I'm not sure what to do.
- I have been living independently since I was 16.
- dropped out of school, got back into school.. so on and so forth, but officially dropped out in grade 11
- I am the youngest and only girl with to brothers.. that I was raised with, therefore giving me no disipline cause I was always the innocent one in my mothers eyes, I grew up with no father, but a ton of step fathers...
- I am now 21 years old and realised that if I do not receive any discipline in my life I will not be able to commit myself to anything
-jumping from job to job because I am a hard person to please I would like to do this for my own good, I need to learn that I need to stay in with someting even when things get tough, even if I get yelled at and I don't like it, it is no reason to leave.
-my whole life I had been in between friends not knowing where I fit in, (as I'm sure most did) but even still to this day seem to be the odd one out, I am a blast to be around...WAY to much energy.
- I also have a feeling that this is oddly what I am supposed to do with my life, everyone was placed here for a reason, correct?
With all that been said, do you think i am making the right choice in using the air force to get my life in tact. i would figure i know enough about what i need to do with my life i don't need to go hard and aim for the military, i only need a kick in the @$$... kinda like a jump start is to a car.