It’s fine to ‘paint a scenario’, but it doesn’t have an air of reality about it. Telford is a functionary and enabler; she‘s neither competition nor an obstacle to him. I just don’t see this happening.
You would think, but the transit service sucks so much they end up just lying in the street for a while and the bus doesn’t actually show up, so they get up and go back to caucus.
Hopefully he actually does, but I’ll believe it when I see it. This may be his last effort to force Trudeau to step down and hand off. It still remains in the NDP’s interest to prop the government up while they have the leverage, but to me this signals “we cannot and will not work with Trudeau anymore”.
If Trudeau were to announce that he’s stepping down as leader, I wouldn’t bet against NDP working with a successor until October. But we’ll see.