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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

I tell people I'm Mike Bobbitt. That doesn't get me anywhere. But when I tell them I built the Trouty Bridge....girls panties have a habit of, like, just flying off.
Scott said:
I tell people I'm Mike Bobbitt. That doesn't get me anywhere. But when I tell them I built the Trouty Bridge....girls panties have a habit of, like, just flying off.

Well yeah, like those guys are like big erector sets, aren't they?  ;D
fraserdw said:
I used to BS.  When I was PPCLI in Calgary, TOP GUN came out so we would go to bars and pose as fighter pilots to get girls.

sweeeeeet  ;)
Scott said:
I tell people I'm Mike Bobbitt. That doesn't get me anywhere. But when I tell them I built the Trouty Bridge....girls panties have a habit of, like, just flying off.

I can't wait to see the Legion in about 40 years time. The way everyone will brag, they'll be able to extrapolate from surveys that 27,000 members of the CF were directly involved in building the Trouty Bridge.
Just ask 'em what colour the mayor's skidoo is. Or the motif from (the recently dearly departed) Legends.

Scott said:
Just ask 'em what colour the mayor's skidoo is. Or the motif from (the recently dearly departed) Legends.


only one issue with that one did it change ever(the motif) and was that its name in the mid/late 80's? I cant remember that long ago.
my72jeep said:
only one issue with that one did it change ever(the motif) and was that its name in the mid/late 80's? I cant remember that long ago.

I'm younger than you :nod: so I am not sure if the name was the same...but I am dead certain the decor, at least parts of it, would have been "weathered" when you were around those parts.
dirty dingy smoke colored and fuzzy? that sounds right? and cant remember if the fuzzy was growth or vision.
Scott said:
Just ask 'em what colour the mayor's skidoo is. Or the motif from (the recently dearly departed) Legends.


If anyone can claim to remember the decor, they're obviously an imposter.
Point taken. There has to be some way to vett the Trouty veterans.
Here is one less to vet I was not there in 2010-11 I havent been home since 1990.
Scott said:
Point taken. There has to be some way to vett the Trouty veterans.

What was the colour of the car of the lady who got stuck while being the first civilian to cross the bridge?

Good2Golf said:
What was the colour of the car of the lady who got stuck while being the first civilian to cross the bridge?

That was no Lady! that was my wife.
is that how that line went?
my72jeep said:
That was no Lady! that was my wife.
is that how that line went?

That was your wife!!?? I guess that makes you my father!!

We're in!
My (now ex-)GF's uncle used to be in the CF in the late 70s. He always told me 'exciting' stories about how he was Tpt WO (as a Sgt) of 2RCR and then was also sniper qualified in the Airborne Regt. All the 'qualifications' he told me about never added up but all I did was simply smile and nod. It wasn't my job to destroy his delusional reality and nor was it to inflate the delusional ego by asking questions about his Neverland.

Lateron, I have been in conversation with many ex-SniperJTFSecretSquirrels and 'I was on the design team for the M1 Abrahms' people that my routine simply is to ask a few questions like 'when did you do it?', 'what  all did you do?' and so on. When they (inevitably) get to the 'I can't tell you about that' phase I apologise and play along a little while longer. When I can take it no longer or simply want to move onto more productive things in life, I ask him 'Well, with all the things that you have told me so far, won't that make you a target for kidnapping and subsequent torture for all the secrets you have in your head? You shouldn't advertise that you know something valuable if you don't want people to get it'. It may work for your issue, and it may not.
Been busy with work so late to reply.  All thanks for the replies much appreciated.  As always some of you give me a good laugh with the replies  ;D.

Cui said:
............................................... Be the bigger person and not jump all over them for it, just nod and smile  :nod:

Even though sometimes you need to turn the other cheek in this situation I do not think is appropriate.  I posted here to see what most would do and it appears my initial thought of calling him out its right.  If most jumped down my throat and said leave it be I would have but that is not the concensus here.

Tommy said:
Expose him for the lying sack of filth that he is....

I have no time for such Posers and Wanna-be's............................................................................................They discredit the deeds of the men and women who have served and attempt to get a free ride on their backs...

I have no tolerance for garbage like that. Especially when they are supposed to be some sort of "Leader"

Fully agree with what you have said.  This really bothers me not only because I served for a brief time but my grandfather and my wife's grandfather went through WWII  :salute:.

medicineman said:
GB - PM this clown's particulars...I know some folks that might be interested in chatting with him.


PMed a question to you.
These guys are the best. I once knew a guy that droned on and on about his time in the army. I at first thought it was possible until I heard some of the stories first hand. Apparently he had spent 3 years in as Infantry, and in that time, he did Basic Para, Recce, Pathfinder and Sniper, and also talked about escape and evasion training blah blah blah...AND going on tour.  He must have had the busiest basic engagement of anyone in the history of the forces...

Anybody in the military could figure out this guy was full of it, but most civvies don't have any idea and didn't know better. They treated him like a "vet". He eventually found out that I am in the military and wanted to know what courses I had done etc. I told him...and he was like "Yeah, but I mean courses, you know...like sniper or para"

Best part is I asked his unit...he told me. 2 RCR. I said how did you like the east coast? He said, nah it's in Petawawa...

::) Winner.
Spectrum said:
Best part is I asked his unit...he told me. 2 RCR. I said how did you like the east coast? He said, nah it's in Petawawa...

2 RCR is part of 2 CMBG.  So, technically, it is part of a Petawawa based formation.

Fooled you, didn't he?  ;D