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Merit boards for D.E.O.

spqr said:
I sure and the hell hope I am in for January.  I am 30 and I am scared like all hell about keeping up with 22 year olds...  It'll be good for me - in the end, but at 5AM - dang.

30 is a typical age for DEO. The average age on my platoon was 29, there was only a handful below 25.
That is really good to know.  Thanks.

I was wondering about the whole bonding with your fellow course mates like no other bond you have experieced thing when I was picturing them to all be 22 and unmarried guys looking to go party and chase girls into the wee hours.

Now I just don't know what my motivation to get to these guys who will be as boring as me will be ;)
Flatspin said:
30 is a typical age for DEO. The average age on my platoon was 29, there was only a handful below 25.

That's very interesting to hear, as I am 23, and female :P  I sure hope there are a few girls my age there.

I also applied in August and cross my fingers I'll be in St- Jean in January. I didn't make the Oct. 12 boards, so in about a month I'll hopefully find out. I applied for AEC (aerospace control) or Log-Air.  Air Force all the way  :salute:
Oh la la, I hope there are other girls there your age too (don't tell the wife.) ;)

As far as age vs strength goes, I have recently taken a construction job to pay the bills.  It is surprising how the older guys can lift more than I can.  On the other hand, I have never seen any of the run.  From the looks of things, I don't think they could keep up with me. 
Then again, none of them are in the army.
We'll see who does what better, in time.
Has anyone out there got a DEO offer from CFRC Toronto for January 2007?  My file was passed selection by the beginning of September.

I applied for DEO Infantry.
Most who were selected in September for DEO or CEOTP have not received offers as of yet from what I understand. I spoke with someone from CFRC Edmonton the other day and she basically told me at least for Edmonton this was the case, but apparently they are expecting the offers sometime soon. What "soon" means though, remains to be seen. You would think by the end of November most people will have received their offers. Although the sooner the better, after all it would be nice to be able to make life plans around something. She also did assure me that I could not be "unselected". Let's hope that's true. ;D
spqr said:
That is really good to know.  Thanks.

I was wondering about the whole bonding with your fellow course mates like no other bond you have experieced thing when I was picturing them to all be 22 and unmarried guys looking to go party and chase girls into the wee hours.

Now I just don't know what my motivation to get to these guys who will be as boring as me will be ;)

Uh-oh, I'm a 22 year old unmarried guy - but don't worry, I'm sick of partying and I'm joining the army to escape from women  ;D
I was selected at the September board meeting and received my call today for DEO at St. Jean in January

Funny, not two hours after that last post of mine there I received a call from CFRC Edmonton with my offer. I'll be seeing you guys in January. : :D  :cdn:
derael said:
Funny, not two hours after that last post of mine there I received a call from CFRC Edmonton with my offer. I'll be seeing you guys in January. : :D  :cdn:

Anthony, I'm sure you know right now I'm feeling a mix of happiness and sheer contempt for you ;)
Haha, well thanks. I'm just glad I now know when I can quit my job! I do hate it so. It's really boring.  :boring:
Congratulations, derael.  See you in January, maybe even on the plane.
But where in Alberta's hot economy could you be working that you wouldn't be able to find a new job tomorrow, if you wanted?
Yeah, I'll be sure to let you know my flight details once I get them.
WOOOHOOO!  I finally decided to call the CFRC here in Windsor to see if I was selected or not....and BOOYA!
They told me my official offer will be coming soon, hopefully I won't be waiting a month or two for that.

;D  I'm so pumped now
No, the recruiting centre will be telling us our flight details.  (On the other hand, how nice of them to not only pay for the flight but book it for us as well.)
I am still curious to know what your boring job is, though.
Yeah, thats what I meant. Once I get the details from the CFRC I'll check in with you to see if we're on the same flight.

I quit framing houses a while ago now I'm working for $10/hour on midnights at a gas station. Works for me I live in the middle of no where. It also gives me a lot of time for PT. :D

Congrats windsor. Hopefully we'll see you in January.  :salute:
Are you serious?  $10/hr?
Don't quit because of the boredom, quit for the money!  :D
Or maybe keep it part time.
But first, check out www.alis.ab.ca (or .com, or .gov.ca; I forget), and see what you can find.  That's what I did to pick up a $16/hr roofing job, less than one month ago.
It's really close to my home (I save about $250+ per month in gas alone), and I have almost zero bills at the time being(just my cellphone and car payment). Working 6-7 nights a week I still live quite comfortably seeing as most of my income ends up as disposable. IAP is only two months away. It's not worth changing jobs. Besides I'm quiting just before Christmas so I have even less than two months left at this current job. I'm tired of the construction industry anyway. I rolled my ankle really badly on a job site two months ago. That's the main reason I quit. I don't want to risk missing IAP because of a silly injury. Then again I did just give myself a stress fracture 3 weeks ago from running too much, but I'll be good to go in another week or so.  :)