1. This program consists of MOCs open for voluntary OT on a continuing
basis. Eligible members may apply using the form at Annex A.
2. In addition to the general provisions listed at paragraph 15 (see below for this para) of this
order, and unless otherwise specified in the table to this annex,
applicants must have a minimum of 48 months continuous service by 31
December of the year in which application is made. Exceptions are members
whose MOC is CRMN 011, ARTYMN FD 021, ARTYMN AD 022, INFMN 031, FD ENGR
041, and FEE OP 042, who may apply for OT under this program in accordance
with Annex C.
3. In addition to the provisions of paragraph 17, the following
procedures apply for transfer to Flight Engineer (091), Airborne Electronic
Sensor Operator (081), and Search and Rescue Technician (131):
a. Applications will be screened by selection boards at NDHQ.
Unsuccessful applicants will be notified immediately. When an
applicant is selected for further processing, the parent unit
will be directed by NDHQ/DPCOR to initiate an air crew medical
examination to be conducted by a flight surgeon/medical officer
using form CF 2033, Record of Medical Examination. This form is
to be completed in duplicate and meet the requirements of Annex A
to 34-44 for air crew medical examination.
b. The parent unit will then forward the applicant's CF 2034 Medical
Document Envelope with the CF 2033 to Command Surgeon Air
Command, or Command Surgeon Canadian Forces Europe, as
appropriate. Each member's medical documents shall be screened
by the applicable Command Surgeon and forwarded to the Defence
and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine/Central Medical
Board (DCIEM/CMB), who may request that the member report to
Toronto if doubt exists regarding the member's suitability.
Following this review and any investigation considered necessary
by DCIEM/CMB, successful applicants will be awarded the air
factor category corresponding to the new MOC and all documents
shall be forwarded to Surgeon General/Director Medical Treatment
Services (DMTS).
c. DMTS shall approve the air factor category awarded and return the
member's medical documents to the parent unit. The parent unit
shall notify NDHQ/DPCOR of the medical suitability of each
d. On completion of the procedures in subparagraphs b and c,
successful applicants will be advised and scheduled for required
training as vacancies arise or at such time as specified by
NDHQ/DPCOR. If training cannot be undertaken immediately,
applicants will have their names placed on an administrative
holding roster and they will be assigned vacancies as they occur,
subject to confirmation of their medical suitability if period
elapsed since last medical examination exceeds 12 months.
4. Applicants must also meet the special requirements set out in the
table to this Annex in respect of the MOCs for which they apply.
1. Transfers open to all MOCs:
MOC Special Requirements
(a) (b)
081 Airborne Medical procedures described at paragraph 3
Electronic Sensor of this annex apply. Other than in
Operator exceptional circumstances, a member qualified as an AES Op will not be released or
transferred to another MOC within 2 years after completion of operational training.