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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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Oldgateboatdriver said:
Chispa: What the hell are you on, and where can I get some?

Sorry ran out of meds few days ago, seeing Doctor on Friday my eye is a mess...When I get I'll send some in your direction [lol:
Trump state visit to U.K. puts Queen Elizabeth in ‘very difficult position’
Chispa, check your bedroom... I think someone has placed a device that spews rhetoric while you sleep. ;)
milnews.ca said:
On that bit in yellow - really?  So can I guess that, if you disagree with the protesters, that you must think that we can't paint aaaaaaaaaaaaaall Muslims with the terrorist brush like the protesters appear to be doing?  ;)

I just saw a post on FB that addressed just that.  The person stated that this is comparable to WW II when everyone equated all Germans to be Nazis.  (Sorry for invoking Godwin's Law)
Trump's time out (it's not really a ban) only affects about 9% of muslims world wide. If it were truly an anti-muslim measure, you'd think the percentage would be somewhat higher.

ModlrMike said:
Trump's time out (it's not really a ban) only affects about 9% of muslims world wide. If it were truly an anti-muslim measure, you'd think the percentage would be somewhat higher.
Shhhh... don't let facts interfere with a good leftist freak out.  At least Trump is merely banning Yemenis for 90 days instead of drone bombing them like Obama (or like HRC would have done)
His trip to Harley-Davidson has been called off,
"Three of the last five presidents -- Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton -- have visited us at our facilities."
Maripat Blankenheim, director of Harley-Davidson's corporate communication.

Flavus101 said:
Chispa, check your bedroom... I think someone has placed a device that spews rhetoric while you sleep. ;)

Thank U kindly for the advice, although U are right, I sleep with the TV on, could be on FOX, CNN, looks like their garbled rhetoric spews into my brain as I sleep, Think tonight I’ll turn it Off. Guess a poor attempt on my part when it comes to humour.


ModlrMike said:
Trump's time out (it's not really a ban) only affects about 9% of muslims world wide. If it were truly an anti-muslim measure, you'd think the percentage would be somewhat higher.

The number that should be looked at is what percentage of Muslims heading to the U.S. does this affect.  Not all Muslims are destined for the US but I'd be curious to see the percentage of Muslim refugees from those states as opposed to the countries that are not on the list.  I'd be willing to bet that a majority of Muslim refugees are coming from those countries listed.  Countries that seem to be arbitrarily chosen. 

I agree though that it isn't a ban (despite he himself saying it several times and campaigning on it). 
mariomike said:
His trip to Harley-Davidson has been called off
    :panic:  ....or maybe  :boring:     

I get so confused trying to track what's significant, what's fake newsTM, the opinions of the Kardashians or other 'celebrities,' what's SNL vs. Russian mind-control...

... or is all of this just a cruel conspiracy by The Onion  and Duffleblog ?    :dunno:
Journeyman said:
    :panic:  ....or maybe  :boring:     

I get so confused trying to track what's significant, what's fake newsTM, the opinions of the Kardashians or other 'celebrities,' what's SNL vs. Russian mind-control...

... or is all of this just a cruel conspiracy by The Onion  and Duffleblog ?    :dunno:

H.D. asked kindly, way too many complained on Trump's visit.

On other news.....I slept with the TV on CCN last night I heard voices in my dreams.

For MOP yesterday proved somewhat confusing, a real head “scratch” or “scratcher” (British English spell check Red Flagged scratcher?); is it a ban or not a ban, was the question, eluding all media outlets making sense of it all. Trump signed stating the “Ban, and should’ve been done a long time ago,” his press-puppet spicy Spicer, with others clearly said Ban. On Tuesday it’s not a Muslim Ban, ban on Muslims, or a Ban in the first place considering it’s only for 90 days allowing a reorganisation, implementing new bedding or visa criterions.

Could be my dyslexia, all of MOP’s confusion seems quite logical to me; the ban that was a ban until Monday is not a ban on Tuesday, and will be null and void within 90 days. Owing its not applicable too ‘all’ Muslim States you can’t label Trump’s executive order as a “Muslim Ban,” if only a selective few (7) are red flagged at this present point. 

In Trump’s calls; making America safer, only few Muslim states are affected with the temporary inconvenience, while many other Muslim countries need not worry, Americas’ doors are wide open. Oddly Saudi Arabia harbours an extensive concentration of terrorists excluded from the naughty list, heard Trump has business interests and they do have Oil, $$$. Pillaging Trump foolhardily believes during the Iraq occupation; “we should’ve taken the oil,” prompting some American senators, world leaders, publicly declaring those actions are a war crime.

What if during these 90 days, considering all the drama once he took office, any terrorist’s from excluded Muslim countries, carryout a successful attack on America, that will be Mud in Trump’s face…MOP will have a field day with Trumps lovely derrière.

Is this a Muslim ban? Trump's executive order explained.

A California lawmaker is calling on President Trump to release Melania Trump's immigration papers. Nathan Rousseau Smith.

P.S. the MSG post board for few weeks has a mind of its own, very sensitive, I type or fill an empty space, and sends me up the page, at times when I touch the scroll bar I get a green page, on the top left: Server tooo busy please try again later. Yesterday, etc., while giving Points without finishing, the page blanked with just the green page and MSG, although the points were awarded.

Adding the made in the USA spell check which constantly red flags me adding confusion, while checking…I click, at times also sends up to the top or start of the MSG board and that space is small when U post.

Today no issue posting although it took 1hr before I could post again after my first post.

c.u. work is calling
Interesting article from the Atlantic.  A possible future...

The Americans (and the combined "West" in general) made our bed with the Saudis long ago.

I am not surprised that Trump did not add them to the list that was in place prior to the new administration. It would be too soon for Trump to cut ties one week in (plus the press would have an awesome time talking about how America left their staunch Saudi allies high and dry)

I would not be surprised to see the Trump administration gradually distancing America from the Saudis throughout their term.
Remius said:
Interesting article from the Atlantic.  A possible future...


Interesting article from Taki Magazine.  A possible future...


Trump, the rednecks and I all share one common characteristic - Presbyterians.  Bottom up.  Not top down.

Or, to put it another way.... a little chaos is good for the soul.
Ok that was fast, msg board is stable, great…few days ago read that Trump was about to take an aggressive posture towards Iran, and warning that war might erupt, balderdash, indeed. Now North Korea according tooo intel, Kim Jong un is in the phase of exploding a Nuc, will Trump put him on notice before or after Kim triggers the Nuc? 

Donald Trump presidency could 'lead to a world war' Iran's defence minister warns
Trump administration 'officially putting Iran on notice', says Michael Flynn

Iran's president derides Donald Trump AGAIN in the wake of immigrant ban, calling him a political novice with a dangerous lack of knowledge who is hurting the US

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4179920/Iran-s-president-derides-Donald-Trump-ban.html#ixzz4XUKeL1Nq

Remius said:
Interesting article from the Atlantic.  A possible future...


Sounds Orwellian!  :)

"pro-Trump troll armies that police Facebook and Twitter."

"President Trump communicates with the people directly via his Twitter account, ushering his supporters toward favorable information at Fox News or Breitbart."

mariomike said:
Sounds Orwellian!  :)

"pro-Trump troll armies that police Facebook and Twitter."

"President Trump communicates with the people directly via his Twitter account, ushering his supporters toward favorable information at Fox News or Breitbart."

Another work of fantasy. Maybe good for a session in the "reading room". Anyway, Facebook and Twitter will be dead by 2021. So Trump will have to send his minions directly to your hovel to punch your lights out. By then Fox will be the only survivor of the ratings wars. CNN will be a home shopping channel and MSNBC will be no more. ;D
Oh, OK, they can't punch your lights out, they won't have lights by then, all you will have is candles made out of ear wax and belly button lint. Then they will be over to snuff them out.  ;D
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