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Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

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Thanks to Ada, I just found out that the course in December is for Officers. Thanks Ada !
Will keep my fingers crossed that there will be a MPAC sometime soon.
Good luck Ada

Like I said I would call the recruiting centre to see for sure because I still don't have my plane ticket yet, but I've been told I'm going!  Yours might be occuring around the same time or even after Xmas...
Called recruiting earlier today and was told they knew nothing about any MPAC's being in December. They also thought that if there was going to be one they would have heard by now.
So just have to wait and wait and wait.
Hopefully you won't have to wait long!  They told me that there wouldn't be an MPOAC for a while that they knew of (of course the recruiters don't exactly know either until one pops up).  I even switched trades and had another interview then BOOM there's all of a sudden an MPOAC!  Sweet deal for me!!!  I'm super stoked :)  When did you apply?  Are you merit listed yet?
There's a MPAC in the first couple weeks of Dec.
Thanks for the information. I have heard rumours that there is a MPAC in early Dec. The grapevine is probably ahead of the recruiting office in whats going on.
I just have to hope I get a call.
Ya... I Just got a call to go on the mpac for the first week of Dec. The recruiter was not sure on the dates yet but anyone els going???? :D
n.heff said:
Ya... I Just got a call to go on the mpac for the first week of Dec. The recruiter was not sure on the dates yet but anyone els going???? :D

Are you going NCM or O?  The list isn't back yet, but hopefully i'll be on it to go to the MPOAC!
There are suppose to be 2 MPAC's during the week of Dec 08,2008.
Hopefully my file is being considered and I get a call.
ya 7-9 dec and 11-13 dec I am just not sure which one im loaded on. I am also going NCM
Got my call.....I will be going for the 10th of December!!!  Anyone else?
Good luck to everyone who's attending this round.  Be honest, keep an open mind and have fun!
Good luck to all of you. When I joined the Branch, we didn't have the MPAC so I'm a bit curious how I would've done at the time, what I know from my experience as an MP is,  be a 100% honest with the assessors and, if you are fit for this job, you should have an offer.
vandoos283 said:
...we didn't have the MPAC so I'm a bit curious how I would've done at the time...

Shh...don't tell anyone but we probably wouldn't have made it!  ;)
Wow!  I'm back and I made it!!!  I got my offer for MPO this morning!  Basic starts Jan 19th!  super pumped... :)
So rumor has it that reservist will have to do the MPAC, including members already in.

If this is true, any idea what format this will take?