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National ID Cards

Do Canadians need a national identity card?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 35 45.5%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 4 5.2%

  • Total voters
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It may not matter who they are now: once their ID is cast into the DNA passport/ID Card  data bank, they then become SOMEBODY for good.  No more Montana trailer trash in Calgary hospitals.  No more ex-pat Sri Lankan villages voting six times each in a federal election in a Toronto riding.  No more 40,000,000 old age security pensions in a nation of 32,000,000 (sorry about that last example, a bit of artistic license.).

Brad's comments echo some of my concerns.

I think another question to ask is what will this cost?  I suspect that biometric technology on these id cards would be pricey.  I am certain that even if the biometric technology is reasonably priced, there will be the technology to duplicate and forge these cards within a few days of the first one being issued.  What protection is there in these cards?  Really there isn't any, it's just another expensive waste of tax payer's money to try and monitor and control people who neither need nor want to be monitored and controlled.

(edited to fix word omission)
If you combine several pieces of ID such as birth certificate, heath card, social insurance, Drivers license etc then if you loose it your SOL cause you need those things and would take a considerable amount of time for it to be replaced.

what if it gets stolen? would it not make a criminals life easier having all your ID conveniently placed on one card as apposed to maybe only getting your credit card or health card or something now they have everything all in one? I sure as hell don't want all my ID on one thing, there is just to much opportunity's to loose it and then you have no ID. It's also like a free ticket for someone looking to steal your identity or screw you in one way or another.
Why not move to pure biometrics when it comes to "important" business? Important being high-level financial moves, government-related information/decisions, etc.

Of course it's impossible now, if only for the price, but think of the risks for theft or fraud: low to now. Other than ripping off your hand, copying your vocal chords, or gouging out one of your eyes (depending on the biometrics used... probably a combination for higher-level security) there isn't much (ie nothing) one can do to copy your identity. Of course, some will say it's also the ultimate form of control, but I say it's a tradeoff. You get ultimate security, in exchange for having the government (or a special agency) know whenever you do something requiring said ID check.

It would also prevent terrorists and other assorted enemies from forging documents. It wouldn't exactly be easy to make up an identity with this system. And if someone was able to get so deep into our system that they'd be able to get into the security programs to add an identity, then they deserve to win.
I think there's probably an element of, for want of a better phrase, "being seen" to be doing everything possible to go along with whatever the best possible means is of confirming someone's identity.  There may well be various issues involved in bringing in the card, however as long as we're seen by the U.S. as going along with the goal, trying to secure their borders, they probably have less reason to dump on us.  I think our last government burned up considerable reserves of goodwill.  ::)
I think it is a good idea to have it.  Like Recceguy said, "gets rid of all those other ID cards you have to carry around".  What upsets me is the $75 fee (I seem to recall that figure having been said) to get one.  If I have to pay more than that for a Passport, and then that fee also, I feel like the Gov't has its hands too deep into my pockets.  I figure it should be issued automatically when you apply for and pay for your Passport, or it should replace the Passport for all International travel.  Why have to get both, if you travel to other countries other than the US.  Canadians are starting to get upset at being taxed so heavily, and would like to see some results for their money. 

As for fears of 'Big Brother' knowing too much about you.....You already have several different IDs issued by 'Big Brother', so why not combine them all into one?
George Wallace said:
As for fears of 'Big Brother' knowing too much about you.....You already have several different IDs issued by 'Big Brother', so why not combine them all into one?

But every single one of your other cards will still have a use somewhere... this is basically a 75$ passport valid only at the US border. Useless.
No, we are talking about one card that can upload/download info. Lose your licence?......off it goes....cop takes your card, swipes and sees you have 3 more months of suspension and....well you know.. ;)
ChopperHead said:
If you combine several pieces of ID such as birth certificate, heath card, social insurance, Drivers license etc then if you loose it your SOL cause you need those things and would take a considerable amount of time for it to be replaced.

what if it gets stolen? would it not make a criminals life easier having all your ID conveniently placed on one card as apposed to maybe only getting your credit card or health card or something now they have everything all in one? I sure as hell don't want all my ID on one thing, there is just to much opportunity's to loose it and then you have no ID. It's also like a free ticket for someone looking to steal your identity or screw you in one way or another.

You mean like losing your wallet, and all those cards at once?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
No, we are talking about one card that can upload/download info. Lose your licence?......off it goes....cop takes your card, swipes and sees you have 3 more months of suspension and....well you know.. ;)

And you're expecting this to cost less than the gun registry?
No, but maybe less than the bureaucracy of all those "other" cards together.......and the savings in our health care system.
I truly think that it is just another way to whittle away your civil rights. The same promises of security were issued with the SIN card. When a person can access your SIN they can find a lot of private information about you that should not be publicly available. I have the same fear that unscrupulous people will take advantage of  a persons privacy.

If the issue is cross border international travel, I have a passport. If they want medical information I have a medical card. Driver abstracts are available from the information on my drivers license. The idea of having so many cards helps to compartmentalize, one the information and two the people that can access the information. ALL information on a person must be on a need to know.

Yes the Government already knows too much about me and no I have nothing to hide. However, I do think our civil liberties that we all help to protect, should not be easily given away.  Just for the record, if you were  wondering, I voted no! :salute:
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Wonderful idea if properly implemented, of course those who are paranoid or have something to hide will whine and cry......

I don't think not wanting to have yet another form of I.D. which must be presented (Your papers pleeze) everytime you do something makes you paranoid. I'm not above reproach, but I have nothing to hide in the sense that you refer to. However, some of us have passports, many of us have wallet-sized birth certificates, most of us have health cards, credit cards, driver's license, library cards, fishing permits etc. Is one more piece of I.D. really necessary?

I oppose this as it will never eliminate that which is claimed to be it's stated goal. And there is definitely the possibility of abuse both by a criminal element as well as a government. To deny the possibility of the later is quite naive I think.

No matter though. It will take too long to implement. I remember Mr. Common Sense/let em barter with store owners/Iron Mike Harris implementing a program where everyone could/would get photo health cards. Well, I applied for one during his first term and still don't have it.

Rodders said:
....... Well, I applied for one during his first term and still don't have it.
Funny.  All I did was take in the required ID and filled out an application and I got my Health Card without any problems.  It was just that easy.  No idea what your problem could be.......
I understand that the topics pulling the discussion in all directions might be leading to confusion, but I think many of you are missing the point.

This is not "one more ID card." This is THE ID card. Instead of carrying 15 cards (literally, I just took everything out of my wallet and counted, though they're not all government-related) in my wallet, I could have a single card--and no wallet. All the money spent on having one set of bureaucrats for each card would be reduced to having one set of bureaucrats for all cards.

Would there be a problem if you lose your card? Yes. This is where biometrics come into play.

You lose your card, you show up to a government office (on a business day) and they scan your hand/eye/whatever, and voila, you get a new card with all your info. There, problem solved.
There is zero chance that they could replace health cards, drivers licences, SSN cards, etc. in one shot. Think of all the BILLIONS spent on systems that use these cards. It's an astronomical amount and deploying new systems to replace existing ones smoothly is a nightmare.

Also, most of these cards are under the jurisdiction of the provinces who handle all these services in their own way (as is their right).

All this so you can have a thinner wallet? I got about 5 cards just from the CF in my wallet, I can still sit on it.

Waste of money. Errosion of privacy. great idea?
Typical carrot and stick approach...everyone, look at all of the 'benefits' with this new system. 

Oh, and please overlook all of the potential privacy and big-brotherish issues that will go hand in hand with such a new system.  :-\
mo-litia said:
Typical carrot and stick approach...everyone, look at all of the 'benefits' with this new system. 

Oh, and please overlook all of the potential privacy and big-brotherish issues that will go hand in hand with such a new system.  :-\

So do you consider yourself the only informed person in Canada? Or are we here the only ones you consider naive and sheltered. Please don't talk down to us because we don't subscribe in your belief that everything the government does is bad for us.
Am I to be considered that I am talking down to people simply because I have pointed our that the system often advertises the benefits of a new program while glossing over it's negative details?

It's just logic, man, logic.
Change is Good!  I would look at it as being Progress, if we can straighten out the bureaucratic bungling that the various different Government Levels and Departments carry on with today.  They don't talk or cooperate with each other.  This country is going down the tubes.  Meanwhile, a whole segment of our society, a part that usually doesn't contribute much, except complaints, is concerned that they may loose some sort of freedom.  Notice, they don't complain when they line up for a handout though. 
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