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Ignorance of civvies...

Would have liked to I suppose but (apart from not wanting to spoil my birthday anymore) the staff took them out and they were banned from the "Wardroom" (the name of the pub, which is ironic...right?) for the year, not before all of their friends cheered them for it though. Although to be fair, a few of their buddies did come over and say that what happened was OTFT, so I still can't totally write them all off.

In retrospect, any "sorting out" would have probably proved everything they think about the military right (knuckledragging, no neck, no brain, think with fists, small man-alpha male apes)
Che said:
In retrospect, any "sorting out" would have probably proved everything they think about the military right (knuckledragging, no neck, no brain, think with fists, small man-alpha male apes)

I see your point, but I don't think people should feel that they can get away with shit like that, or saying horribly offensive things to someone (look at the babble forum's thread on the recent casualties to see the way these asshole think) and not face any sort of reprisal...
look at the babble forum

Oh now don't tell people to do that..

I will wire someone 10$ via online banking, if they can honestly read through 10 threads on that forum, make it all the way to the bottom of them and not feel anger and/or naseau (SP?)

If you can make it past 10, that anger should turn into a number of other emotions before finally hitting acceptance and you're able to get back to scrapbooking different types of leaves or whatever other activities you've inadvertantly used to cope.
I got through three threads. And in all honety, I didn't read all of those three threads.
Of the three I chose, one was about military being deployed to occupy Canadian cities, one about how Alberta is a Christian fundamentalist redneck province that should give up most of it's oil money, and one just about rednecks...

(P.S. I'm an Albertan.. that's probably why I didn't make it very far before shaking my head and moving on)
Che said:
Oh now don't tell people to do that..

I will wire someone 10$ via online banking, if they can honestly read through 10 threads on that forum, make it all the way to the bottom of them and not feel anger and/or naseau (SP?)

If you can make it past 10, that anger should turn into a number of other emotions before finally hitting acceptance and you're able to get back to scrapbooking different types of leaves or whatever other activities you've inadvertantly used to cope.

You’re on bro, the $10.00 to be delivered in beer at that Clayton Park den of iniquity and home of the local big cats the Copper Penny?

Of course I was once introduced at a university party as a “baby burning, fascist, racist, chauvinist war monger.” I’m not sure if what bothered me more was that the university in question was MUN (as in MEMORIAL University of Nfld) or the person who made the intro to the collection of enlightened silver spoon socialists was my kid sister then head of the Wimmins Student Centre. ::)
I feel like I missed out on the entire University experience.... I think the worst I've had was my friend introduce me "This is Roger... He's in the Army..."  Then one of her friends just let out this tortured "Oh.. my... god".. as if I were killing a baby in front of her. I actually found it kind of amusing, and in the highly intoxicated state I was in (Last day of exams in the fall semester of my third year of engineering, I think it was? Needless to say, I was a bit drunk), I managed to completely change her opinion of the military using a secret weapon I like to call "facts"

Appart from that, lots of people just had a lot of questions about the military and were genuinely interested.. But I guess that's what I get for going to Uni in Edmonton.
Mike_R23A said:
I see your point, but I don't think people should feel that they can get away with shit like that, or saying horribly offensive things to someone (look at the babble forum's thread on the recent casualties to see the way these asshole think) and not face any sort of reprisal...

Of course, if the forum is called "babble" it doesn't lend itself to credibility.  What is the actual site?  I may need to log in and get banned.  :warstory:
If you go to www.rabble.ca and look for a link that says "babble" you'll fine the spew.
mover1 said:
I am calling Bullshit!!!

A lot of this El Toro poo poo actually does occur...

Picture Armyvern 8.5 months pregnant (scary thought eh??) in the mall in Pembroke with my husbands Airborne sweatshirt (earned ..Hmmm) on....a couple of weeks after the Somalia incident.

Chick yells at me "your husband is a murderer" and proceeds to spit in my face. That little incident made the front page of the Ottawa Citizen along with my pic with 2 other harrassed wives - CF mbrs - outside the Pet front Gate next to the jumper statue.

8.5 months pregnant I was or the main story wouldn't have been that incident but rather it would have been my reaction to the numpty one who did it. To this day those that know me are somewhat taken aback that this red-head just let her go along her Merry little way with her 'holier than thou righteous' attitude, and that I managed to maintain that 'military bearing.'

I have no doubt this other crap happens...after all I was very very obviously pregnant when this POS managed to pull this one off on me.

There are indeed idiots everywhere.

I have had mixed reactions from civies.  I have been bumped on the street.  I have been harrassed by a group of pot smoking teenagers (funny story too..), I have been stared down on the bus and metro, I have had people intentionally step on my shined boots, but with all that crap, it makes it worth while when things like having a stranger shake my hand while on the train, thanking me for my service, and a father telling his son, while sitting next to me that I'm the kind of person who defends this country so he can go to school every day.

So things haven't entirely improved, then...

Perhaps my age has some influence on the younger idiots.

I've done a number of Remembrance Day Speaker Programme engagements at elementary, secondary, and private schools over the last few years and I've found them to be very rewarding. The kids and teachers have all been great - and this is around Toronto too.
Action in the Duty room!

I just took a call tonight from a woman who found one of our blokes wallets at an airport in the north part of the state. Full of his ID, credit cards, and hundreds of dollars in cold Aussie cash.

She is sending it at her cost via overnight express, and showed nothing but genuine concern that he recieve it.

She is a civilian, not affiliated with the ADF at all, young, sounded 20s-30s, so not all civvies are bad, but here for some reason, the general public seem to always have time and respect for our Defence Force.

There is such thing as karma, isn't there.


Wesley H. Allen said:
just took a call tonight from a woman who found one of our blokes wallets at an airport in the north part of the state. Full of his ID, credit cards, and hundreds of dollars in cold Aussie cash.

And by airport, you mean "her bedroom"? ;D
Hey Zip, you're either up late or early. Its 2155 here on a Thu night, which puts it about 0400 Thu CST in Canuckistan. No, fair dinkum, she found it on a seat in the waiting area of a gate.


Wesley H. Allen said:
Hey Zip, you're either up late or early. Its 2155 here on a Thu night, which puts it about 0400 Thu CST in Canuckistan. No, fair dinkum, she found it on a seat in the waiting area of a gate.



You must be used to the posters from the left coast.  In Ontario, it's just about 8am.  Finished midnight shift and off to court for the day.  Fun. 
Glad to hear people have their heads right in your part of the planet. 
I read the other day recruitment is ahead of target this year - obviously some people aren't being put off.
I'll put in my two cents....

Joined the Air Cadets in 1970.  In those days too many Cdns thought it chique to adopt the anti-war mentality of the US.  If you were a cdt in Canada you didn't dare mention it to yr schoolmates, because you'd get the '...so you wanna be a baby-killer?" line.  Tiresome. It was bad enough just having short hair back then.

Joined the Pri Res in '75, and then REALLY got it.  Ya know, I hardly ever even spanked my kids (when I finally had them), let alone killed babies, but the general public in Victoria BC seemed convinced that was my occupation.  Put up with a lot of that stuff back then.  What it all came down to was that the teens and young adults of Canada just thought it was so "grown-up" to do the anti-war thing like our cousins south of the border.  Images of demostrations, and flag burnings, and the chant of "hell no, we won't go" were just so....thrilling, so FASHIONABLE.

Things got better in the 80s, until Somalia.  Let's not dwell on the Lib gov'ts abandonment of its fighting men and women though.

But what really brought a tear to my eye was the public support for the Army when it moved fm Calgary to Edmonton.  That was followed later by the public reception of the first roto of troops coming back from Afganistan.  Was hard for me not to get choked up standing amongst the throngs of civvies lining the streets when the soldiers paraded in front of City Hall...not something you would have seen in '75. 

The Cdn public's attitude overall has changed drastically, BUT, there are still all those of the "baby killer" mentality, and you will never get rid of them completely.  They're the people that would rather sit in front of their TV and eat peanut butter sammies and smoke weed than ever think of getting of their fat butts and doing something for humanity.  Those liberal thinkers that were being discussed earlier in the thread could more aptly be described as "non-doers".  If it means inconveniencing themselves or actually putting themselves in danger for the sake of someone else...well, count them out.  Consider them, my friends, as the true dregs of society. 

Not the poor little girl standing on a street corner trying to get enough money to buy a fix, or the old-man sorting through a dumpster for empties.  They need our help, and they need defending, by a soldier as much as anyone else. But the honest-to-god against-everything, name-calling, elitist left-winger? Straight dregs.  Remember that, and weep for a wasted life: theirs.

But it's been warming to me to see the positive change in attitude by the bulk of the civ populus towards its military in the last 30 yrs.

I shall now step off my soap box, and cease pontificating.
Recon_Guardsman said:
Hey everyone, its my first post here so bear with me please. I just wanted to mention an even that happened the other day and see what kind of opinions I get from you. I was in a discussion in my world issues class, and we were covering the topic of child soldiers. The teacher was saying that anyone in the military under 18 is a child soldier, and we all came to the sensible conclusion that the use of child soldiers is wrong because the children are not mature enough for it... that it causes problems in their development and so on (this after watching a documentary of kids in Africa who had been used as child soldiers and now have PTSD). Well, the class then came to the understanding that because im not 18 (im a 17 year old reservist in Toronto), I am not mature enough to be a soldier. I am also a 'pawn' (their exact word) in the government's plans.

How does everyone feel about people younger than 18 being in the CF in general? Any good stories of civvies being totally ignorant?

Being a soldier does not make you a pawn, living in society does - voting, consumerism, watching TV, working, studying, getting a loan - all this includes one in the system. We are all pawns to a certain extent yet making a commitment to an idea bigger than you i.e. national defense is the first step to becoming the king of one's own world and after that you can do something good for humanity. Who cares about label like "pawn of government" put by another pawn, you probably will accomplish and understand more in your life than any other person that called you a pawn unless they realize that they are not better than you in that matter.
About maturity... I personally believe 16 sounds just about right as long as there is the parent's and recruit's consent. For one children in Africa were mostly forced to train and become soldiers, some were basically sold to the army. Most of them were a lot younger than you. In your case it was (I hope) a decision made with your consent. Besides, IMHO 17 is not a child, people are tried for murder at that age. Also maturity partially depends on environment, hence, you will most likely mature faster than your peers due to all the responsibility and information you're presented with.
My dad was 16 when he was sent to army and it did only good to him. He learnt team-work no matter how corny that sounds, sense of brotherhood, accomplishment, determination, self-control and pride. I grew up with both my parents and I can tell you with all honesty he is one of the most amazing guys I've ever known and he will always be my role-model. No PTSD, just raising me to develop same qualities and good aim, lol. Some people I know (in the army or not) are completely psychotic and no amount of education or time will change that (that's a given) but I prefer they kill their equals with riffles as big as theirs for their country than on the streets of Toronto for $100.
In short, my opinion is that if a person is stable and not way too young (10 or 13) army will only help. Be proud and all the best. :salute: