Meh...the best geographical location can be a brutal posting if the people suck and conversely the worst geographical location can be the best if the people are great.
Cold Lake and Goose Bay have never been all that high up on the vast majority of people's places to be posted yet many, many people who were posted there in the late-80s to mid-90s rave about it and can't wait to tell you all their good times stories about their time there because the morale of the guardhouses was rock solid due to strong leadership and a "team" mentality. Same goes for the Field Pls, while quite a few people hate every minute, I think most people come out of there with friendships they keep for life and stories they'll tell their grandkids. Conversely, although I've never been posted there, friends who have been posted to Halifax hated it because the Guardhouse always seemed to have more than its share of morale problems due to petty personal rivalries which poisoned the atmosphere for everyone.