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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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I think many come in with their eyes closed. I know on most navy/military courses, they do a "good" review or stomp their feet or make it very obvious whats going to be on the exam. I know BAC is not like that, neither was BEW. One has to ask questions and study!!  I recall, one of the classes we did with the navs. Was a review period prior to the exam. Instructor came in, asked if there was any questions, at first no one said anything, he then started to walk out of the class, lol  wasn't long before we started to ask questions.  I knew after I was unsucccessful on a few exams, because I wasn't studying I required a new game plan.  I owe a lot to one WO on the crse!! Best of luck.
yeah..i used to run reviews like that back when i was army....learned the hard way on BAC as well..... Didnt mind doing BEW after more than 2 years in the trade.
cdnaviator said:
Congrats sub_guy......

Now dont be like that last bunch and fail BEW

Ballistic Eye-wear?   ;D

Sub_Guy, how about  "Sub_Hunter"?

  Do they offer re-writes, or do they kick your butt out the door? 
I know for me here at the Naval engineering school, it had been a long time since I was in any sort of educational environment, and it took me some time to realize that you actually have to work very hard, ask questions, study and do homework every single day....or you will fall behind.....fast.  But they offer tutorials, and are willing to help you any time you need it...you just have to show the drive to learn.
CallOfDuty said:
  Do they offer re-writes, or do they kick your butt out the door? 
I know for me here at the Naval engineering school, it had been a long time since I was in any sort of educational environment, and it took me some time to realize that you actually have to work very hard, ask questions, study and do homework every single day....or you will fall behind.....fast.  But they offer tutorials, and are willing to help you any time you need it...you just have to show the drive to learn.

We had a couple fail on my BEW and they got a chance to re-write later on, after the course was over and they went home.  It caused them a fair amount of stress, though, as BEW was defined as a pre-requisite in the COTP INSTR for them to be loaded on their BAC crse.  I don't think they word the INSTR that way any more because some guys don't even do the crse until well after BAC.

cdnaviator said:
More than a fair amount last week....... :o

I hope it was a wake-up call for those guys.....

How many?
Not sure what the official stance is, but one does get rewrites, BUT you can't fail each exam on BAC,then do a rewrite, you only get soo many chances, then the big boot hits ur ass.  Instructors are top notch and willing to come in at any time to offer assistance.
Oh, you meant rewrites on BAC :P  If I remember correctly you could fail 1 and get a rewrite.  2nd failure you would go to the PRB (performance review board) and you may or may not get another chance.  3rd failure you were pretty much toast.  As for flights and simulators you could fail one.  Fail two and you're toast.  You could scrape by with a "marginal" but 2 marginals = failure.  So you could just imagine the stress level for a guy on my course who went the PRB route during the academic phase, then failed a flight followed by a marginal flight.  How do you think he felt going into his third flight?  He passed BTW and is doing just fine in the trade.

All that being said, I wouldn't sweat the course that much.  It's reputation is a little exaggerated IMO.  Work hard, apply what you are taught, be humble and willing to accept constructive criticism, and you will do fine.

Congrats ProudCanadian, welcome to the trade.  What trade are you now?
Looking back the exams were not that over the top difficult, one just had to study a bit. but if you don't study, well...........  Congrats on all those with the spiffy messages. 
I have been talking with some fellas doing their BAC right now, and the feedback I am getting from them is teamwork, and study.....  The impression I am getting from them is they all sacrificed something to join this trade and they aren't going to let it slip away because of laziness, plus it helps when everyone on course is there because they want to be there.

Congrats on the message proud Canadian, I am sure we will be seeing each other in the near future.......
I was on the first BAC, and thats what we did most evenings. In the accomodations block there a room equipped with a few big tables and TV. We would gather in there and group study for a bit. Helped a fair bit.  I know the studying habits I picked up on BAC have asisted me well now in university.
well i'm glad this years successful applicants are trickling through.  now that'll clear the way for those of us applying in 07!!.

good luck.  we'll see you next year
Holy Crap!  The course isn't that hard!  Wake up call indeed.  Any complications with them starting BAC now?
x-zipperhead said:
Holy Crap!  The course isn't that hard!  Wake up call indeed.  Any complications with them starting BAC now?

Not that i know of but they will have to do it again, no re-writes for BEW. Just ask "D.O." back at your sqn how the course was......
x-zipperhead said:
Tell me he wasn't the 8th guy that failed! :o

lol.....no....but we were both intoxicated the whole week...gotta love the Pal and no-country mondays ( for starters).  Its wasnt just him, a pilot by the name of B.B. helped him out
Talk about starting on the wrong foot, I am sure failing BEW can't be doing much in the terms of boosting confidence.

Is the BEW course that hard, I know a few fellas that have gone through it and they never once mentioned anything about it being hard.....Are they keeping something from me?