from day one, they just picked the losing side.

Care to share your sources? I've searched high and low and nothing
recceguy said:
There is doubt about the voting system every election, and there will be next time, also.

Sure, but the president ranting about unsubstantiated fraud doesn't help in any way. Most leaders try to calm people but Trump is "different"
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Sure, but the president ranting about unsubstantiated fraud doesn't help in any way. Most leaders try to calm people but Trump is "different"

How do you calm the people? It's the left that ANTIFA and BLM belong to. Shooting police, rioting, fires, vandalism and anarchy. It's the dems complaining about the unsubstantiated Russian collusion on the elections (election fraud). All the hearings and special counsels circus that has been going on is a whole lot more damaging to the Americans, than Trump's tweets ever could be.

I'll agree some of his tweets are right out of 'er, but it allows him to talk straight to the people without the media spinning his message. The left and the MSM don't like his tweets because they can't control them, but you don't hear many complaints from the right about them because they feel he's talking directly to them.

So the left says no, the right says yes. Same as it ever was. Neither can claim the high ground.
Lots of dems going to be pissed today. ;D


West Virginia’s Governor Jim Justice announced that he was switching parties this Thursday during an appearance at President Donald Trump’s rally in Huntington, W.Va.

video: https://youtu.be/SbZ1qas1gQ4

recceguy said:
Lots of dems going to be pissed today. ;D


West Virginia’s Governor Jim Justice announced that he was switching parties this Thursday during an appearance at President Donald Trump’s rally in Huntington, W.Va.

video: https://youtu.be/SbZ1qas1gQ4

No biggie (except to the people who voted for him). Justice was always a Republican. He only joined the Democratic party in 2015 in order to get the Democratic nomination for governor which made him a bit of a fair-weather Democrat. He subsequently ran and was elected in 2016.


recceguy said:
How do you calm the people? It's the left that ANTIFA and BLM belong to. Shooting police, rioting, fires, vandalism and anarchy. It's the dems complaining about the unsubstantiated Russian collusion on the elections (election fraud). All the hearings and special counsels circus that has been going on is a whole lot more damaging to the Americans, than Trump's tweets ever could be.

I'll agree some of his tweets are right out of 'er, but it allows him to talk straight to the people without the media spinning his message. The left and the MSM don't like his tweets because they can't control them, but you don't hear many complaints from the right about them because they feel he's talking directly to them.

So the left says no, the right says yes. Same as it ever was. Neither can claim the high ground.

I guess I juse hold the supposed leader of the free world to a higher standard than you do. I expect an adult and don't accept someone who does and says stuff I would expect from a 2lt.

Maybe that's why he's trying to make the whole staff generals.
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