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Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

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Sgt  Schultz said:
It's hard for me to say. I'm more in the dark on it. 50/50 let's say. Peter's case is a tad in the confused zone. This thread does open a lot of doors.
Please do forgive me if you found I was referring to you or 48th regulator as "unethical monsters".  That was not my intentions.

Edit to add a few words.

But you see the point we are making, by using his strong words and his political savvy he has made a voter out of you.

By using Big scary words like Monster and scum, and giving cute little examples of children being the wee heroes, he has used every tactic to convince people that he is supportive of our Vet's.  Therefore, he appears to actually care, and wins votes.

When in actuality, he does not have a clue what he is fighting for.  Is he going to go through all of the items that the vet has sold, and ensure the other buyers will not  profit from those items?  Is he targetting the reason behind the Vet's motive to selling the medals? 

Why does he not do that?  Because that would take money, and he would have to address that as well.

All propaganda to win him voters.


the 48th regulator said:
It's an open forum, feel free to send him the link.
Done. I told him about this site today, face to face.

But you see the point we are making, by using his strong words and his political savvy he has made a voter out of you.
He is in my riding. But is doesn't mean I'm a supporter. My views are Conservative. I'm just intrested into Peter's view on the collectors concept. He still won't get my vote.

By using Big scary words like Monster and scum, and giving cute little examples of children being the wee heroes, he has used every tactic to convince people that he is supportive of our Vet's.

And that is why I find him a tad biases on the issue.

I'm just rereading the thread here, over and over.
Wait one... I guess.  ;D

Edit to add last quote phrase.

Sgt  Schultz said:
Anywho today, I had the chance to talk to Peter Stoffer at one of the levee spots. I ask him into his views about his collectors bill. It seems to me, he does make sense. I agree with that. And only that of the NDP Party. He gave an example stating a few weeks ago, an older veteran sold his medals to a "collector" which then sold it on eBay behind the veterans back.

So?  The Veteran SOLD his medals.  Done.  Over with.  Transaction complete.  They no longer belong to him.  If he sold his house or car to someone and they sold it in turn for a profit, would he still have the same opinion?  Get real.  A LEGAL transaction took place.  The new owner sold property that they legally owned for a profit.  It happens everyday, in every walk of life. 

Sgt  Schultz said:
Peter gave me his idea on what to do with the medals. He said that he seen a school in Yarmouth NS. And in there, one wall is full of shadow boxes with medals and history on these veterans. To educate the kids on what the veterans gave up for us. Very touching idea if I say. I would love to visit it someday.

Very nice.  I know of some of these displays.  One in fact in an Armouries Mess in Ottawa (Walkley).  The Mess Committee or PMC decided to redo their Mess, and in the process threw out "donated" limited edition prints signed and dated by the artist, numerous plaques, and other mementos into the garbage bin out back.  Some more 'historically' minded members were able to rescue some of these objects and find better homes for them.  Do you think these displays in the school won't face a similar fate in some future date?
George Wallace said:
So?  The Veteran SOLD his medals.  Done.  Over with.  Transaction complete.  They no longer belong to him.  If he sold his house or car to someone and they sold it in turn for a profit, would he still have the same opinion?  Get real.  A LEGAL transaction took place.  The new owner sold property that they legally owned for a profit.  It happens everyday, in every walk of life. 

I fully understand your last. It was a "story" that Peter told me.

Very nice.  I know of some of these displays.  One in fact in an Armouries Mess in Ottawa (Walkley).  The Mess Committee or PMC decided to redo their Mess, and in the process threw out "donated" limited edition prints signed and dated by the artist, numerous plaques, and other mementos into the garbage bin out back.  Some more 'historically' minded members were able to rescue some of these objects and find better homes for them.  Do you think these displays in the school won't face a similar fate in some future date?

Now this is the part that does scare me. That makes an excellent point. What will happen after the display is removed? I sure wonder if Peter Stoffer may come on here and pipe up. That would be intresting.
Sgt  Schultz said:
I fully understand your last. It was a "story" that Peter told me.

Now this is the part that does scare me. That makes an excellent point. What will happen after the display is removed? I sure wonder if Peter Stoffer may come on here and pipe up. That would be intresting.

He's your MP - invite him:  StoffP@parl.gc.ca
Sgt  Schultz said:
Now this is the part that does scare me. That makes an excellent point. What will happen after the display is removed? I sure wonder if Peter Stoffer may come on here and pipe up. That would be intresting.

When he does, perhaps he'd like to bring the following information:

1.  How many medals are in the Canadian War Museum's collection?
2.  How many soldiers do they represent?
3.  How many are on public display?
4.  Of those on public display, how many are to valour award winners, and, more importantly, how many are not?
5.  Of those on public display, how many are singles or other medals from broken groups?
6.  Can any member of the public ask to see any of the other medals, and expect to have their request met in a reasonable time frame at no cost to themselves?
7.  Is there currently a publicly accessible list of all the soldiers whose medals are in the Museum's collection?
8.  How many of those soldiers have been researched?
Roy Harding said:
He's your MP - invite him:    StoffP@parl.gc.ca

I did. 

Watch and shoot guys.. ;D

Michael O`Leary~ You do make good questions there. May be we are some how misinterpreting his concept. It does seem there are a few holes that need to be fill before it goes a head.

This is what I love about milnet.ca! It makes you think.

Edit to add last part.
Sgt  Schultz said:
I sure wonder if Peter Stoffer may come on here and pipe up. That would be intresting.

That will never happen. He is a politican.

The accronym LEG comes to mind  ;D.


Wesley  Down Under said:
That will never happen. He is a politician.

Why do you have to say it so bluntly?  ;D

Oh, on the medal story here. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of a U-boat War Badge? Or an Iron Cross? Canadian store prefere.


Massa, "I's calls 'em as I's sees 'em."

I have little or no faith or hope in ALL politicians, and they fall into the same catagory as lawyers, bankers, and used car salesmen.

EDIT: the above paragraph is now to include ex-wives  ;D


Wesley  Down Under said:
Massa, "I's calls 'em as I's sees 'em."

I have little or no faith or hope in ALL politicians, and they fall into the same catagory as lawyers, bankers, and used car salesmen.



God love Ya! Amen!  :rofl:
Well here is an email I got from their office. Still no real reply.

Thank you for taking the time to contact our office with your recent e-mail message. 
Peter would welcome the opportunity to speak directly with you concerning this matter.
Please forward your phone number(s) indicating the most convenient time to contact you. 
Thank you in advance. 
Matthew Godwin
Constituency Assistant
Peter Stoffer, MP Sackville - Eastern Shore Tele: 902.861.2311
Toll Free in Nova Scotia: 1.888.701.5557
Fax: 902.861.4620Stoffp1@parl.gc.ca
CEP 232
George Wallace said:
Looks like you were given the "courtesy" of a Form Letter.   ;)

That's what I figure Mr. Wallace. We"ll have to wait one.
Sgt  Schultz said:
That's what I figure Mr. Wallace. We"ll have to wait one.

That's standard practice for any MP, they get a lot of email. To sift out the spammers and trolls they ask you for a good time to contact you and generally they will get a hold of you to discuss the matter. The first real person will likely be an aide as well. the members are often up in Ottawa and they maintain an office in the riding and one in Ottawa. With Parliament about to resume I would think he's back up there at the moment.
I can personally attest that Peter Stoffer will call you directly if you give your phone number. I am in his constituency and have talked with him on the phone several times about Veterans issues. People may not like his party, but Peter is genuinely interested in the welfare of everyone who has worn the uniform, past or present. Whether or not he will have the time to come on here and speak directly, remains to be seen.
Just one little thing here. The last medal here http://www.medalsofwar.com/camp4.html is a 2003 Iraq gong that someone is selling. I think thats a crying shame. I feel dead sorry for the bloke to think that he's got to the stage where he would perhaps have to sell that.
Haleyest of Hales! said:
Just one little thing here. The last medal here http://www.medalsofwar.com/camp4.html is a 2003 Iraq gong that someone is selling. I think thats a crying shame. I feel dead sorry for the bloke to think that he's got to the stage where he would perhaps have to sell that.

I agree, but the conditions that brought him to that decision can range from PTSD related factors all the way to pure and simple greed. If it had been stolen and reported as such, it would have been picked up on the net by now. Without the soldier's input, we have no way of knowing why he sold it. Without that input, we have little choice but to believe that he chose to sell it.  Once he is out of uniform, the medal is his personal property to dispose of as he wishes.

If the medal trade was criminalized in Canada that medal just wouldn't have ended up in this country. The soldier still would have sold it.  The government can't control the sale of illegal guns, who cold possibly think that a law against selling medals would be in any way effective?
Michael O`Leary said:
I agree, but the conditions that brought him to that decision can range from PTSD related factors all the way to pure and simple greed.

Or not wanting to remember,and putting that piece of your life behind you.

My grandfather was overseas for near 4 years during WW2 and came home with no medals uniform anything.Proably in a ditch somewhere.
Bigrex said:
I can personally attest that Peter Stoffer will call you directly if you give your phone number. I am in his constituency and have talked with him on the phone several times about Veterans issues. People may not like his party, but Peter is genuinely interested in the welfare of everyone who has worn the uniform, past or present. Whether or not he will have the time to come on here and speak directly, remains to be seen.

Interested in CF welfare or not, he wants your vote, and either way, he still must tow the party line. The NDP are a national disgrace, and his proposed medals bill is nothing but toilet paper, infringing on our basic rights to sell private property.