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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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navymich said:
Level III, Top Secret


You must have your level III process started beofre you start training in Winnipeg.  You must have at least level II before you are accepted for OT in order to attend the Basic EW course.  After that, as long as your level III is processing, you are OK.  I have been flying operationaly for over a year now and been in the trade since 2004 and my level III is still "processing" !!!
Beginning of the new year.  If I had stayed with my original plan, I'd be sitting on pins and needles right now.  So thought I would check in and see how some of you are doing.  Any offers on the street yet?  Any "sorry try again next year" letters?  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.  :D
Nothing yet!  I am going over some stuff to better prepare myself if I am lucky enough to get picked.  I have spoken with a few applicants and time isn't going by fast enough for us.....
Sub_Guy said:
Nothing yet!   I am going over some stuff to better prepare myself if I am lucky enough to get picked.  I have spoken with a few applicants and time isn't going by fast enough for us.....

Offers should be out soon......i got mine in late Jan IIRC
CallOfDuty said:
   Do you Aesops get spec pay as well as flight crew allowance?

Yes...........our trade is in the specialist 1 pay group

and it is "aircrew" allowance
;D ;D ;D
I just found out from boss back at 443 that 2 of us from 443 have our BAC loading message waiting for us.
I am so happy, I was so excited it was almost as good as news as when my son was born.

So to all you guys with applications in and waiting for your messages, don't despair there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and its called BAC.

I have met most of the guys that will be on my BAC in April, we are all in Winnipeg and just finished AMT, and start BEW Monday morning, and then next week is BSERE.
So we have gotten to know each other pretty well, they are a great bunch of guys, so it should be a great course.

I can't wait.
Enjoy BEW, the manual for that course is like 2 inches thick!!  Best of luck
Yeah, and enjoy the BSERE.  It's really just a camping trip, but hasn't it been like -40ish degrees out there lately?  Enjoy your bunny, and eat it all at once.  Don't do what I did and save some for later because that frozen bunny carcass is never as enjoyable as when you have freshly roasted it.  ;D
So as many have you out there in the trade already know being patient and waiting for word on your application is thrilling!

Are there any applicants out there who have received an offer yet?

I have been walking around the neighborhood killing cats to ensure I am desensitized in the event I get selected. (I want to be ready for that bunny)
I am currently on my BEW and is it ever a lot of information in such a short period of time.
Some of it is interesting, but serious information overload.
I would rather be on my BSERE than doing this right now.
Yeah it went out on the 12th, lucky bunch of dudes....

Good luck, I guess if I get my offer the earliest I will be sitting in CYWG is Oct.... Still not much in the word of offers...
To Sub guy
Not to dash your hopes, but I wouldn't count on getting on the October 07 course.
Sometimes people get lucky and get on a course quickly but don't count on it.
There are at least 3 people I know who are already pencilled in for that course and that could change.

The only way you will ever know you are going on your BAC is when you see your name on  a message.

We just had it happen to a guy here in Winnipeg, who was told he was on course in April, but when the message
was cut his name wasn't there.

Good luck  ;D
Hopefully you hear one way or the other soon.  When I was on BAC (2002) heard the instructors mention they had very few applicants just prior to the board.  I'm suprised they don't get flooded with applicants (they used to at one time) as it is probably one of the best NCM occupations in the Forces. I sure miss the job.  This going to school stuff sucks, lol  Best of luck.
  Hey guys......how challenging academically is the schooling portion of the training?  Is it basic high school stuff....or more college oriented?  Alot of math?  Physics?  Is there hours of homework in the evening?  Just curious  :D
They instruct you on what yopu have to know for math. As i recall its more Algebra. I recall them stating it was High school, 1st yr college level.  Studying, oh yes!!!  Ur not spoon fed as one sometimes can be on some military courses. There are no good reviews (where the reviews are the exam!!)  The course is challenging, but not impossible of course. One just has to study.  And amazingly stil enough time to enjoy the Molson!!
I have a couple friends on their BAC right now and the course material is pretty intense.
Meteorology, Navigation, Aircraft systems (safety), Trainer time etc etc.
Most of the guys on the course average about 3-4 hours study/homework every night.
The best way to get through this course is to work as a team, but you also need to find a way to unwind
like going to the gym or whatever.

I am already brushing up on my math, and studying habits.

The best advice I have been given is to come prepared but don't assume you know anything, or as stated by somebody
else on this forum, the instructors aren't here to spoon feed you, but that doesn't mean they won't help you.