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Multiculturalism or Melting Pot Discussion- Merged

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I still believe...and it may be an outdated belief that - "When in Rome...do as the Romans do"

Soon, we as born & bred Canadians will be a monority as we have already taken a backseat in some areas.
I have no problem with immigration to Canada. I do think that NEW regulations need to be imposed befor anyone can apply to come to Canada.

1.  Able to SPEAK, READ & WRITE English.( English as a second language...doesn't cut it with me) & DON'T stand under my Canadian Flag & speak in your language. :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:
2.  Any sort of criminal past in an individual...denied entry.
3.  ALL innoculations NEED to be in order. ( 1,800 Region of Waterloo Students 2weeks ago, suspended from school as the proper innoculations had not been applied...most were New Canadians WHO DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE NOTE THAT CAME HOME FROM SCHOOL because THEY COULD NOT READ ENGLISH).
Im sure I have more tucked away...another day.
DON'T stand under my Canadian Flag & speak in your language.

A bit extreme, mate lass.

Edit:  Apologies for the gender confusion - must remind self to check author's profile. 

PS, Thanks Old Medic.

Brat56 said:
Soon, we as born & bred Canadians will be a monority as we have already taken a backseat in some areas.
I have no problem with immigration to Canada. I do think that NEW regulations need to be imposed befor anyone can apply to come to Canada.

1.  Able to SPEAK, READ & WRITE English.

Or French.
I see we are starting to discus the problems in the UK, Canada, Australia, France, other nations of the EU, etc. who have adopted some sort of philosophy of Multiculturalism, as opposed the what the US of A advocates the "Melting Pot".  If we look at multiculturalism in Canada and the UK, we can see the creation of "Sovereign Communities, Districts, Provinces," etc. where there is no desire for creating any commonality.  The US on the other hand strives to have everyone become an American first.  Neither philosophy seems to have worked.  We see ghettos in all these nations, no matter which philosophy they say they follow.  We see "Hyphenated" Canadians, "Hyphenated" Americans, etc. under both philosophies.  Neither is truly successful, but which one is more likely to perpetuate a "Stable" nation?  I would submit that Multiculturalism is for the long run a very destabilizing condition. 

We are all proud of our family heritage, but State Sponsorship of Minority Heritages is beyond what this nation needs and creates more dissension than not.  Many "Cultural" events were very successful without State funding.  Now many have become Sponsorship scandals. 
If our American neighbours call it a melting pot, in Australia I would call it a cess pool, and an angry one at that.

Know what?  I don't give a flying frack if people want to retain their culture, as long as it doesn't violate the laws of the land, or MY right to celebrate MY heritage.  Unfortunately, because my heritage is that of the nationality that just happened to dominate much of the planet for 500 years or so,  I'm afraid that's not allowed.  In fact I have to suppress my celebration of my heritage, because it may offend those of other descent, therefore making them more important than me.  That ain't HUMAN rights, that's (insert hyphenated special interest group here) rights.
I fully agree with Mr Wallace, and I am glad that the distinction between multiculturalism and melting pot has been made, as both are often thought to be the same.

As stated in another thread, I am an immigrant from a strongly republican country with a bloody colonialism history,which I am not proud of, where integration of immigrant has been a failure, yes, I am talking about France. However, I still love France and I hope they will improve their situation, but I am happy leaving here, in Canada. Canadian gave me so many great opportunities that won't have been possible in France, so I owe a lot to Canada.

Thus, I am always uncomfortable to challenge the multiculturalism, as I understand, is part of the Canadian values that of course I respect and do my best to integrate to, furthermore, during my enrollment, I have signed the paper stating that I comply with the multiculturalism values of CF, so I'll do.

However, I think that multiculturalism is a generous concept, an ideal, but sad to say that it has been abused and misused.

My concern: Canada is a huge country, originally built by two countries that have fight against each other for centuries and then further built by immigration from all over the world. To add to the picture, our neighbour is a superpower having an extremely strong identity that is spreading all over the world.

So we sure need ourself a strong identity on which everyone agree, and work from there. I don't see how the multiculturalism can be the foundation of a strong and unified identity and country. I do not believe that you can build a country only on mercantile relationship which I think is the real reason behind the multiculturalism adoption by the politician. We need a common background on values that are beyond a common language, but I might be too conservative and being behind the present social revolution where humans can see beyond our differences.

P.S. I still wish sometime that France had won the war against British, centuries ago, then the present language would be French, making my life easier to write the present post and the former ones too ;)
Antoine said:
P.S. I still wish sometime that France had won the war against British, centuries ago, then the present language would be French, making my life easier to write the present post and the former ones too ;)

I wish my English was as good as yours. If I had my life to live over again, I would have learned to speak French. 
mariomike said:
I wish my English was as good as yours. If I had my life to live over again, I would have learned to speak French.

Given what happened from 1939 to 1945, we're all bloody lucky we are not speaking German and Japanese.  ;D

Thanks to have pointed out the older thread, I should have read it before posting mine as I found a lot of food for thought in the older post, worth having a look at.  :nod:
mariomike said:
I wish my English was as good as yours. If I had my life to live over again, I would have learned to speak French.

What makes you think you would have any better luck with French. If you haven't mastered English, you certainly wouldn't French.

As for Multiculturalism, its a Political selfserving ploy to gain Favour with Blocks of Ethnic Groups and eventually Votes and Power.(what ever Party who preaches it).

George has described it very deftly and DownUnder very accurately.

Ironically Multiculturism balkanizes this great land by encouraging ethno-centric distinctions rather than building the unity that is supposedly it's theoretical purpose for diversity breeds the perpetuation of historic stereotypes and contempt.  Too many hyphenated-Canadians and not enough just-a-Canadian Canadians.  I admit my hands are not squeaky clean in this regard and that exemplifies the point that I am trying to make. 

And the paradox is that there exists a government department to facilitate this shite.
FastEddy said:

What makes you think you would have any better luck with French. If you haven't mastered English, you certainly wouldn't French.

I lack the university education to master either language. But, now that I have the time to study and travel, I have some material on loan from the library to help improve my French, which is very weak.
Mariomike, you have a great attitude.

I hope I'll keep my mind open like you and still quick my a*** to learn more, as I become older I have tendency to close doors and being comfortable in my own ignorance.

Thanks to take time to learn French, as it is also a good way to understand an important part of Canada. In addition, you'll be able to enjoy French musics and literatures!
I'm a fifth generation Canadian, my anscetors settled these lands way back when so I consider myself as Canadian as one can get. Whats weird is that in my graduating class less than 30% of us were caucasian.. thie city where I lived (Coquitlam, subburb of Vancouver) has a majority population of people with asian desent, so technically I am or was a visible minority in my city but no in the country I suppose just thought I'd let you guys who havent experienced what its like in a city like vancouver know how things are these days. I deeply saddens me when I think about it, but I know theres nothing I can do about it
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