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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

C.G.R said:
Is there not a limit to how far away you can be and how close you can be for that to be in effect? If so, I would assume he is out of range.

How should i know ? Thats why i said IIRC.......i dont know the details. I'm RegF and live 5 minutes away from the runway.
Yeah, If only it was closer id be signed up in seconds. Is there anything that I can do so I work during the summer, Because if so I would have a place to stay. I plan on joining full time once I am done school, but I want to do what I can now to make me better off. I am willing to do what it takes for me to be able to be there but this one fact that me living so far away stops me.
Basic training will take up most of your summer, if you were put on a summer course. Though I am not sure if they will have you do your bmq if you will be unable to go throughout the rest of the year.
alpha4 said:
Yeah, If only it was closer id be signed up in seconds. Is there anything that I can do so I work during the summer, Because if so I would have a place to stay. I plan on joining full time once I am done school, but I want to do what I can now to make it better off.

You will need to talk to the unit to find out exactly what their options are. Not every Reserve unit operates on the same cycle for running of basic courses. It is possible, but unlikely in my experience, that they will conduct a summer Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) course. Even if they do and accept your application, they will also have concerns that you will not be available to parade regularly afterwards.
C.G.R said:
Basic training will take up most of your summer, if you were put on a summer course. Though I am not sure if they will have you do your bmq if you will be unable to go throughout the rest of the year.

C.G.R., which Reserve units do have personal experience with regarding the scheduling of training and courses?

* Waiting for Mr. O'Leary to tell me to stay in my lane*

None thus far.  :-\
C.G.R said:
* Waiting for Mr. O'Leary to tell me to stay in my lane*

None thus far.  :-\

Well, since you obviously understand the point, I shouldn't have to ask you to slow down and stop posting answers with no background to know how valid they are or whether what you think is done applies to each unit and area.
Honestly Alpha4, since you are planning to join the Reg. Force in a year anyway, I would focus on school and try to make your application the best that it can be. Also take time with your pals from school or where ever, and enjoy life! This is just my view, and I think that it is great that you want to join up now, but the difference between 17 and 18 is fractional at best. IMO, educate yourself to the highest degree possible before you apply and you will be a better man for it. Good luck in your future with the CF.
Michael O'Leary said:
You will need to talk to the unit to find out exactly what their options are. Not every Reserve unit operates on the same cycle for running of basic courses. It is possible, but unlikely in my experience, that they will conduct a summer Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) course. Even if they do and accept your application, they will also have concerns that you will not be available to parade regularly afterwards.
Read and understood sir, I will call first thing tomorrow and tell them my story, I can remember once they came out around this way to try and get people to join the Reserves so there is little hope that there is away around this. Anyway guys thanks for all the help tonight and ill report back with any news I get tomorrow.  :salute:
Reference:  a.  Current CAA low rate
b.  Current gas prcies IAW Gas Buddy

285km One way
-12km deduct
273km Net one way

546km Return trip

x$0.16 low rate NL&L
$87.36 Gross total per return trip

x25% deduct average taxes
$65.52 Net Total (estimated per return trip)

570km Total return distance
60L 1 tank of gas on average
$1.29 cpl current gas rate
$77.52 Total per trip you would be paying.

As long as the OP has not been moved at public expense and there is no adaquate public transportation, the limit for distance from the unit was removed in the mid-2000s. Some units will ask a person to reconsider their choice if they live too far away, but there is no national limit on paper.

Note: You would be required to pay the above gas up front and submit a claim once a month in arrears (ie: pay for the days travel to training in March and claim it in April). So, 4 training nights + 1 training day would cost you $387.60 out of your pocket up front. Once the claim is submitted and deposted into your account (in late April using the example) it would be worth an estimated $327.60. On top of this, while waiting for the March commuting assistance, you would be training in April and need to pay for that gas up front. On average, you would be short $60 per month, plus the wear and tear on your car and the possible increase of insurance for commuting that distance so often.

If the OP is looking to join HMCS CABOT, his only option will be to travel to St John's. NRDs understand the circumstances for those who must travel any distance and as long as you communicate with your Divisional System and let them know if you can not make it in due to weather, ect... they are usually understanding.
Hey guys so I went and called the office yesterday and as of right now I will be going in for A meeting next week to fill out my app and ask any questions I may have. He told me that they do pay A traveling  allowance which is great , Now all I have to do is pass the cfat :facepalm: Math is not my best subject but I told them I am willing to get put in any area they need me. Anyway guys thanks for all the help and I will report back with any news I get when I go in. :salute:
I'm mathematically retarded and I got in. Relax, you'll be fine- and good luck!
Hey guys I have a question that's to do with this statement,When scoring the test you are not penalized for incorrect answers. So, it is in
your best interest to guess at an answer for questions that you don't know, rather than
leave a blank space on the answer sheet. If your not penalized for wrong answers, Then how does the scoring work.
alpha4 said:
Hey guys I have a question that's to do with this statement,When scoring the test you are not penalized for incorrect answers. So, it is in
your best interest to guess at an answer for questions that you don't know, rather than
leave a blank space on the answer sheet. If your not penalized for wrong answers, Then how does the scoring work.

On the test, if you put down a wrong answer, you don't get the points. On some tests, if you put down a wrong answer, points are actually taken away (e.g. if you had 15 right, got one wrong and left 4 blank, your score might be 14/20).
JMesh said:
On the test, if you put down a wrong answer, you don't get the points. On some tests, if you put down a wrong answer, points are actually taken away (e.g. if you had 15 right, got one wrong and left 4 blank, your score might be 14/20).
Read and understood, Trying to get ready for my cfat my English and spatial are OK but the math is were it worries me. I am not very good in math but I hope I get what I need for infantry pres. With A two and A half hour drive just to get to base and four years of cadets, I hope they realize that i want this bad. For me its not the money or any benefits but being a part of this family and the brotherhood.
alpha4 said:
I hope they realize that i want this bad.

It does not matter one bit. You either "pass" the test for your desired trade or you dont. You level of "want" is not an element of the test.

For me its not the money or any benefits but being a part of this family and the brotherhood.

This is also irrelevant as far as the test goes. The CF doesnt much care why an individual has arrived at its doors, just that the person is there and is suitable.
CDN Aviator said:
It does not matter one bit. You either "pass" the test for your desired trade or you dont. You level of "want" is not an element of the test.

This is also irrelevant as far as the test goes. The CF doesnt much care why an individual has arrived at its doors, just that the person is there and is suitable.
Read and understood sir.
Hi their I have been looking through the site and haven't found much info on this. I have been reading about the diffrent classes of the reserves " class A, class B, class C" and was wondering if all units have members from all classes and if I wanted to become a class C reservist would it be possible or do I have to work my way to becoming class C.
ambush said:
Hi their I have been looking through the site and haven't found much info on this. I have been reading about the diffrent classes of the reserves " class A, class B, class C" and was wondering if all units have members from all classes and if I wanted to become a class C reservist would it be possible or do I have to work my way to becoming class C.

In brief, and not worrying about the semantics of the details:

Class A - Reserve part time employment, you are paid only for the days you work (at either the half-day or the full day rate based on hours worked).
Class B - Reserve full-time employment, at Reserve daily rates of pay, paid 7 days per week for the duration of the "contract." These can range from short local tasks of a few weeks, to summer training courses to 3-year contracts to fill full-time positions at headquarters or schools.
Class C - Reserve full-time employment, at Regular Force rates of pay, only applicable during operational employment (i.e., overseas).

Not all units employ all Classes, and no, you can't just "move up" from one to another, it's a matter of time, place, opportunity, qualifications and, for "B" and "C" competitive selection.
Thank you that's what i needed to hear. couldn't find that any where else
