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I was just wondering if anybody has taken this course and is it a good course?I started it today just curious to know what others felt about it.Also does anybody have the standards website just pm it too me. thx  :bullet:
I really didn't find the course too valuable, I mean the training could easily be done at the unit. The only really new training is the 9mm pistol, which most units already do the training on parade nights and the c6 with the SF kit and there isn't much to that either. I think the course is only really out there because its mandatory for those who want to take their PLQ courses. But that is just my opinion, I'm sure there are others out there whom disagree with what i said.
It's not a bad course for the regs.  For the reserves it's a half-assed attempt at teaching you the very basics of handling a C6 in the SF role, while also trying to teach you coaching techniques.

AND it's been covered in another thread.  Search it.
Just to add to the confussion.....DP2A means different things, in different Trades.  None of them learn the same material/subjects.
George i figured so i forgot to say infantry support weapons course.I have my MG course c6 and .50 cal so not worry about being taught halfassed.Don't really need this course to coach just read the manuals and be MG qualified.
i was supposed to start last weekend... i get there and half the people (including me) on the course get booted off because of a lack of instructors...   :mad:  And i could have had a fun course... none of that comms crap
Wait for the old MG course to come back.....Word is the .50 is making a comeback. The 2AInf is a fun, albeit relatively pointless course.
i don't know if they are still teaching the ERYX on it, i may have been on the last serial that had the ERYX, but that was 3 weeks alone, but the night shoots and day shoots with the c6 in the SF role are really fun, i think u'll enjoy that, plus the coaching is pretty good, makes u a better shot too
The ERYX is only for the reg force course.  On the last reserve DP2A we managed to scrounge up an ERYX training system and give the troops a quick into during their off time, but it's not in the CTP.
There appears to be some misconceptions about the DP 2A Infantry Platoon Support Weapons course.

1.  The course can and frequently is run at units.  It does not only run at the ATCs.

2.  The only difference between the Reg and PRes versions is the Reg do two additional weapons - 60mm Mortar and Eryx (still in the book, but that's changing).  The exact same time and ammunition are allocated for the pistol, C6 and coaching.

3.  The old MG course is not coming back - at least so far as the infantry is concerned.  Something similar to the old MG course will be released in 2006, but it is for the other trades who currently have no mechanism to train on the C6 in the SF role.

4.  The .50 will be coming back for the Regs since the 3rd Bns still have them.  It will likely be an additional PO on both the DP 2A IPSW and the DP 3A Inf Sect Comd courses.

Hope this clears things up.
HollywoodHitman said:
The 2AInf is a fun, albeit relatively pointless course.
yup. Totally pointless. Scrap it, and bring back the functional MG and Mortars courses.
Standards said:
4.   The .50 will be coming back for the Regs since the 3rd Bns still have them.   It will likely be an additional PO on both the DP 2A IPSW and the DP 3A Inf Sect Comd courses.

When they realize there's not enough instructors, gimme a call  ;D
48Highlander said:
When they realize there's not enough instructors, gimme a call   ;D

We run .50 famils at coy/pl level frequently, there is no shortage of instructors.

Now if you can teach .50 and c6 in the indirect fire role and hit something - that would be worth teaching - we only have a half dozen guys left who can teach that one...
I just got back from my first weekend session of DP2A Infantry. I was initially surprised by the lack of cock shown on the part of the instructors, but hey, no complaints here. We spent the first weekend learning the basics of small arms coaching, as well as learning and being tested on the Browning pistol.

GO!!! said:
We run .50 famils at coy/pl level frequently, there is no shortage of instructors.

Now if you can teach .50 and c6 in the indirect fire role and hit something - that would be worth teaching - we only have a half dozen guys left who can teach that one...

I haven't used the .50 in the indirect fire role for about 5 years, but I think I still remember it :p  It's actualy much simpler than doing the same thing with the C6.

The C6 in the indirect fire role should be taught on all DP2A courses, I know I've taught it a few times over the last couple years, and it's part of the CTP if I remember correctly.
Do you have a pam for .50 indirect fire? I can't find one on the DIN.

I found an old .50 cal pam a while back. I'm not sure if it references indirect fire, but I can check (heck, I found an old .30 cal pam too... with pictures of soldiers in battle dress shooting it). As far as an official pam, since they semi-retired it and are now bringing it back, I'm willing to bet they're rewriting the publications about it.

As for the Res DP2A Inf, I finished the first weekend of it too. It's very nice to know that brigades and units are running a lot of the career courses locally. Makes a huge difference for the average reservist.
I have a digital copy of the .50 pam, but not on this computer.  And I'm not sure if the indirect fire info is in there.  I know they're available on the DIN in the publications library, I'd get you the link but I don't have DIN access from here either :)

From what I remember though, since the .50's bearing and elevation scales can't be zeroed to the ground the way you do with the C6, you need to lay on a target whose bearing and distance are known, fire for registration, then add/subtract the numbers on the bearing scale from the compass bearing to the target, which will give you the bearing for your center of ark.  From there, once you're given a new bearing to fire on, since the numbers on the bearing scale go between -400 and +400, you can use them to lay on to the bearing you're given (eg. center of arc is 3300 mills and you wanna fire on 3550, lay the gun to +250).  Same goes for the elevation, but it involves using elevation/range tables which should be in the back of the pam.