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Ignorance of civvies...

Greetings everyone,

I am here with my husband posted in Winnipeg and he is away right now on course. A couple of weeks ago I had to go to Home Depot and someone in their truck cut me off. I honked my horn and he stopped his truck and did a u-turn and proceeded to follow me through the parking lot , I though he gave up so I parked the car and I was walking in between the cars and I looked over my shoulder and there he was still following me. I got to the end of the cars and he did his corner stopped in front of me and yelled out "All you Military people are murderers and should be shot and go to hell." Needless to say I was horrified, Home Depot escorted me back to my car and checked to see if the truck was any where in sight and if there was any damage to our car. Our car has veterans plates,support your troop magnetics and the base pass. My husband feels if he was in the car with me that individual would of not done what he did.

be well
Buford001 said:
Our car has veterans plates,support your troop magnetics and the base pass. My husband feels if he was in the car with me that individual would of not done what he did.

I think your husband is right. The  :( idiot focused on the stuff on your car and ranted at you simply because you were a woman and he thought he could get away with it.

Winnipeg is incredibility pro military. That does not mean that 100% know and understand the military, there are idiots out there in every town and city. We try to license and leash them when we find them, but....  ;D
Buford001, I hope you got that clown's licence plate and a good description to pass to law enforcement, that was not only stupid and revolting behavior, but also bordering on criminal (indeed his stated words could be construed as threatening language or even assault).

Sad to say, OPSEC and PERSEC would preclude expressions of support like veteran's licence plates, support your troops magnetic stickers etc. The base pass should be mounted on a piece of Plexiglas that you can put up on the window (if it is the stick on kind) when approaching the base, but otherwise concealed from view.

It is one thing to be proud of our institution and position in life, it is quite another thing to invite grief from cowardly individuals who have no self respect and intend to take it out on others.
a_majoor said:
expressions of support like veteran's licence plates, support your troops magnetic stickers etc.
Thread hijack: if you're reading seriously, skip to whoever posts next  ;)

On the back of my Jeep, there are stickers from the Canadian Airborne Regiment and Harley-Davidson. No one has shouted abuse. I get thumbs-up from guys who may or may not be jumpers/bikers....sure, women swoon pretty regularly....and weak guys get miffed that their girls' swoon.....but so far, there's been nothing but support  ;D

(Oh, and I took the Queen's University sticker off, 'cause I just got tired of guys blowing kisses and hairy-legged women yelling something about ' Feminist Studies rocks' and male oppression or whatever)
Journeyman said:
Thread hijack: if you're reading seriously, skip to whoever posts next   ;)

I guess that'd be me.

Gotta give the readers somewhere to go after that little gem! :-*
Journeyman said:
Thread hijack: if you're reading seriously, skip to whoever posts next   ;)

On the back of my Jeep, there are stickers from the Canadian Airborne Regiment and Harley-Davidson. No one has shouted abuse. I get thumbs-up from guys who may or may not be jumpers/bikers....sure, women swoon pretty regularly....and weak guys get miffed that their girls' swoon.....but so far, there's been nothing but support   ;D

(Oh, and I took the Queen's University sticker off, 'cause I just got tired of guys blowing kisses and hairy-legged women yelling something about ' Feminist Studies rocks' and male oppression or whatever)
LMAO...you're my idol JM...LMAO TFF

Journeyman said:
(Oh, and I took the Queen's University sticker off, 'cause I just got tired of guys blowing kisses and hairy-legged women yelling something about ' Feminist Studies rocks' and male oppression or whatever)

How dare you JM! I swear I used VEET that day! ;D
a_majoor said:
Sad to say, OPSEC and PERSEC would preclude expressions of support like veteran's licence plates, support your troops magnetic stickers etc. The base pass should be mounted on a piece of Plexiglas that you can put up on the window (if it is the stick on kind) when approaching the base, but otherwise concealed from view.

It is one thing to be proud of our institution and position in life, it is quite another thing to invite grief from cowardly individuals who have no self respect and intend to take it out on others.

a_major: If the situation in Canada has truly deteriorated to the point at which we need to take these kinds of actions, we're in trouble. However, without belittling Buford001's very frightening experience,  I just don't see any evidence that, beyond a few isolated mouth-breathers and other assorted idiots who exist in all communities, there is a need to take measures such as you recommend. What's next-not wearing our uniforms in public? Idiots such as Buford encountered exist everywhere: quite often (I bet...) you'll find they are unhappily ex-military, or failed to get into the military, or have some other beef: I don't think they represent any kind of significant force in society. I spent nearly four very happy years in Winnipeg, living in a middle class civilian neighbourhood. I often stopped at stores, Tim's, etc in uniform, or attended activities in the city in uniform. I never once received any negative comments, nor do I know anybody who did (of any rank or gender) who did, nor did I ever hear of anyboy's spouse being harassed. We need to guard against reverting into our old civvy-hating paranoia of ten or twenty years ago.

Buford001 said:
"All you Military people are murderers
that's when ol' para-poo drags buddy through his window with a manic grin and rolling eyes, spits t'baccy juice into his face and says in his best Jack Nicholson (circa Cuckoo's Nest / The Shining era) impression says "You're right! And you're next!"

Coward, who thought he could terrify a lone woman. It was probably the horn. Lots of weaker men can't handle a rebuke for their actions from a woman. He may have simply used your husbands' service as the most convenient target.

I hope you got info enough to give the Police a description. Or better: Rear Party.
That reminds me of an incident I wish I didn't have to think about it was not one of my better moments.

We were attending the Remembrance Day ceremonies in West Edmonton Mall. My husband and I were standing outside of our car because we were waiting for some of his buddies to come. This woman was in her car, I guess she figured that we were leaving and was waiting for our spot. Well my husband waved her on. She speed right past us and parked a couple of cars from us. As she was walking past my husband and myself she started screaming" What have you done for your country? Why should I remember you a*(&(*&(*" She continued to scream as my blood pressure was climbing. The rest of her rant I would not be able to put on this forum. ( however you could just imagine it) I took a step because I was going to hmm sort this out. Hubby calming put his hand on my shoulder and said it was not worth it. I was amazed because here he is standing in full military uniform and he is being calm when I was seeing RED.

All he said was it is a pity that Men and Women have died to give people like that the Freedom of Speech.

I am still mad.. I should of just punched her out.. then I would of been happy.
your husband did the right thing.

Most folks on here know that when I use word's like "para-poo" and "t'baccy" I'm being funny. I've taken insults, blows and spittle from civilians before. Just proves I'm better when I walk away.
It's exactly what the police told me when I called "he has the right of freedom of speech", MP's said it happened off base so they could not do anything, my husband is on course for 8 weeks so there is no rear party (not even a phone call). What's the old saying What doesn't kill you just makes you stronger.I do know not everyone is like that and more and more are showing the Military their support.

be well, be safe

It's not just the CF. Twice coming back to the States( in late sixties), I've had people call me baby killer, and all that good stuff. I had to look at them like a deer in the headlights, because I sure didn't expect it. Only once, in a men's washroom, was I able to "converse" with the "gentleman". It was very satisfying..... ;D
Well I am not a violent person, I guess I got so mad because I have never experienced anything like that before in my life.

But on the other hand( I know this is not where to post it) but needs to be mentioned. I was at superstore the a couple of weeks ago getting formula, and my daughter was talking to the man behind me telling him her Daddy is in Afghanistan and he is a soldier. Well when I got to the cashier I did not have a wallet it was in the car. At this point my youngest is screaming to high heaven. The gentleman who my daughter is talking to pulls out a 20 and pays for my formula. I kept telling him no sir please I will get my wallet. He looks at me and says it is the least he can do because my husband is doing so much for this country. I told him to come to the car and I will give him the money back and he said No, he felt better by helping out. He just looked at me and said Thank your husband for us. We Canadians do appreciate our armed forces. I had tears down my face because I have never seen such an act of courtesy before.
I'm in Vancouver at the moment, if you've read my posts you'll know i'm hoping/waiting for exchange with RCD. But i've found that Canadians are really good about people in the Forces, back home people are a lot more reserved, I've never got the whole "Thanks for serving" back home but we do get a few pats on the back at various times. Anyway, since i've been here i've introduced as being in the Australian army by the people i've been staying with and its only got good responses. I had my first hand shake and "Thank you for serving" last week, which really embarrased me. Ah well, i just thought i'd mention that one as well, Canadians (maybe because of the toll in Afghanistan) seem a lot more interested in people who are serving then Australians are back home. But thats just me
I've never known anyone that hasn't held the CF in the utmost respect.. this truly saddens me.
Man i can't wait to get out into the feild,and get some trigger time in.... :warstory: :threat: :salute:
PTE-Laing said:
Man i can't wait to get out into the feild,and get some trigger time in.... :warstory: :threat: :salute:

You've been watching too many movies.  Grow up.
PTE-Laing said:
Man i can't wait to get out into the feild,and get some trigger time in.... :warstory: :threat: :salute:

Oh man... you have got to be kidding me. Do you even comprehend the seriousness of using a firearm? You have the ability to KILL someone. I'm interested in the Air Force.. but I can assume with almost 100% certainty the Army does NOT want trigger happy video game kids joining up.

Working as a student customs officer.. and hearing the new legislation in place to arm customs officers ( the chances of arming students is nil anyway) I still contemplated how I would feel with a sidearm attached to my hip, taking a more prominent role than the current baton and pepper spray we have now. It was very sobering, to realise that if I did not do my job with the utmost professionalism and tact, and even if I did so.. that in a brief few seconds I could have destroyed a life and untold other peoples lives in the process.

Sorry for the rant, but that sort of immature viewing of the Army, and the CF as a whole just pisses me off.