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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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collude said:
What's even less cool is the form you sign when you accept your OT offer stating that if you are unable to complete the AESOp training they have the option to release you from the military.

Maybe they should do that with more trades.  If someone thought they could get punted so easily, they'd either think twice about the trade, or definitely put more effort into the coursing.  I haven't gotten an offer yet, but I know if/when I do, and sign that form, that is some heavy motivation for me to kick ***.  Too bad it isn't the same for others.  I understand that AESOp courses are intensive, but with few courses and few people on them, having students RTU'd while there are others waiting and more then eager to push themselves through, I shake my head sometimes.  I know I've been briefed and prepped by current AESOp's as to what to expect and what to prestudy for, others should too.
I have a copy of the old pip, is there anything else out there that I should be looking at, in ref to prestudy? 

I am also looking at this as a one way street, if I get my offer to go, there is no looking back, balls to the wall.
well, i've been lurking in the shadows reading these boards for a couple years now as a guest, and felt today was time to become a member and start asking questions. no better a place to do it as this particular one with the aesop topic fresh on people's minds.  i am also interested in an ot over to the trade.  i too went to an ot brief in march, this one in halifax, and have a good number of questions and concerns as i move into the process.  i feel i'm in a bit of a tight spot right now as to when and if i can get started but if someone has suggestions i'm open to everything...as many perspectives as possible.  i've been doing as much research into this as possible and can't get an answer to this one.  i'm a ql4 sonar op, and, the first thing is, unfortunately, i can't officially start the process til next january, since my 48 months reg force doesn't come til next may.  well, the bpso told me one thing at the briefing and another thing at their office--in so many words "don't bother us til then".  does anyone know if there is a way to get paperwork initiated now and then do any kind of followup afterwards?  it doesn't seem as though i can even walk in there and ask them, and my people on the ship don't seem to be open to helping me if i'm moving on.  i'm to be deployed from mid august til mid december anyway, so could the time be used to my advantage as there is a demand for potentials in the cotp?
trigger324 said:
well, i've been lurking in the shadows reading these boards for a couple years now as a guest, and felt today was time to become a member and start asking questions. no better a place to do it as this particular one with the aesop topic fresh on people's minds.  i am also interested in an ot over to the trade.  i too went to an ot brief in march, this one in halifax, and have a good number of questions and concerns as i move into the process.  i feel i'm in a bit of a tight spot right now as to when and if i can get started but if someone has suggestions i'm open to everything...as many perspectives as possible.  i've been doing as much research into this as possible and can't get an answer to this one.  i'm a ql4 sonar op, and, the first thing is, unfortunately, i can't officially start the process til next january, since my 48 months reg force doesn't come til next may.  well, the bpso told me one thing at the briefing and another thing at their office--in so many words "don't bother us til then".  does anyone know if there is a way to get paperwork initiated now and then do any kind of followup afterwards?  it doesn't seem as though i can even walk in there and ask them, and my people on the ship don't seem to be open to helping me if i'm moving on.  i'm to be deployed from mid august til mid december anyway, so could the time be used to my advantage as there is a demand for potentials in the cotp?

You cant apply until you meet all the requirements.  Unless those requirements have changed they  are CPL/LS. QL5A qualified with 48 months service.
aesop081 said:
You cant apply until you meet all the requirements.  Unless those requirements have changed they  are CPL/LS. QL5A qualified with 48 months service.

From my recent dealings with it, no the requirements haven't changed.  Therefore trigger, there is nothing officially that you can do before that time.  However, there is always prep that you can do for your transfer.  Start working on your math and vocabulary for your CFAT, get into a good fitness regime for your PT test, and search the boards here for all of the background information that you can get on the trade itself, so that you are prepared for your BPSO interview.
thanks for the info.  actually right from the brief and looking at a pamphlet they gave out there is no need for QL5 in current trade, and apply in calendar year the 48 months comes in.  however, with me being in a hard sea trade and a QL5 course right around the corner, i face a dillema risking being held in the trade for 2 additional years before i could even start this ball rolling.  has anyone here had any experience with that?  were you able to bypass the 2 years?  or, would it be sensible to give up that course position if i was tentatively moving on?  mind you, i know that any and all knowledge from that course would be beneficial in the long run, just excited about the possibility and don't want to miss that boat right now, or soon. ;D 

pt test was just nailed last week but where would i obtain useful math/vocabulary prep stuff?  i know it's similar to the one when i got in and you couldn't really prepare for that so what do you suggest? 

aesops on ship are quite helpful in sharing info, but not everything, that was why i came on here.  i want to know as much as i can for said interview.
"These MOCs are open to members who are a minimum of QL4 qualified and have a minimum of 48 months continuous service in the Regular Force by 31 Dec of the year in which the application is made.  Members who applied under the YTEP programme may count this time towards continuous service; however, previous full time paid service, Reserve service or Cadet service is not counted towards continuous service. "  <---- Taken from BPSO CFB Esquimalt webpage    I am sure you have, but if not have a read of CFAO 11-12

I have a guy working for me here, who has submitted a waiver, perhaps that could get you past your 2 year thing

I have a guy working for me here, who has submitted a waiver, perhaps that could get you past your 2 year thing

where did he get this waiver?  what was his career manager's involvement in this and was he reluctant at all to give it to him?
aesop081 said:
You cant apply until you meet all the requirements.  Unless those requirements have changed they  are CPL/LS. QL5A qualified with 48 months service.

You don't need your QL5 qualification to apply. I did so successfully without mine. Just 48 months of continuous service falling within the calendar year you are applying in (ie. if your 4 year date is August 2007 you could apply in January 2007).
niceasdrhuxtable said:
You don't need your QL5 qualification to apply.

i did say "unless things have changed".........i remustered to the trade 2 years ago and the QL5A was a requirement.
Personally I would go for the trade after my QL5 Course, if in the event you fail, you probably (IMHO) have a better chance of going back to your old trade.    But then again that's just my opinion.
niceasdrhuxtable said:
You don't need your QL5 qualification to apply. I did so successfully without mine. Just 48 months of continuous service falling within the calendar year you are applying in (ie. if your 4 year date is August 2007 you could apply in January 2007).

You are going to play nicer this time around I hope. Your leash is very short....
Not all trades even have a 5A - unless you are referring to the PLQ.  So what does that mean for those trades?  Do they need to be 6A qualified?  Not too many units will give someone their Sergeant's course only to have them OT right after it...
Ref: CFAO 11-12 Occupation Transfer of Non-Commissioned Members - Regular Force

1.    This program consists of MOCs open for voluntary OT on a continuing
basis.  Eligible members may apply using the form at Annex A.
2.    In addition to the general provisions listed at paragraph 15 (see below for this para) of this
order, and unless otherwise specified in the table to this annex,
applicants must have a minimum of 48 months continuous service by 31
December of the year in which application is made.  Exceptions are members
whose MOC is CRMN 011, ARTYMN FD 021, ARTYMN AD 022, INFMN 031, FD ENGR
041, and FEE OP 042, who may apply for OT under this program in accordance
with Annex C.
3.    In addition to the provisions of paragraph 17, the following
procedures apply for transfer to Flight Engineer (091), Airborne Electronic
Sensor Operator (081), and Search and Rescue Technician (131):
    a.  Applications will be screened by selection boards at NDHQ.
          Unsuccessful applicants will be notified immediately.  When an
          applicant is selected for further processing, the parent unit
          will be directed by NDHQ/DPCOR to initiate an air crew medical
          examination to be conducted by a flight surgeon/medical officer
          using form CF 2033, Record of Medical Examination.  This form is
          to be completed in duplicate and meet the requirements of Annex A
          to 34-44 for air crew medical examination.

    b.  The parent unit will then forward the applicant's CF 2034 Medical
          Document Envelope with the CF 2033 to Command Surgeon Air
          Command, or Command Surgeon Canadian Forces Europe, as
          appropriate.  Each member's medical documents shall be screened
          by the applicable Command Surgeon and forwarded to the Defence
          and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine/Central Medical
          Board (DCIEM/CMB), who may request that the member report to
          Toronto if doubt exists regarding the member's suitability.
          Following this review and any investigation considered necessary
          by DCIEM/CMB, successful applicants will be awarded the air
          factor category corresponding to the new MOC and all documents
          shall be forwarded to Surgeon General/Director Medical Treatment
          Services (DMTS).

    c.  DMTS shall approve the air factor category awarded and return the
          member's medical documents to the parent unit.  The parent unit
          shall notify NDHQ/DPCOR of the medical suitability of each

    d.  On completion of the procedures in subparagraphs b and c,
          successful applicants will be advised and scheduled for required
          training as vacancies arise or at such time as specified by
          NDHQ/DPCOR.  If training cannot be undertaken immediately,
          applicants will have their names placed on an administrative
          holding roster and they will be assigned vacancies as they occur,
          subject to confirmation of their medical suitability if period
          elapsed since last medical examination exceeds 12 months.

4.    Applicants must also meet the special requirements set out in the
table to this Annex in respect of the MOCs for which they apply.

    1.    Transfers open to all MOCs:

          MOC                          Special Requirements
          (a)                                    (b)

    081 Airborne                      Medical procedures described at paragraph 3
    Electronic Sensor                  of this annex apply.  Other than in
    Operator                          exceptional circumstances, a member qualified as an AES Op will not be released or
                                        transferred to another MOC within 2 years after completion of operational training.

15.    Members applying for transfer under any of the voluntary OT programs
must meet the following prerequisites:
    a.  minimum time prerequisites applicable to the OT program being
          considered, excluding LWOP (Leave Without Pay) granted on

    b.  MOC selection standards, detailed in the Canadian Forces Manual
          of NCM Occupation Structure (A-PD-123);

    c.  language aptitude and proficiency standards;

    d.  MOC medical standards specified in A-MD-154-000/FP-000;

    e.  QL 4 qualification.

    f.  Only Ptes and Cpls and those MCpls and above who are prepared to
          relinquish their appointment or rank may apply for voluntary OT.
My trade didn't have a QL4 so I guess that criteria wasn't applied.

Just re-read the entire thread.... Did they have a travelling road show this year?  If so that would be good for the Aesop trade, but crappy for me who has his application in!!!! 

But I am a firm believer in the best person for the job.... More applicants means a bigger pool of talent to pick from
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. . .


Those are the articles from the Maple Leaf on the trade.

Thanks for the article Glenn, I haven't seen the Maple Leaf for awhile, so I missed reading that.

I was sent this link by a friend and it only makes me want to fly more.  ;D

Thats at good link, but this one really pumps me up


All is complete on the process and now I just sit and wait, with glenn.............. waiting sucks.............