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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

I found this interesting story in the Toronto Star this week. Obviously this gentleman needed some sort of mental health assistance. Hopefuly if he was a veteran, they find his service records and he receives any of the benefits he would be entitled to.


The day he died, the framed photo of a saluting Robert Roy Murray, bedecked in military medals, fell off the wall at Wise Guys Deluxe Grill and Bar.

The man was legendary in the Danforth and Main St. neighbourhood, particularly at Wise Guys, where he was known as a chatty veteran who often spoke of parachuting in and blowing up German bridges on D-Day.

But since his death last week, mystery has shrouded the man better known as “Scotty,” particularly his military history. While some say he deserves the benefit of the doubt, others are puzzled by uncertainties over his age and the variety of medals he wore.

more at article link........
2010newbie said:
I found this interesting story in the Toronto Star this week. Obviously this gentleman needed some sort of mental health assistance. Hopefuly if he was a veteran, they find his service records and he receives any of the benefits he would be entitled to.


more at article link........

Comment left on the web site. I suggest the rest do the same. There seems to be a number of people that are willing to let this Walt be buried with honours.
Do you like the tv show Deadlines Warrior?  Then you might find this interesting.

Robert Daly, the head of Deadliest Warrior: The Game developer Pipeworks Software, today resigned from his position, saying he regrets misleading others into thinking that he was a Green Beret.

Daly, who has also appeared on the television show Deadliest Warrior as a former Green Beret, said he will no longer be on the show either.

"I utterly regret that I have misrepresented my role by creating the impression that I was a "Green Beret,'" Daly wrote on a website dedicated to former special forces soldiers. "I have nothing but the utmost respect for the Green Berets and my fellow servicemen, and I respectfully apologize to the Special Forces community."

The announcement was made on the ProfessionalSoldiers.com website but the site's owner confirmed it as legitimate. It comes a week after the Professional Soldiers site reported that Daly was misleading the public about his experiences as a soldier.

More at link
proudtobeacanadian said:
you know as a civilian i am sorry to hear that a boy can be that low to be an imposter while yes our sons and daughers are over seas laying their lives down on the line to help keep Canada and the States free. and you know I have date that scum bag ....
We're not going to get into unsubstantiated allegations here.

Warning 1

Milnet.ca Staff
News item from 2008:
First of not sure if I am posting this under the right area so mods please feel free to move if not correct.  I need some guidance I guess and figured a lot of wise people here that can probably give me some pointers.

As you can see I don't post very often (well almost not at all  :facepalm: ) her but I do enjoy reading and following discussions on this site.  I guess my main reason for not posting is that I only served for 3 years in the mid to late '80s and another 1.5 years in early '90s in the Army reserve so I am not up to current CF military stuff / topics that are often discussed on this site and feel that my contributions on certain topics would be irrelevant other than as personal opinion.

I volunteer with a community organization and enjoy giving my time to this organization and interacting with the members.  One issue is a new guy started volunteering in June '11 and for whatever reason latched on to me and always wants to chat when we are there together. 'Whats wrong with that?' you may say and usually I would say 'nothing' except he found out from another volunteer that I served in the CF reserve.  He immediately asked "Did you serve in the CF?" and I replied that I did (what a mistake  >:( ) and that I was Army reserve infantry.  Without me asking, he told me that he served too and when I asked Reg force or Reserve, he stated "Neither I was sort of On-Call Army as an Officer" but that he couldn't talk about it? and he literally winked at me and said "You know what I mean" with a smile.  He later stated that he also was asked to quit the CF by the USMC and join them as an officer (I thought that only US citizens could become officers, he is not one) to do operations around the world but that he didn't do it for long as it was tough on his family always working on stuff where the US government would deny his existence if he was caught??

From what little I know, this guy is full off  :bullshit: (I could be wrong), but my problem is that I don't know how to tell him and call him out on it.  There is always other volunteers around and some of the younger guys and girls there believe what he is saying and sort of look up to him.  I don't want to embarrass him in front of the other volunteers but maybe I should?  What would you guys do in a situation like this?
Definitely BS. What kind of idiot first establishes you were in fact in, and then tries to BS you with things so obviously not true? Literally everything in his story is BS. He was either Reg or Reserve, and indeed, only US citizens can serve as officers in the US military. And if it was that secret, why would he tell you?

GB said:
First of not sure if I am posting this under the right area so mods please feel free to move if not correct.  I need some guidance I guess and figured a lot of wise people here that can probably give me some pointers.

As you can see I don't post very often (well almost not at all  :facepalm: ) her but I do enjoy reading and following discussions on this site.  I guess my main reason for not posting is that I only served for 3 years in the mid to late '80s and another 1.5 years in early '90s in the Army reserve so I am not up to current CF military stuff / topics that are often discussed on this site and feel that my contributions on certain topics would be irrelevant other than as personal opinion.

I volunteer with a community organization and enjoy giving my time to this organization and interacting with the members.  One issue is a new guy started volunteering in June '11 and for whatever reason latched on to me and always wants to chat when we are there together. 'Whats wrong with that?' you may say and usually I would say 'nothing' except he found out from another volunteer that I served in the CF reserve.  He immediately asked "Did you serve in the CF?" and I replied that I did (what a mistake  >:( ) and that I was Army reserve infantry.  Without me asking, he told me that he served too and when I asked Reg force or Reserve, he stated "Neither I was sort of On-Call Army as an Officer" but that he couldn't talk about it? and he literally winked at me and said "You know what I mean" with a smile.  He later stated that he also was asked to quit the CF by the USMC and join them as an officer (I thought that only US citizens could become officers, he is not one) to do operations around the world but that he didn't do it for long as it was tough on his family always working on stuff where the US government would deny his existence if he was caught??

From what little I know, this guy is full off  :bullshit: (I could be wrong), but my problem is that I don't know how to tell him and call him out on it.  There is always other volunteers around and some of the younger guys and girls there believe what he is saying and sort of look up to him.  I don't want to embarrass him in front of the other volunteers but maybe I should?  What would you guys do in a situation like this?
Yeah, tell the ninjasniperwannabe to go peddle his wares with the little girls, very little.....someone is bound to believe him......
Some people just do whatever it takes to make themselves feel better about their miserable existence. Be the bigger person and not jump all over them for it, just nod and smile  :nod:
Expose him for the lying sack of filth that he is....

I have no time for such Posers and Wanna-be's

Jack-asses like him need to be called out and exposed as the frauds that they are. Especially if they have people buying into their ridiculous Stories.

CUI I'm sure you mean well in your statements, but if you join the CF, and make it through the training you will understand why many soldiers dislike these posers. Turn the other cheek is not the appropriate response in my opinion.

If (God forbid) you have to watch a comrade or close friend get carried onto the ramp home, you will understand why some soldiers utterly despise these types and want them stomped out ricky tick.

They discredit the deeds of the men and women who have served and attempt to get a free ride on their backs...

I have no tolerance for garbage like that. Especially when they are supposed to be some sort of "Leader"

GB - PM this clown's particulars...I know some folks that might be interested in chatting with him.

I've met couple guys that bullshit about being in the forces (wearing Candian Army t shirts that they or their brother bought at the canex but not being able to tell me anything about basic, units, regiments, what they do).

It was pretty pathetic and really got on my nerves.
I used to BS.  When I was PPCLI in Calgary, TOP GUN came out so we would go to bars and pose as fighter pilots to get girls.
Heh.  I used to be a cruise missile test pilot in Moncton.  The other one we used was that we were members of C.H.I.M.P.S. (Canadian high intensity military parachute squadron)  Much like the S.E.A.L.S. we would say.
I know a person similar to this. Maybe not as pathological in his lies but he's still full of it. I met him at the regiment recruiting office and we exchanged numbers to keep in touch as we got the call, were preparing, etc. He ended up getting put on the waiting list while I started my BMQ. We added each other on facebook and wow, this guy loves to give the impression he's serving. Everything about his facebook is CF related and he states on numerous pictures, his info, etc that he is a serving member. I called him out on it and he said "oh yea, I was offered a spot a few years ago but didn't take it and so that's why my info says what it does." Problem is his info is current and for another trade than what he said he was offered a job for. I let it go because I didn't want to bother with him but it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. He even has a picture of himself in his cadet uniform claiming its a CF one... Some people.
Harris said:
Heh.  I used to be a cruise missile test pilot in Moncton.  The other one we used was that we were members of C.H.I.M.P.S. (Canadian high intensity military parachute squadron)  Much like the S.E.A.L.S. we would say.

This... is GOLD! 
Shinobi said:
I know a person similar to this. Maybe not as pathological in his lies but he's still full of it. I met him at the regiment recruiting office and we exchanged numbers to keep in touch as we got the call, were preparing, etc. He ended up getting put on the waiting list while I started my BMQ. We added each other on facebook and wow, this guy loves to give the impression he's serving. Everything about his facebook is CF related and he states on numerous pictures, his info, etc that he is a serving member. I called him out on it and he said "oh yea, I was offered a spot a few years ago but didn't take it and so that's why my info says what it does." Problem is his info is current and for another trade than what he said he was offered a job for. I let it go because I didn't want to bother with him but it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. He even has a picture of himself in his cadet uniform claiming its a CF one... Some people.

I got into an exchange on some Facebook group with a guy who claimed to be "in". Funny thing, he claimed to be in my unit, at my garrison. He had a bunch of army pics up on his own FB page, all of which were grainy, or vague enough it'd be hard to ID anyone in them. His profile pic was lifted from Combat Camera, though, and was a Cpl in the Vandoos. When I called him out, he suggested that we probably just hadn't met, though we worked in the same Reserve unit. When I informed the audience that that was basically impossible, he quickly disappeared.