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Ignorance of civvies...

I remember the bar incident - the Barbary Coast IIRC.  The twit was gay bashing with an arty sim I believe.  I leave the name of their unit out of it.

Haha, you can imagine the excuse cant you Zipperheap! " There i was, innocently marching down the street when i suddenly thought "I need to practice my buttstroke, right here, right now" And crash! Who would have thought someone choose that moment to head butt the solid wooden rear end of my SLR? I mean (To quote you) it was CRAZY!".
And so Remember gentlemen, we are members of Her Majesty's Commonwealth forces and are at all times under the public gaze, our behaviour must therefore reflect this...except if you can get the bastard alone and in a dark alley.
On a serious note, anyone who does what Medicineman and Centurian are alluding to doesnt deserve to be a part of any western military, i was quite serious about everything before the alleyway and thats the public perception we live by. If theres one bad apple the rest of them must be rotten, it brings a lot of shame on everyone when things like that happen
medicineman said:
I remember the bar incident - the Barbary Coast IIRC.  The twit was gay bashing with an arty sim I believe.  I leave the name of their unit out of it.


It was 3PPCLI in Victoria: I arrived at the battalion not too long after the incident. It wasn't a secret then, so we aren't doing any harm by discussing it now. It was considered (in those days...) as a big laugh in battalion. Today we might see it a bit differently.

and one guy I recall working with in Victoria liked to get cammed up and illegally hunt deer with a pistol in the northern island area).

And, IIRC, this guy was 3PP also. If it is the guy I recall, I was Officer of the Court at his Court Martial in Esquimalt. His PMQ was found to be full of ammo, pyro, demolitions, weapon parts, etc. His story was that   he had been "training himself" to go work as a merc in South Africa.

Although I must admit Victoria has one of the flakiest populations in Canada.  Too many liberals, witches, environmentalists, and druggies who like that fact that they are unlikely to freeze to death if they pass out in the local woods

Reminds me of an internal security briefing we got back in the mid 80's in 3PP. The RCMP CI guy giving it told us that BC had the biggest concentration of  dangerous or potentially dangerous groups of any part of Canada. If you consider that BC produced groups like Direct Action and the Squamish Five, he wasn't far wrong.

pbi said:
The RCMP CI guy giving it told us that BC had the biggest concentration of  dangerous or potentially dangerous groups of any part of Canada.

Hmm... and what did he say after 3PP moved to Edmonton ?

dapaterson said:
Hmm... and what did he say after 3PP moved to Edmonton ?


"Good riddance". Ha. Ba-dump-bump. Try the meatloaf, folks, and don't forget to validate! 8)


FYI Direct Action and the Squamish Five were one and the same. They styled themsleves Direct Action after the French Action Directe as one of the founders Ann Hanso had worked on the fringes of that movement. It was the press IIRC that dubbed them the Squamish Five due to where they were arrested and the location of their "training area."

Still a fairly good example of how extreme the fringe elements in our society can get and a bit embarrasing for our military when one considers where the other "leader" Brent Taylor received his training.

Danjanou said:

FYI Direct Action and the Squamish Five were one and the same. They styled themsleves Direct Action after the French Action Directe as one of the founders Ann Hanso had worked on the fringes of that movement. It was the press IIRC that dubbed them the Squamish Five due to where they were arrested and the location of their "training area."

Still a fairly good example of how extreme the fringe elements in our society can get and a bit embarrasing for our military when one considers where the other "leader" Brent Taylor received his training.


Right you are. I stand corrected.

I'm at Brock University for Political Science... I can't even remember all of the hippy kids that try all kinds of lines on me. Then I ask them how what they're doing will make any difference in the world at all and they're all like "I'll be a productive member of society"

this is when I point out a few good stories that illustrate the opportunities that soldiers have to really really do something sweet when they go on operations like how the late sgt. Marc Leger really helped those people organise some representation so they could recieve aid, and the recent one about the kid with the tumor on his head in Afg.

they usually at least partially reconsider thier viewpoint when they realise how many dimensions we operate in these days.
2 days ago I was going to a coffee shop in my "beloved" city, I was dressed in my DEUs and was driving a military van. I was heading to a ceremony to commemorate the marking of 36 graves of WW1 veterans who had lied in a cemetery forgotten for the last 50 years. As I walked into the coffee shop a bystander called me a "piece of s#$%" I asked him why he would say this, as he didn't know me. he said that he hated all things military, and all we did was go around the world killing people. I dismissed him as an uninformed jackass and moved off.  He then continued to berate me, spouting off all sorts of nonsensical crap. Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident around here, I hear stories of fellow service members that I work with, who are either getting spit on, vehicles vandalized, profanities hurled at them on a daily basis. this has been going on for quite some time. I have served (and still am) Canada for the past 23 years.I have been in cadets, the reserves and I am still serving in the Regs ----the point is, the majority of Canadians don't get it. They don't realize that what we are doing overseas,and  what we have done  historically, is come to the aid of those who can't protect themselves. I don't mean to simplify our missions, but whenever Canada has been asked to help, we've answered the call.
After 20 plus years I should be used to this.....believe me I always try and "suck it up, and walk it off" but for some reason this day, it was too much. As a matter of fact it motivated me to came back to this site and register. I figure I would rant to those who have gone through similar circumstances or would understand my frustration.
The anti-war rhetoric that is flowing like cheap wine in the country is growing into anti-military behaviour which is abhorrent.  Most soldiers I know are anti-war, because they have either been there, or have been on the tail end of numerous conflicts which they have been called upon to pick up the pieces and find some way to bring stability to that war torn region.
Most Canadians pride themselves on being accepting, and part of a multi-cultural society. I guess that  doesn't apply if you are from the Military culture.
2VP said:
2 days ago I was going to a coffee shop in my "beloved" city, I was dressed in my DEUs and was driving a military van. I was heading to a ceremony to commemorate the marking of 36 graves of WW1 veterans who had lied in a cemetery forgotten for the last 50 years. As I walked into the coffee shop a bystander called me a "piece of s#$%" I asked him why he would say this, as he didn't know me. he said that he hated all things military, and all we did was go around the world killing people. I dismissed him as an uninformed jackass and moved off.  He then continued to berate me, spouting off all sorts of nonsensical crap. Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident around here, I hear stories of fellow service members that I work with, who are either getting spit on, vehicles vandalized, profanities hurled at them on a daily basis.

I'm guessing by your "2VP" username that you're referring to Winnipeg? If so, my experience there 2002-2005 was just the opposite, by a very long mile, in just about every way. I still think that actions such as you decribe are in the minority, and carried out by people who probably already resent authority, law and order, anybody in a uniform, etc. It sounds to me like you acted in a reasonable way, but it was wasted on an unreasonable idiot.

That's sad. I've never had much of a problem in Winnipeg. I been on the bus in uniform and only once had some Osborne kid say something but that was it. Most people have been pretty good to me. Ask questions about things I've done or heading off to do. I find most Ignorance is brought on my lack of knowledge and when you tell people in a nice manner...they kind of back off.
medicineman said:
I remember the bar incident - the Barbary Coast IIRC.  The twit was gay bashing with an arty sim I believe.  I leave the name of their unit out of it.


There was also the incident with the bikers from San Fran at Big Bad Johns in '86 and the big punch up at the Red Lion the night following the day the Navy finally got the key to the city for good behaviour.

Quagmire said:
Actually it may be Brandon he is speaking of.

Could be, in which case I wouldn't know: I was only there a few times, briefly.

"Actually it may be Brandon he is speaking of."

Might just be a few people who are jealous they didn't get that nice easy good paying job on the base...ehehe!!! ;D
Cabose said:
.....I wont have to get up at five every morning this summer. 

;D Anything past 0510h is a 'sleep in' for me, five days a week!


pbi said:
I'm guessing by your "2VP" username that you're referring to Winnipeg? If so, my experience there 2002-2005 was just the opposite, by a very long mile, in just about every way. I still think that actions such as you decribe are in the minority, and carried out by people who probably already resent authority, law and order, anybody in a uniform, etc. It sounds to me like you acted in a reasonable way, but it was wasted on an unreasonable idiot.

Although I never had a problem myself, I've heard of others getting this kind of abuse in Winnipeg.  However I must agree with pbi (see the words in bold above, nicely worded by teh way), it is present in every city.