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  1. D

    Is anybody here with the Govenor Generals Foot Guards out of Ottawa?

    I know an officer by that name, maybe an Lt. I think. Is that he same guy?
  2. D

    Assault on Reservist

    No I know this guy he has never pissed anybody off, always gave it his all, and wouldn't hurt a fly. he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm relieved to hear that hes turned out OK. Although i hope they find the guys that did it, cause i cant imagine what members of the unit would do if...
  3. D

    Just Wondering

    lol it was a good answer, no I'm not a cadet, I'm going to school in Ottawa for recceguy, and my side of this was it was more of an honest question and not that I'm going out trying fight a mcpl but since most of the time a question that is asked is always responded to by people acting like...
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    Just Wondering

    Look i didn't ask for any smart ass remarks, it was a question that i asked and i asked it on this website because I'm looking for an answer, and as for ass beat by an 18 year old don't judge a book by its covers. and if you don't have an answer post your irrelevant comments elsewhere please
  5. D

    Just Wondering

    I was just wondering as more a matter of curiosity, if you met for example a MSCPL on civi street and you got into a fight with him and you beat his ass, could you be charged by the military?
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    I really didn't find the course too valuable, I mean the training could easily be done at the unit. The only really new training is the 9mm pistol, which most units already do the training on parade nights and the c6 with the SF kit and there isn't much to that either. I think the course is only...
  7. D

    Ex in Nunavut

    Yes its in February but its for 16 days
  8. D

    Ex in Nunavut

    On the last parade night i went to my unit had some sheets out that were all employment opportunities. Two of them caught my eye one was the BTE05 in waynewright and the other was some exercise up in Nunavut. I was wondering if anybody could tell me what that would be about? what would i expect...
  9. D

    Weight training

    Sorry. Thanks
  10. D

    Ex PHOENIX RAM - Brigade Training Event 2005 (BTE 05) in Wainwright

    haha I like that part but no what is the BTE05 is it like Stalwart Guardian, a mach senario where different brigades are setup in different areas, and thereis the Blueland Freedom Fighters and there is Orange land? What exactly are you guys doing, I'm kinda interested since I've been hearing...
  11. D

    Weight training

    I don't know if there were any previous posts on this topic, but i was wondering what I should do if i want to build some serious muscle. What kind of supplements? Which ones are the best. People say take creatine and others say no, some Say use protein supplements and people say no to that. I...
  12. D

    WW2 Soldier Tales

    I like the mortar story, its funny, yet its so dangerous! I don't think I would pick anything up that was unexploded and underwater exposed to an element, but that was a great story. Hey are there anymore stories out there i really enjoy reading them.  :salute: :salute:
  13. D

    How to get family on board

    I would say who cares what anybody says, I know a few people who had the same problem. As many other people have already said do waht you feel is right, its your choice. The best way is to say screw them do your training as best you can and come back with your head held high.
  14. D

    Family coming to visit you while on Tour

    I heard somewhere that in some cases the army will fly your family to a base lets say Rammestein and then they will fly you to that base as well so that you can spend sometime with your loved ones. But they only do that for extended period of leave, not for 2 days or so.  :salute:
  15. D

    Ex PHOENIX RAM - Brigade Training Event 2005 (BTE 05) in Wainwright

    Hey, my unit was asking for enemy force for this BTE 05 and I might put my name in so I was wondering what are you guys doing on this excercise, and what might I be doing if i went as enemy force?
  16. D

    Problems with your Unit BOR

    K thanks, it just seems like no work ever gets done in the BOR. I know a few Cpl's who have tried to get some serious paperwork done thats fairy important ie: regarding unit transfers, reg force transfers, pay, and courses and they still didn't seem to get anything done either. But I will take...
  17. D

    Favourite boots?

    Id have to say Magnum Storms, awesome boot, its like a running shoe with the protection of a combat boot and it has great ankle support
  18. D

    how muck should a CF CG-634 Helmet cost

    Funny because its probably very true ;D
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    I was gonna say it but MP 00161 beat me to it. Marksman still does exist and its based on the PWT 2 not 3
  20. D

    Problems with your Unit BOR

    I was just wondering if any of you other guys have a lot of problems with your unit BOR. Like things don't get done on time or at all. For example you need joining instructions to a course and they say come back next week and so you do but they aren't ready, then they say come back tomorrow and...