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Trump administration 2024-2028

More proof that Greenlanders have taste...

Shocking, no one wants to be a part of the circus?! But for real why would anyone want to be filmed beside foreigners that are too dense to take "no, we don't want to be a part of your country" as an answer?

I am going to bet it lasts no more than 2-3 days before Trump blinks again, otherwise RIP North American auto industry.
They do not. Musk is a clown; he’s not the least bit well qualified for that work, or to identify who should do it. The U.S. has some of the best cybersecurity professionals in the world working in various agencies. These are tasks for the pros. However, it will start with the cyber security equivalents of “is it plugged in? Is it turned on?”
Can you imagine being one of the NSA or other agency code wizards who have hacked all kinds of things as well as helped developed secure tools to prevent your own country from being hacked and then these absolute ass clowns at the top are passing things back and forth on an unclass app on what seems to be their personal phones?

Just brutal. Thousands of minions diligently working away on keeping things secret loses it's impact when you have these bellends being such giant easy targets. They should all get minders whose job is to babysit them to stop them leaking national secrets and/or breaking obvious laws.
Why would any of the NA makers spend tens of billions consolidating in the US when they could just offshore it all and pay the tariff once?
I struggle to imagine it ultimately being worth the cost to onshore a lot of the parts supplies, particularly given the political unpredictability. Factories ain’t cheap. Nor are they fast to build. American labour is relatively expensive. I don’t know if Trump thinks he’s playing Sim City or something where you drag a coloured box across a patch of ground and factories pop up in seconds. Does he not realize that these tariffs will spike the price of both new and used cars, demand will drop, and autoworkers and suppliers will end up facing layoffs? And all this in the approach to the midterms?

Integrated supply chains don’t unravel overnight. It’ll take years. And the more parts they make in the U.S., the more aluminum and steel they’ll have to import with 25% tariffs on top. Foundries and smelters aren’t built overnight either.
Why would any of the NA makers spend tens of billions consolidating in the US when they could just offshore it all and pay the tariff once?
The original Auto Pact of 1965 stated that for every car sold in Canada one had to be built. This would result in no tariffs being applied by Canada.
In 2025 Canada bought just under 1.9million cars and assembled about 1.3million.
Going back to the original Pact of 1965 would result, potentially, in another 500,000 cars being produced here.
Realistically, the United States is an elected monarchy from the 18th Century where the King has to regularly fight with parliament over control of the Kingdom.
I have never wished so hard for an alternate tragic outcome in a drunken boating accident in Ontario a few years ago.

The US of A is exactly where John Adams wrote about when he argued (successfully) for separation of powers (administration, legislature and judiciary) and where he was an early writer warning quite explicitly of a “tyranny of the majority” without these 3 powers being separate and balancing out. A few decades later, de Tocqueville came around to study American politics ( Democracy in America ) and he warned the American nation was evolving into a social construct where the executive and legislative branch was starting to act upon majority demands to the detriment of a sensible minority which the judiciary might not be able to hold sway. The result of a tyrannical majority, he wrote (along with John Stuart Mill sometime later) was pleasing to emotive politics “like sugar on the nipple” but not rational at all- a lack of utilitarian empathy replaced by demands not of the greater good but the greater self serving electoral strength.

Ideally, a President should not belong to any political party and the legislative majority need not operate beholden to a President.

Donald J Trump, the Republican caucus and the wilful ignorance of the US electorate have blown every safeguard to smithereens. There is no Abraham Lincoln on the foreseeable future. If the Trump family install themselves one way or another in 2028, the situation may not be recoverable.

That being said, we’ve got our own political governance problems here to also worry about. This is not a country without a history of rebellion caused by power imbalance
Nice change having foreign interference where you don’t need translators to allow security analysts to do their job.
Nice change having foreign interference where you don’t need translators to allow security analysts to do their job.
We're living in the worst timeliness haha. There's also this from last night. President Sundown strikes again.

We're living in the worst timeliness haha. There's also this from last night. President Sundown strikes again.

"We don't need your stuff. HEY WAIT! You can only trade with us, that's not allowed!"

I think idiocracy is still in the lead for this speedrun, though isolationism is quickly catching up.
World trade is in a much different place now than it was the last time the US went tariff crazy. The likelihood of US isolation grows more certain every day. I think there is a growing global sentiment that other nations are gearing up to trade amongst themselves leaving the US to deal with its own drama. Nearly everything the US sells abroad can be sourced from other sellers, and what can't can be replicated or done without.
The pointlessness of trying to identify a reason (underlying complaint) for tariffs that can be addressed ought to suggest to people the pointlessness of trying to "hire" an effective negotiator into the PM's office.
Why would any of the NA makers spend tens of billions consolidating in the US when they could just offshore it all and pay the tariff once?
The biggest 'win' could come from Japan/Korea (about 2.8million autos exported to the US) onshoring a number of new plants in the US. Between the 2 of them they represent about 17% of autos imported to the US. If Trump can manage to get about 6% of that 17% that's around 1million new autos produced in the US. The vast majority of those 'parts' plants are not located in the US as well. Getting 1/3 of those parts plants located in the US would be another large win.
We need to build a border wall (and ask if any of the border states want to be on our side of the wall before we build it). ;)