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Problems with your Unit BOR


Jr. Member
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I was just wondering if any of you other guys have a lot of problems with your unit BOR. Like things don't get done on time or at all. For example you need joining instructions to a course and they say come back next week and so you do but they aren't ready, then they say come back tomorrow and you do but they still aren't ready. Once again they say OK come back in 2 hours, so you do but they are on lunch. The course starts in 3 days and you still don't have joining instructions. Does that ever happen to you guys?
Talk to your chain of command, they should be able to help you out. I find unit orderly rooms tend to listen to a Sgt or WO alot quicker then a Pte. Also be patient, the last thing you want is a pissed off clerk.
K thanks, it just seems like no work ever gets done in the BOR. I know a few Cpl's who have tried to get some serious paperwork done thats fairy important ie: regarding unit transfers, reg force transfers, pay, and courses and they still didn't seem to get anything done either. But I will take your advice and go up thought the chain of command. Thanks :salute:
DannyBoy said:
... Does that ever happen to you guys?

I think stuff like this is pretty universal.  Cpl Bloggins offers the best advice.  Let your chain of command know.  But also just get used to it.  Its seems either people don't do they're job or they're so over worked doing someone elses job things just get backed up.
  Units have good and bad clerks, but not everything that goes FUBAR administratively is the fault of a clerk.  For example, OTs, Component Transfers, promotions, etc will all pass through the hands of your CO, OC, Adjt, RSM, CSM as need be.  Many is the time that I have typed up all the relevant paperwork for a promotion or some such, passed it in to the chain of comd and it has mysteriously disappeared.  Usually, after the OR staff have taken the blame and the soldier is pissed at his OR staff, I will have a mildly confused staff officer walk in to the OR wondering why he has this paperwork on Cpl Bloggins that is dated from a few weeks ago.  The officer that has that paperwork in his hands now, was denying a few weeks ago that he had ever even seen it.

  Clerks aren't perfect, but they don't cause all the administrative problems in the CF.  Sometimes it is the clerk's fault, other times a staff officer is to blame and sometimes the soldier in question has caused his own problems.

  But, if you aren't receiving the level of service you believe is acceptable, definitely advise your chain of command.  If the OR staff is up to snuff, you will receive a reasonable explanation of what is going on.  The soldiers of a unit and the chain of command that the clerks are there to support.  If they aren't doing that, you deserve to know why.

  Best of luck.  Cheers.

This is all good advice.  I'll add something further as far as Bloggins' "be patient" advice.  From the perspective of a clerk, nothing bothered me more than having someone come back every 10 minutes to see if I'd done "his" stuff yet, especially if there was higher priority stuff being done, and I had to interrupt my work to go and receive him at the counter.  Not saying you did this - from what you posted, it seems like you waited a reasonable amount of time before checking back - but just in case you or anyone else ever thinks that pestering the clerk is going to achieve results, it can sometimes have the opposite effect.  Harrassing someone (and asking simple questions is not harrassment, I'm talking about the truly obnoxious people which are in the vast minority) will often get your work put down at the bottom of the pile, if it can be justified.  And it usually can. 

Just be polite and patient - you know, the way you would want to be treated - and bring up your concerns to your chain of command.  Your section commander or Platoon WO can talk to the battalion orderly room sergeant if need be. 
I can say that before...I used to think that the OR was just slow, they were just sitting around and such....Now I'm working in the OR because they needed help, and I can tell you that nothing could be further from the truth.

In a unit that is supposed to have 170 positions, we have 2 full-time clerks...one of whom happens to be on parental leave, I have nothing but the utmost respect for the clerks..They try to help everyone in a timely fashion, especially when it's down to crunch time, ie: about to leave on course, transfers, deployments.

Other than the fact that they keep trying to convince me to remuster, I like working with these clerk-types