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National ID Cards

Do Canadians need a national identity card?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 35 45.5%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 4 5.2%

  • Total voters
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Rodders said:
"As a generality, the left in Canada are winy, socialist crybabies that fear all things conservative (IMHO)."

So as an equal generalization, the right in Canada are inconsiderate, intolerant looking-out-for-number-ones that despise anything different than the status quo. IMNSHO.

Don't speak in generalizations. Maybe you should consider the inherent dangers of painting one group with the same brush. Or don't. Just remember. Stalin was on the political left. Hitler was on the political right. Do you want to be that limiting?
I don't recall either Stalin or Hitler being Canadian, but maybe I missed something. 

My pan of socialist Canada is generally limited to my lanes, which is usually law enforcement.  It is most certainly not the conservative end of the spectrum that fights for criminal rights and pushes for weak sentencing.  As far as your generalization:
Inconsiderate:  I feel that allowing criminals and terrorists to go unidentified and free to be mildly inconsiderate. 
Intolerant:  All of the intolerance on this debate so far have been the civil libertarians
Looking out for number one:  Yeah, in my case number one is my family and my brothers and sisters in blue, and in general all of the citizens of my community.  Someone has to look out for them, since you socialists seem to need to limit a security measure for the ultra valid reason of "just cuz" (I can't believe we have gotten this far without some pink pants using the phrase "slippery slope")
Despise anything different than the status quo:  Oh, that is pretty crass considering what we have been reading here!

We tried it your way.  It has been hippie green socialist paradise since the Charter was introduced, and it has to be reigned in and slowed down. 
Hey, if you don't want the card, DON'T GET ONE :p  No one is forcing anyone to travel abroad.  Stay home.  Too easy.
zipperhead_cop said:
I don't recall either Stalin or Hitler being Canadian, but maybe I missed something. 

My pan of socialist Canada is generally limited to my lanes, which is usually law enforcement.  It is most certainly not the conservative end of the spectrum that fights for criminal rights and pushes for weak sentencing.  As far as your generalization:
Inconsiderate:  I feel that allowing criminals and terrorists to go unidentified and free to be mildly inconsiderate. 
Intolerant:  All of the intolerance on this debate so far have been the civil libertarians
Looking out for number one:  Yeah, in my case number one is my family and my brothers and sisters in blue, and in general all of the citizens of my community.  Someone has to look out for them, since you socialists seem to need to limit a security measure for the ultra valid reason of "just cuz" (I can't believe we have gotten this far without some pink pants using the phrase "slippery slope")
Despise anything different than the status quo:  Oh, that is pretty crass considering what we have been reading here!

We tried it your way.  It has been hippie green socialist paradise since the Charter was introduced, and it has to be reigned in and slowed down. 
Hey, if you don't want the card, DON'T GET ONE :p  No one is forcing anyone to travel abroad.  Stay home.  Too easy.

I think you missed my point about my generalization. I don't believe that ALL conservatives fall under that description. They most certainly do not. My point was and is that not all people on the "left" fall under your scathing, insulting and condescending description.

Should I deduce from your retort that you disapprove of the existence of the Charter Of Rights? I don't honestly think anyone on the "left" has a goal of creating weak sentences. As for criminal rights, people who commit crimes are still people. They must pay for their crimes, but there is such a thing as unacceptable treatment, at least in my opinion. Beatings, torture, improper housing are unacceptable, but perhaps we are not on the same page on this issue. The Victorian approach to prison did nothing to combat crime and only ensured that upon release, these criminals were even more hardened in their contempt for authority and society. Of course, I suppose that equals job security for law enforcement.

Another presumption, are you in favour of capital punishment? If so, what do you tell the families of the David Milgards of the country. Oops we're sorry?

If your stance is that all things are acceptable for the enhanced(real or illusionary) security of the nation, than what are you protecting? Certainly not people's rights. Or is it simply about power and control?

With no disrespect intended, it's cops like you that concern me. You seem to think that so long as security is the goal, any means are acceptable. I don't wish to get into a mud-slinging here as the absence of this type of discussion is one of the things I appreciate about this board. But your insulting and derogatory generalizations almost demand a similar response.

I think it's interesting and disconcerting that the West is slowly but surely becoming more and more like a system they until recently were opposed to.
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