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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Booty: Using the spellchecker.

I wonder what special skill that will install him with?..........................."I have not yet begun to fight!"......yea, I wrote that.

"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat,"...yea, wrote that too.

Oh he is firing off a miriade of love letters to me...finally used the spell checker when he could not spell "Mummy".

No matter how much I ask him, he won't come out from his hiding place under the bed.


Be an "Airborne Marine"!!!  Buy their crap!


How 'bout this lovely coaster:


or a lovely hat?


I guess I'm just pissed airsofters have more money to spend on cool kit than me.
Their pictures are cooler too.
Flawed Design said:
I guess I'm just pissed airsofters have more money to spend on cool kit than me.
Their pictures are cooler too.

Good thing i'm in ASW. Not too many posers or imitators in our world. Nobody sits around their living room wanting to play "Awefully Slow Warfare" or kids saying "boy it would be awesome to spend the afternoon doing doppler tracking"
yeah tell me about it. and I bet it never gets broken/burned/blown up/run over/shot/torn up, under the barrage of BB's.

thankfully he's given up PM'ing me (for now)

yoo hoo, walter?? where are you? we'd love you to come back on this thread and justify your crap!
CDN Aviator said:
Good thing i'm in ASW. Not too many posers or imitators in our world.

That's okay...I still think you're cool.  Bleh, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.   ;D
Strike said:
That's okay...I still think you're cool.  Bleh, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.   ;D

Aww......she likes me  :-*
Flawed Design said:
I guess I'm just pissed airsofters have more money to spend on cool kit than me.
Their pictures are cooler too.

For the record I still think you're cool.
anyone received any incoming from el walto grande lately? he's been a bit quiet, but I've been prodding him to have a look on here again, just so he has no doubt he's been rumbled.
I just rcv'd one a minute ago...he's lurking, but afraid to re-engage.
Must be out of belt-fed tripe....
Anyhow - I hate to be the parade-rainer, balloon-popper, taking candy from the baby guy, BUT

the thread was unlocked mostly to allow booty and his doubters to sort things out - civilly. When people are indeed posers, it is much more satisfying to me when they are systematically dissected and discredited. This thread is not much different than this one

Radio Chatter or not, the Forum Guidelines apply.

Army.ca Staff
Muskrat, I'm not sure that there's a comparison between the feeding frenzy on the thread you linked to and this one.

In the other instance, ad hominum attacks were directed against an external person who had/has nothing to do with the site and the tone got out of hand.  Indeed, she was attacked for her opinions, not anything she'd done here.

On this thread, there is a feeling that we - the horde - have been deliberately misled and lied to.  Indeed, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that this is the case.  Worse, the original post was directed at newer members of the CF and prospective recruits.  Because of this, there may be value in "outing" this particular walt - as long as there is a trail of evidence - and I believe there is plenty - and "attacks" aren't personalized.
Furthermore, some of his pics indicate he may work with cadets.

Which of course in of itself is a noble thing, however if he is telling stories like the one that started this thread then I would be worried, and would not want my son being taught ANYTHING by him.
Humble friends,

Not to mock, humiliate, nor insult and/or attack,but to press on with the obvious.

I reside in the popcorn gallery, awaiting the meltdown of a one time poster and what appears to be a poser.

Cadres and P Coys and Canadian Airborne Forces, good bloody gawd, at least he said he has no Australian experience.


Happy days to all, and enjoying a warm winter's day

I remain,

Wait for it...She was the last Digger off the beach at Gallipoli
Good luck...I have been as well but she dosn't have it in her...
Well folks,

I will say this.  It is still late over on the other side of the pond, so we must be patient until the lads get online and offer some insight on our fellow Ninja soldier.

Until then, we are just playing his game.

So Booy, let us both stop the love letters back and forth via PM, and wait until your fellow Marines show up, and prove us wrong.


Booty said:
Nope, I landed at Ajax.

Fellow doubting members and guests,

Pardon my bloody french.

Oh my f**king gawd (censored as not to insult  ;) !

People like this try to cheapen those who actually were there, and most importantly those who gave their lives and have been wounded (not by a paint ball) not only back in '82, but today and since then.

Personally its a true shame, and to impersonate real veterans, well, its beyond words, shy of disgusting.

We've given this guy an audience, its obvious what the truth really is.

We know.

He's playing us, 23  24 pages!

Time to lock this up, and move on.

Its is his reputation, not ours, and he really doesn't give a toss anyways.

If thats him in the pic, he should truly be as embarrassed as much as I would be if my mum had caught me  'pulling' it  :-[ . Perhaps now he is been busted, he is wetting that adult nappy he is wearing under his DPMs, ha!

Crap on, Mr Booty. We've got more time standing at the urinal in the Mess after a few beers than real TI you have served.

Regards still from a lovely day here.

Snickering cheaply in the dark corner,


EDITed for clarity and spelling