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Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

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I'm sure Rocksteady is hating the pay difference he'll be facing the first few years:

OCdt:  $2557 / Pte(R):  $2534
2Lt:  $3468 - $5221 / Cpl:  $4770 - $5103
Lt:  $3813 - $5318 / MCpl:  $4952 - $5290
Capt:  $5602 - $7405 / Sgt:  $5484 - $5694

The sad fact is, for your first 4-6 years, everyone else in the Guardhouse is going to be making more money than you.  It's only once you are promoted to Capt that you start to pull ahead, and even then you'll need to be at Increment 6 to be assured that you're getting more money than your MWO, Increment 3 if you're in a smaller guardhouse and only have a WO.

The whole idea that you need to be an officer to be a leader is wrong.  In the MP world, MPO are not leaders, unless you are talking in the "corporate leadership" sense or you are one of the lucky 6 at the time who are serving in a Field Pl.  You do not lead from behind a desk, nor are you able to lead when you do not have technical mastery of your profession.  MP do not go to the MPO for advice on how to process an impaired driver, how to lodge someone into cells, how to respond to a domestic dispute etc.  The day to day implementation of the technical aspects of the MP Branch is the realm of the NCOs and WOs, not MPO. 

At some points the MPO will become more closely involved, ie. if they are the MP Duty Officer during silent hours, but the vast majority of the time, you will only be finding out about most matters well after the issue is over and the report writing phase has begun.  Even in a more serious instance where you WILL be informed immediately because the Base Commander and the higher MP Chain is going to be calling you within minutes, it is not your job to get out there and "run the show".  Your job is to be the buffer and stop the cascade of interference and dumb ass requests for more information while the MP get on with the investigation.

Training and teaching...MPO do it to a degree, there are MPO at the Academy, but for the most part, instruction for MP is done by NCOs and WOs as they are the ones with the in person, first hand knowledge.

As an MPO you will have interaction with the greater CF community.  You would be the Base Commander's adviser on police and security matters.  You would fill the same role for the COs of any lodger units.  Depending on the base, you would probably be on one or more base committees.

I think FastEddy has come up with the best immediate action for you and I apologize for not suggesting it sooner.  Get ahold of the closest Reg Force MP Det and go down for a visit and see first hand for yourself what it is everyone in the Det does.  In your case, make sure you speak to more than just the MPO though, speak to NCOs as well, both those on patrol but also those working day jobs and their supervisors.  If you're too far away, you can also simply speak to someone on the phone.  If you don't know where your closest Det is, PM me your city and I'll get you the info.
When is a MP recruit promoted to cpl? I have been hearing mixed responses from many sources. Hamilton CFRC says its after CFMPA and the people at MPAC say its after BMQ. If find it slightly unnerving that I'm not getting the same answer across the board. Does anyone have a solid answer? I have read the threads but I'm wondering if it has it been changed recently?

In regards to your last post on Cpl promotions.  Here in Borden after MP's have graduated BMQ, as a general rule "we" the BMQ school promote them to Cpl same day.
  Just wondering:  If anyone knew when the next MPAC is for MPs, my recruiter says i might not be put on the MPAC for MPOs due to the the back log that they have in Aug, which is very disappointing b/c i've been waiting since December.  So if I have to go threw the other route and  get the best of both worlds , as an MP and then work up to MPO thats fine..I rather do that, then try and do an occupation transfer, from  logistic officer..which I was told was a lot harder to do...This way I could get a lot of the same training and when i want to hit the desk, it will be a lot easier for me

  thanks for your help...
      Hello:  Got selected to go on the MPO assessment boards, for Aug 11th-14th, Just wondering if anyone could give me some advice or what to aspect from the assessment boards. 
Has anyone else heard, about the boards

Search and read. Attendees of previous boards are not allowed to divulge what happens during the assessment board.  Best advice I heard was to relax and answer all questions truthfully.  Good Luck.
Does anyone know when the next MPO assessment board is going to be held? Is it sometime next year?
Look in the thread about the dates for the 2008 serials and you'll be close enough.  Rough rule, MPACs run quarterly, MPOACs run twice a year. This, of course, is dependent upon there being a need for that many bodies over the course of the year.  2009 will be not much different from 2008 in that respect.
Hi all ive been doing alot of reading and have really not been able to find anything on the process involving in being selected to become an MP. Is it anything at all like the RCMP or your average municipal agency. Is there an entrance exam like the RCMP's RPAT. Is there a Polygraph? is there a panel interview? is there a physchological exam and interview? do they do a background check? Ive tried asking these questions in emails to the reqruiting section on the forces.ca website but i only get back what seems to be an automated response that does not answer my questions at all. Any insight into the process would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much! :D
You've obviously NOT read anything. It's all been covered before. Over, and over, and over again. Also all info could be found at your local CFRC/D.
Well ive been all over that website and cant really find DIRECT answers to my questions and ive visited my local reserve unit and the people there again have no knoweldge about anything to do with the Military Police and they do not seem inclined at all to help me find out. Even my local reqruiter had no knoweldge about the MP's. I figured if i came here i could get some answers maybe?
Like the others have said, most of  your answers are on here.  If you've read through all the MPAC threads and still have some questions, send me a PM.
If Basic for Officers start in Sep and Jan, there would be an MPOAC before each?  Would they have done one for Jan yet?  If I am waiting on a call for the board am I out of luck for Jan yet?
In Halifax, been waiting for word on a MPAC since Sept.
Does anyone have any news of one being held in December.
Zackarte said:
In Halifax, been waiting for word on a MPAC since Sept.
Does anyone have any news of one being held in December.

Are you looking for the MPAC or MPOAC?