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Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

  • Thread starter Thread starter MPwannabee
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Hey guys, looks like I'll be an MP after all.  Just accepted an offer today.  Thanks for all the advice.
Got the call!  Headed to Borden in August for PAT platoon and QL3 which starts in October
    Hello: I was wondering if anyone could clear up some general questions that I had about the position of MPO
      1. I picked Navy for my element, I know that MPO, and MP are a purple trade,  will this mean that i'll ever get deployed to an       
            naval  ship?
      2. Can I volunteer for the Naval Boarding party team or Ships diving course
      3. When you get selected do you get to choose which area, you want to be posted on, for instance if I want the East coast over
            west coast ? 

1.  MPO do not serve on ship.  Likewise, MP do not normally serve on ship either, although some have gone on familiarization cruises.  MPO and MP do deploy for port security tasks in support of the fleet.

2.  Since you're not on ship, boarding party is out.  I do know a MP who took the Ships Diver's course but I don't think it is likely to happen very often.

3.  When you are on your MPO course, you will be asked for three preferences for posting.  You will then be sent where the CF needs you.
  Thanks for answering my general questions for me.  Now its really deciding if I want to go MPO or Mars Naval Officer.  With Mars you get to pick one of the six different special traits after you get through all your training.  I know MPO get to special advance courses as well, but the Mars officer they have a list of volunteer secondary duties, for instance the boarding team party, ships diving course etc. 

  I was wondering if you knew of any of the secondary duties that MPs and MPOs get to do? Or if there is any..The more courses that I get to take the better for advancement and plus it will help me out in the future with civy policing..Just because I haven't gone to my MPAC yet, because the MPO is at a different time.  I believe they are in Sept.  I wish i went to the last set last week for the MP but I want to go officer.

  thanks for all your help
With respect, I don't think you fully understand what it is MPO do nor what it is you really want to do.  You might want to figure that out prior to attending a MPOAC otherwise you'll be wasting your time by attending as the assessors will quickly figure that out and rate you as not suitable.

As a very broad rule of thumb MP do the "work" and MPO do the administrating.  There are very, very few MPO positions where you don't spend the majority of your days riding a desk.
w00t!  3 for 3, congrats to you all!
  Just another general question, i'm trying to find out as much details as possible to make my decision to decide if i should go MPO or Mars.  Sorry if all these questions might sound dumb:

  I know that MPOs are the ones that do the administrative work, I was wondering you said there was a few positions that they did, besides riding the desk...just wondering if you could tell me what they were. Or details on the type of jobs they would do...because i've read the information package on the website, and its telling me that I do a lot of the same things as the MPs, and know thats not correct. 

  I just want to get all the knowledge i can on this position as possible, so i can make an informed decision if this is really want.  And i thought especially for people that just came back from MPAC would have a greater amount of knowledge they could share

  thanks for all your help
They really didn't give us much information as to the job description of an MPO. Your best bet is to write down a bunch of questions then go into the recruiting center or call. Thats what I had to do since every time I went in I would forget all the questions I had.

Best of luck.
Strace said:


Its really very simple, do you want to be a "COP" or a "DESK JOCKEY". Now at any point in your career if you leave the Military but decide to carry on in the LEO profession, you'll get  much more recognition for your Military Police Service as a NCM than a MPO, especially if you came straight in as a MPO.

There are a few Forces that are of the school of thought, that the Higher Achievement of Education a Candident has, the better, the LEO he/she will make. Now the Civilian Forces are quite different as any Ranked Personnel have started and come up through the Ranks and on the Merit of their Police Work, They didn't have the privilege of walking into it at enlistment.

If you really want to be a COP, the choice shouldn't be that hard.

If posted to certain positions in NCIU you'd possibly do counter intelligence tasks.  If posted to certain positions in CFNIS you may do a certain amount of criminal investigations, perhaps conduct some surveillance.  If you were posted to a field Pl, you'd be in the field as either the Pl Comd or the Pl Ops O and you'd be out of the office a lot...camping and such.  If you went to the CPP team or with the Air Marshals, you'd be more in the game but the work is still primarily done by MP not MPO.  Even having said that, the number of positions where these opportunities arise is very low compared to the number of MPO in the Branch and most MPO will never be in positions to do any of that.

I'm not trying to push you away from being a MPO, it is a job that needs to be done but you need to realize that being a MPO does not equal being a MP; you can't just decide one day that you're going out on patrol (we have enough MPO who already think that's their job, thank you very much).  Additionally, you will also find it hard to get courses which CivPol will find attractive as a MPO.  It's also informative to note that Police Services which take MP as lateral entries do not generally accept MPO as laterals.
    Thanks, you for all your help....i guess my next question for you...if i go MPO route, and don't enjoy that position, how hard is it to do an occupation transfer, to MP?  I just thought with my university degree and police foundation program this would be the best way to get ahead in the policing field...but i guess you guys are proving me wrong on this one...I know that police services in ontario, told me they look highly at any military time, and when i'm still young fresh out of school, i thought an officer position would loook amazing....

  thanks again for all the help, you have cleared up a lot of details for me
Strace said:
     i'm still young fresh out of school, i thought an officer position would loook amazing....


And that's why we forgive you. Bon Voyage.

If you found you didn't like the MPO role, it would be very difficult for you to become a MP.  You would have to resign your commission and take your release from the CF, then re-enroll as a MP if you were found suitable at an MPAC.  Although you would probably be given a bypass of Recruit School, you would have to do the entire basic MP course, do another PEP etc.

BUT, if you wanted to enter as an MP first and then take a look at MPO later on if you still find being an officer appealing, you would be able to try for that via the Special Commissioning Plan (SCP).  SCP is never a sure thing but I think it might be a better route to try for you.  Again, I'm not trying to dissuade you from going MPO if that is truly what it is you want to do, but I'm getting the sense that you want to be a "doer" whether it be via the MP Branch or MARS so if you do decide to go the MP Branch route, MP is probably going to be a better fit for your long term goals.  Of course, you're the only one who is going to be able to make that decision.

I was in the same position that you are in...I have both the diploma and degree...I opted to go the MP route first because you can always apply for a commission later but if you go MPO first than it will be alot more difficult to go MP...

    i'm assuming that you took the position of MP...just wondering how you like it, did you mind the pay difference, and how do you see the MPO position.  My main goal is to to play a more leadership role, but still want to support my teammates.  For me its not all about the fancy whistles. I know MPs get to go to the calls, and see the live action.  For me the reason why I think MPO would suit me better, is because I would like lead a group and make informed decisions.  Where I get to be on the side lines, but still have a very important part. 

  If i'm wrong, please notifiy if thats not the case what a MPO does.  I know the position does a lot of admistrative work, but they do get to support and supervision awell. My other goal is training and teaching...but i'm not to sure, if thats the case that MPO do..if i'm wrong about the position let me know...

  i'm just trying to get see how much interaction the MPO does with the CF community and building relationship with their co-workers..Or if you could tell me some of the roles, that the MPO officer does at the detachment.  I'm just trying to get a more clear answer where I would like to be.  To me the MPO sounds like it plays the Sgt. role in civiy police world, and the MPs play the cops. 

  Thanks for all your help, I know all these questions and wondering might sound really stupid...but i'm really trying to get a feel for what exactly i'm getting into
Strace said:

Strace My Laddie, you're joining the Army, its Hard, Tough, Demanding and Serious Busness.

You're going to be a Soldier, its secondary in what capacity.

After reading your last post, thank God you have'nt decided on the Infantry. I would suggest you seek out your local MP Unit or Detachment and ply your questions there regarding your inquries concerning MPO or NCM .

I can assure you, by your post you have completely no knowledge of Civilian Police, Rank Structures and their Duties.

I strongly suggest you pay attention to "garb811" suggestions and explanations.

