His own MP's have resigned. Others have written letters encouragjng/demanding he step down. They just lost yet another by-election...
On Tuesday, we essentially had 4 new finance ministers (almost). 4.
That's gotta be some sort of record, even among 3rd world tinpot dictatorships
He truly is the narcissistic, delusional dictator so many have claimed him to be. They said he won't step down & someone is going to have to literally drag him out of office, and it looks like those people may have been right...
He knows what the polls say. He knows that whenever he's out in public, angry mobs form & follow. He knows what the by-elections say. He knows what the news says.
He knows his popularity isn't going to go up.
And he (should) know that if he simply said "I can see my vision forward isn't shared by a majority of the country, so therefore the only responsible thing to do is call an election..." it would be the ONE THING he's done in recent times that the general population very much wants.
...Yet there he is. Shuffling cabinet and carrying on, as if the raging forest fire burning around him is totally normal. (Dumpster fire seemed woefully inadequate)