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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

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I am considering joining the reserves and have a few questions about the recruitment process.

1. I am currently in University in Ontario and plan to move back to Montreal in the next year or two. Is it possible to join a reserves unit and get transferred to another unit?

2. I hear most of the basic training and qualifications for the reserves are done in the summer. Would it be too late at this point in time to start the joining process to have access to the training periods this summer?

3. The unit I am looking at are the Grey and Simcoe Foresters out of Barrie. How long is reserves basic training and does it take place at the base where the unit is located or is it off site? I would rather do some part of my training full time this summer if possible even if I have to go to another base in another province.

4. Finally, like I mentioned before I am currently in my final year of university studies and would like to take part in officer training. Is there any difference between applying as a NCM and an officer and if so, what are the differences in terms of the length of training and being able do the training this summer?

Thank you very much for your time.
Riverain96 said:
I am considering joining the reserves and have a few questions about the recruitment process.

1. I am currently in University in Ontario and plan to move back to Montreal in the next year or two. Is it possible to join a reserves unit and get transferred to another unit?


2. I hear most of the basic training and qualifications for the reserves are done in the summer. Would it be too late at this point in time to start the joining process to have access to the training periods this summer?


3. The unit I am looking at are the Grey and Simcoe Foresters out of Barrie. How long is reserves basic training and does it take place at the base where the unit is located or is it off site? I would rather do some part of my training full time this summer if possible even if I have to go to another base in another province.

Full-time would likely be in Meaford.  Basic training consists of BMQ-Land (usually split into BMQ and SQ), followed by DP1 for your occupation.  DP1 lengths vary.

4. Finally, like I mentioned before I am currently in my final year of university studies and would like to take part in officer training. Is there any difference between applying as a NCM and an officer and if so, what are the differences in terms of the length of training and being able do the training this summer?

Thank you very much for your time.

Offcier training would be BMQ + an officer add-on followed by the Common Army Phase of 10 weeks, usually in Gagetown, then your occupational training (DP1); length of DP varies by occupation.
Some tonight just posted about living in Ontario and moving to school in Quebec.  >:D

Searching google:navy.ca [insert questiion]

The above tends to provide most of the information you need.

Each part of Canada has their own training area (ie: Wainwright, Meford, Aldershot), the examples are not  meant to be compressive.
So if it's too late, is it even worth applying for a reserves unit if I would transfer in less than a year? My main concern is I will be finishing university soon, and I don't want to wait until next summer to do my training because that would mean I would have to wait an extra full year before starting my career (because if I need to be away for several weeks, I will not be able to take that much time away from work).
I really really want to join. I have been thinking of joining Reg forces but want to take some time in the Reserves to make sure it's right for me. Would you have any suggestions on what course of action I could take?

And thank you kratz but I am looking to join the army rather than the Navy or Air Force.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions!
You have to chose.

The Navy reserve will take you now...if a position is available and train you pre-BMQ and you will go away to your course for 10 weeks in the summer.

The Army reserve will take you when they have a position and are ready to run a BMQ. As Stacked suggested, most often on weekends.

Either way, this site is not official and can not take the place of you talking to the unit you are interested in. The time of year depends allot on what you own personal goals are. I am only posting potential options for you.
Thanks Kratz. So are you saying there might be more probability of getting my BMQ through the NAVY? And if so, I know that in the long run I want to do army. Are the qualifications from NAVY the same or recognized by Army and how hard is it to switch from one to the other? Do you know of any Navy reserve units in northern ontario?
Riverain96 said:
Thanks Kratz. So are you saying there might be more probability of getting my BMQ through the NAVY? And if so, I know that in the long run I want to do army. Are the qualifications from NAVY the same or recognized by Army and how hard is it to switch from one to the other? Do you know of any Navy reserve units in northern ontario?

Reserve unit locator: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/land-terre/units-unites/index-eng.asp
I am not trying to say NavRes is a better way to go. Heck, if I knew more about Air Reserve, I would mention them as well as an option.

I am trying to show you (and others reading the thread) another option.

BMQ skills are transferable, but trade skills are unique and often different. Search this site for an OT  (Occupation Transfer) or CT (Compent Transfer).
I am just one sailor posting some suggestions. I do not know the current recruiting numbers for the local unit you are interested in. In Northern Ontario your choices are Thunder Bay and Winnipeg.
Riverain96 said:
Thanks Kratz. So are you saying there might be more probability of getting my BMQ through the NAVY? And if so, I know that in the long run I want to do army. Are the qualifications from NAVY the same or recognized by Army and how hard is it to switch from one to the other? Do you know of any Navy reserve units in northern ontario?

NEVER assume you can enter in one trade or element and subsequently transfer out to your really desired one on your terms. Don't sign up for a trade you don't want to do.
Thanks to everyone for your quick responses.

Just one more question, is it possible to begin the application process through a recruitment center that is not at the unit you are applying for?
Riverain96 said:
3. The unit I am looking at are the Grey and Simcoe Foresters out of Barrie. How long is reserves basic training and does it take place at the base where the unit is located or is it off site? I would rather do some part of my training full time this summer if possible even if I have to go to another base in another province.

Just so you know.  We (the Foresters) are not hiring any new soldiers this fiscal year, 2011 to 2012.  Sorry 
I have searched the site for the reserve units that have openings but nothing came up. Is there anyway to look at a full list of units accepting applications or is the only way to know by contacting each individual unit?
Riverain96 said:
I have searched the site for the reserve units that have openings but nothing came up. Is there anyway to look at a full list of units accepting applications or is the only way to know by contacting each individual unit?

Yes that's the only way.
Hello all. I'm a university student in third year currently and my friend has got me interested in the reserves. He talked about joining the regular forces in the navy and gave me some links about reserve units. However he said he was told they weren't hiring currently. Is this true?

I was wondering if it was for me. I'm currently trying to get into better shape and have started to play sports and eat better more regularly. I'm slightly thin and not very strong. I'm trying to change that and have committed myself to a gym during school but dropped it in two months due to the workload. I'm a chemistry major and wish to continue on into graduate school. But I love this country and the military has always intrigued me since highschool.

Some additional questions. Will wearing glasses impact me much in terms of selection of units? can you become an officer through the reserves? 

Thank you :).
Q1. I was wondering if it was for me.

A1. That's a big question. I don't know the answer to that.

Q2. Will wearing glasses impact me much in terms of selection of units?

A2. I don't think so, but that may also depend on the profession. For example, pilots need good vision, but according to the CF website with corrective eye surgery you may qualify. Anyways, I don't think you have to worry about this.

Q3. can you become an officer through the reserves? 

A3. Yes you can.



My endurance/stamina are one of things i'm attempting to improve. I have certain weak aspects and i'm attempting to change that. One of these is that I get tired very easily. Probably due to the fact that I rarely if ever exercised before this year.

Sleeping for now. Good night.
You have to keep in mind that reserves requires a commitment during the school year as well, and if don't attend enough parade nights you can be kicked out.
I am turning 16 in a few months and I am considering joining the Navy Reserve upon my 16th birthday. Except, I do not have any prior work or volunteer experience. Although, I do have a very strong educational background with numerous extracurricular activities. Therefore, I am curious as to what the probability of acceptance is with my circumstances?
tenguopr said:
I am turning 16 in a few months and I am considering joining the Navy Reserve upon my 16th birthday. Except, I do not have any prior work or volunteer experience. Although, I do have a very strong educational background with numerous extracurricular activities. Therefore, I am curious as to what the probability of acceptance is with my circumstances?

All I and, I think, anyone else here can say is that they look at your entire application to determine your competitiveness with other applicants. I don't believe it would disqualify you, but it may require you to have a stronger application in other areas. You may also have difficulty providing a good variety of references, which cannot be family.

Have you considered applying somewhere to get work experience/references, or volunteer somewhere?