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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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Looks like Reality Winner is going to receive a dose of reality that will turn her into a loser.
jollyjacktar said:
Looks like Reality Winner is going to receive a dose of reality that will turn her into a loser.
I have to admit I looked 2-3 times @ the news release to see if I wasn't reading it wrong ...
The talking heads are saying she's pretty well dug herself a very deep hole with her admissions to investigators.  Stupid young woman... :facepalm:
You know of course that she'll be a hero to the Manning/Snowdon/Assange crowd and all their supporters.
ModlrMike said:
You know of course that she'll be a hero to the Manning/Snowdon/Assange crowd and all their supporters.
Not including, of course, those fans of Assange who hate him because of this, but love him because of this  ;D
It's not her fault. Consider her upbringing. She was raised by parents that named her Reality Winner. That does it all for me, right there. She was doomed to failure when her parents decided to keep her. [lol:
recceguy said:
It's not her fault. Consider her upbringing ...
... Raised in Texas, Ms. Winner received her legal name — Reality Leigh Winner — from her biological father, who, Mr. Davis said, “always wanted a real winner, so he named her Reality Leigh.”

“The plan was to call her Leigh,” Mr. Davis said, “and one of the first babysitters that they had started calling her Reality, and it stuck.” ...
Winning! (not)
Too bad she never thought to simply store the classified material on a mail server in her bathroom..........
Aaaaaaand this just out @ Amazon ...
Manchester was without question a false flag attack. It was probably personally approved by the Prime Minister Theresa May.

The author, a former spy who managed a false flag for the CIA (no one died) provides a mix of original and previously posted material that aggregates in one place most of what any citizen needs to know about false flag attacks as a tool of state.

The next false flag attack will probably be a fake pandemic that includes the locking down of major urban areas, and the imposition of a vaccination that weakens substantial portions of the public while killing off a significant number of Alt-Right activists.

Our legitimately elected president Donald Trump will not -- unlike the Prime Minister of England -- be witting of the planned false flag, which is part of the four track strategy to destroy Donald Trump and turn the government over to Deep State stand-in Mike Pence ...
tomahawk6 said:
This has zero to do with US politics.

Do you believe "US" or "politics" is not relevant? 

(Hint: the author refers to his program as "The 2nd American Revolution"; he's calling for the "occupation of the front lawns and home offices of every Member of Congress during the summer recess."  It sounds kind of applicable to "US politics" to me.)
The Comey testimony gave a bit to both sides and left everyone slightly bruised with no real change. He is quite the political animal, except now he likely has few friends on the Dem or GOP side, he have to fade away for a bit.
milnews.ca said:
For the record, Comey's opening statement & POTUS45's (personal) lawyer's statement from "The Testimony" ...

I sure hope that the statement from POTUS's lawyer is a transcript that someone else made of a verbal statement and not a document issued by Kasowitz himself. It has a number of typos and gramatical errors which should not appear in a gigh priced lawyer's paperwork.

That aside it seems that the response to Comey is to say that all the things that Comey said are favourable to POTUS are the truth and what we've said all along while the negative things Comey said are lies and damn lies. In the legal field that's called "cherry picking"

With respect to POTUS "entitled to expect loyalty from those who are serving in an administration ..." perhaps he should be reminded that the federal oath of office is to the consitution and not to any individual in government.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office - An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.


FJAG said:
I sure hope that the statement from POTUS's lawyer is a transcript that someone else made of a verbal statement and not a document issued by Kasowitz himself. It has a number of typos and gramatical errors which should not appear in a gigh priced lawyer's paperwork ...
Nope, it's from the lawyer.
FJAG said:
It has a number of typos ... which should not appear in a gigh priced lawyer's paperwork.

They always sneek in at the most unopportune timez.
Loachman said:
They always sneek in at the most unopportune timez.


Serves me right. He who lives by the pen dies by the pen.  ;D

That's why I always quadruple-cheque my responses before posting when jacking somebody hear for pour writing skills, and then won more time after posting, because I just no that that is when I'll make a mistake (because I have).
Loachman said:
That's why I always quadruple-cheque my responses before posting when jacking somebody hear for pour writing skills, and then won more time after posting, because I just no that that is when I'll make a mistake (because I have).

Please re-read what you just wrote. I'll wait.

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