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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

On this thread, there is a feeling that we - the horde - have been deliberately misled and lied to.

I have a feeling that most of you can make your case without the prodding, taunting and baiting. My BSM had a knack for making me feel like a tiny worthless piece of shit without ever raising his voice. I suspect most of you have acquired similar capabilities over the years. My comparison to the other thread was mostly in regard to the mob mentality and lack of control. I never said not to discount him; I never said to "be kind to posers". I never locked the thread. I gently reminded people to observe the site guidelines, in spite of my own personal views of the member in question.


Army.ca Staff
Overwatch Downunder said:
Fellow doubting members and guests,

Pardon my bloody french.

Oh my f**king gawd (censored as not to insult  ;) !

People like this try to cheapen those who actually were there.

Personally its a true shame.

We've given this guy an audience, its obvious what the truth really is.

We know.

He's playing us, 23 pages!

Time to lock this up, and move on.

Its is his repuation, not ours, adn he really doesn't give a toss anyways.

Crap on, Mr Booty.

Regards still from a lovely day here.

Sickeribng cheaply in the dark corner,


Oh no my friend.

Locking would be his way out.

Let us out the chap, when his fellow Marines show up.

Guys like this breed people like BBJ.

Remember, he did kill some stags in the Balkans, and served in the Falklands.


We've given this guy an audience, its obvious what the truth really is.

We know.

He's playing us, 23 pages!

And there you have it. Thanks, OWDU
the 48th regulator said:
Oh no my friend.

Locking would be his way out.

Let us out the chap, when his fellow Marines show up.

Guys like this breed people like BBJ.

Remember, he did kill some stags in the Balkans, and served in the Falklands.



Too right mate, if anyone can track this mongrel, PM me with his telephone number, I'll bloody ring him, I have no shame, and nothing to prove, but maybe his Mum should know what he is doing while she is in the sewing room  ;D
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury........he's gotten back to me:

So here it is,FACT! Got it? FACT!

Royal Marines (Boy Entrant), QOR of C, Royal Marines, 44 SADF, Royal Marines, ROTC.

Well, I don't know about you but that all seems plausible ::)

I won't post the rest, it was the usual 'let's meet up and I'll teach you some manners'.
Wow, what a great way to turn a crappy day into great fun for the whole family. This has been the best laugh I've had in a long time. Thank you Booty for making my day, just wonderful to read all that was here.
Chapeski said:
Wow, what a great way to turn a crappy day into great fun for the whole family. This has been the best laugh I've had in a long time. Thank you Booty for making my day, just wonderful to read all that was here.

Bittersweet, there was a perfectly good movie on TV that went unwatched because off all the excitement in here.  Curse this damn dirty thread!  ;)
I was watching Hamburger Hill on my laptop when I decided to look further into this thread. I had to turn it off because I was so enthralled by the reading, plus I was laughing so damned hard I couldn't the movie anymore. I'm going to have a great sleep after this one, my brain hurts from reading so much. I love how the numbers went from about 7 registered and 35 guests to about 10 registered and 59 guests, I'm glad I'm not the only one loving this!
Towards_the_gap said:
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury........he's gotten back to me:

So here it is,FACT! Got it? FACT!

Royal Marines (Boy Entrant), QOR of C, Royal Marines, 44 SADF, Royal Marines, ROTC.

Well, I don't know about you but that all seems plausible ::)

I won't post the rest, it was the usual 'let's meet up and I'll teach you some manners'.

Still no dates, service numbers, campaigns or deployments. No names of aquaintences or anything to prove his protestations or clarifications. Pretty amazing no one here (and there's more than a few) from the Queen's Own has recognized or vouched for him.

Anyone here could post a list of units, it doesn't mean they served with them.

It proves nothing.

DO NOT send him anymore personal info by PM. SN, SIN, Units and names. He's using your info to fill his private bank, to use later on, to substantiate his faux indentity and poser profile.

Men, ladies and Mr Booty,

Personally, I find it hard to comprehend that a 'professional' (term used loosely) soldier with all that TI and experience would behave in such a dishonourable manner.

Its the INet, and I do not believe him for a second.

OWDU's jury still says poser/impersonator.

Time for a CC and ginger  ;D

OWDU by squads, to my bar..... NOW!

Peace - Love - Harmony - and all things warm and fuzzy,


This guy reminds me of a guy that kept hanging around at a Op Connection event a couple of weeks ago. About 55, really out of shape, claimed to be a PPCLI MWO, straight off roto, Spec Op Combat Medic. He was telling similiar stories, mind you he got his out the Globe and Mail and National Post, rather than every "inside the special world of (insert unit here)" book. Sad very sad.
Sounds like a good part of it is total TRIPE, as for the photos...RM Cadets definitely, if you look closely there seems to a be a generation missing, i.e the 25 to 40 year olds, a good chunk of the terminology is utter twaddle, looks like your chap has had limited service and probably got binned early, the rest of his career, well for one thing the RM officer statement "we have no service numbers" is utter KAK! The RN supplies ALL "Top End" admin for the RM!

Sensible question now......What would Mr.Booty have on his Dog Tags then?

As for service as a RM cadets officer, well, anybody can do that, same with all the cadet forces in the UK

Any terminology used can be picked up via Google and i'll bet he's searching madly for "Boat House" colours right at this minute,plus the service numer thing...AArse has and extended list with dates, so the info for "Walting" is there!

As for me, I spent some time in the RAF and some with the Artillery, did nothing special except Historic Aircraft/Crash Recovery and a bit of Jaguar Squadron stuff (RAF) and a bit of Airportable/OP/CP (Artillery) but I KNOW a WALT when I see one!
the 48th regulator said:
Locking would be his way out.

Let us out the chap, when his fellow Marines show up.

Like we can't bet a loonie on THAT outcome....
Blue/GreenJob said:
Sounds like a good part of it is total TRIPE, as for the photos...RM Cadets definitely, ------------------------------------------------------------As for me, I spent some time in the RAF and some with the Artillery, did nothing special except Historic Aircraft/Crash Recovery and a bit of Jaguar Squadron stuff (RAF) and a bit of Airportable/OP/CP (Artillery) but I KNOW a WALT when I see one!

B/G Job,

Welcome to the forum & thanks for your input.
Thank you for the welcome, I was looking for an introductions page,but so far no luck, worked with the RCAF (at the time) when I was on Jaguars a couple of times, decent chaps all round and FAR more "Grounded" than our cousins to the South of you. ;)

Plus bringing CF-104's to the heart of Norfolk was a great experience, especially the last "Beat up" before they went home!  ;D

I picked up this topic from AArse and as i'm a keen member of the "Waltenkommando" there it only seemed right that the infringment of sanity that involved one of "Ours" is broached on here that I would offer a wee bit of info/support to the cause, mainly because "Walts" do really make me quite sick, they are at the very least claiming something that is NOT theirs and at their worst they are soiling the memories of the guys who did the job in the real world and lost their lives doing it.

Anyway, less of my waffle, thanks again for the welcome.
From his PM to TTG:

...44 SADF...

This gets even better.  This is a reference to 44 Para Bde of the South African Defence Force, so we're up to three services now - four if his reference to "ROTC" is to the US version.

Edited to change "armies" to services...I'd never suggest the RM are "Army"!

Teddy Ruxpin said:
From his PM to TTG:

This gets even better.  This is a reference to 44 Para Bde of the South African Defence Force, so we're up to three Armies now - four if his reference to "ROTC" is to the US version.

Yup, if it was UK it'd be UOTC and also service in 44 parabat would render him ineligible for service in UK armed forces if the timing was prior to the fall of apartheid... :P

By the way...you just reminded me of a great story....the ex-wife was working in the toy section of a local department store 15 years ago or so when a customer came in and asked if "Teddy Ruxpin" was in yet?.....Her reply?....."No i've never heard of him, but i'll phone the personell department to see if he's employed here and what section he works on if you want"  :o
Bootylicous claimed my Airborne Coin number that I provided was false and failed to provide any proof of service that he promised. I haven't recieved a PM from him in a couple of days after I told him that he was a poser and would ignore him until such proof was given. While it is fun to read the thread I won't be commenting after this post unless proof of service is provided.

Booty, the ball is in your court.(But I honestly don't expect anything of substance from you)
Also, brilliant thread name change! I had to actually read it before I realised it was Bootys inane rambling. ;D
recceguy said:
DO NOT send him anymore personal info by PM. SN, SIN, Units and names. He's using your info to fill his private bank, to use later on, to substantiate his faux indentity and poser profile.


Instead, just send the first 6 digits of your SIN number to me ... and I will tell you what your last 3 are ... and ergo if you're legit. <--- true story.

(BTW -- I thought those identity theft commercials that ran a couple years ago ... were almost as neat as this thread!!)  <---not such a true story.