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Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

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I guess it's not a standard thing. Must depend on the school board.
Hey guy, Thanks for the input appreciate it ;) but ugh... just a few points to note I was in Army Cadets for about 1 1/2 years (combat engineers) but I had to move so I tried to transfer into another corp but there were no crops near by so I had 2 quit.... :( And I'm obviously going to stay in school and complete it dropping out is not an option for me, thanks for the input please keep posting suggestions or information etc.
FDO said:
I guess it's not a standard thing. Must depend on the school board.
Yes i believe it is intirely(Sp?) on the school board and the said unit.
A.Khan said:
I was in Army Cadets for about 1 1/2 years
Then you should have a great knowlegde of military life (or an understanding)
Lots of people just sign up and don't know what to expect in till they walk through those door's at CFLRS.  non the less good luck with school, and getting into the army.
brandon_ said:
Then you should have a great knowlegde of military life (or an understanding)


Yea.. no a year an a half in Cadets doesn't give you great knowledge on what its like to be in the Military.

You won't know what its like unless you are in. You are 16 an have not served in the CF brandon_ stay within your lane.
-Skeletor- said:

Yea.. no

You won't know what its like unless you are in. You are 16 an have not served in the CF brandon_ stay within your lane.
SORRY UGH VOID THIS  post SKELETOR HALF YOU'RE post did not show up.

yeah i do relize that fully.
But as i ment by my post is that he should have well some what of a basic understanding of what would be expected of him in the military.

All righty then ... back to the topic at hand.


You've already made the smart decision by stating that you'd be staying in school; speak with a guidance counsellor at your school who should be able to provide you with any info that you'll need should you choose to enter the ResF (or via a co-op) once you turn 16.

Slow down young man ... you are only a teen once ... enjoy it while you can, enjoy your schooling, and speak with your counsellor.
Without a doubt there. If i only had my time back. I probaly would have gone to university...then joined the Army.
Or you can join the Army and let them pay for university!
Slow down young man ... you are only a teen once ... enjoy it while you can, enjoy your schooling, and speak with your counsellor.

;DHehe Good point ArmyVern!
Just to clear things up from what I remember at cadets I mostly learned Drill, how to shoot a Daisy air rifle, some camping and adventure training, and some history. Cadets didnt tell me the good and bad parts of being a soldier, and they didnt provide too much information on how to become an actual member of the military etc. 

    I applaud you for your desire to serve in the Canadian Forces. Unfortunately you didn't say where you are located, and this piece of information would have given me some inclination to whether or not to suggest the Co-Op program. The Co-Op program is not accessible to high school students depending on which Province they're located in. For example here in British Columbia, there are no Co-Op programs available for the hs students, however there is a work experience program.

    I will expand on the work experience program a little more for those of us in the CF that would like to spear head a trial version with their own units.

    The Work Experience Program here in British Columbia is a individual unit effort where High School students are given a period of time (7 days) to experience life as a soldier, with the specific element or regimental taste. units that I know have done this sort of thing previously are 744 Communications Squadron and 15th Field Artillery RCA. Both had success in its enrollment, and its interest.

    The students are treated like service members, and are expected to behave in a professional manner at all times. They are taught rudimentary drill, weapons handling, navigation, section tactics and so forth. There were also talks by recruiting staff, and members from other regiments and units.

    This maybe something you can look into if you're from BC, or if you're from ON, then try your local school board for Co-Op information.

    Hope this helps!
Thanks for your message, just so you and everyone know I am from Mississauga,Ontario. Also thanks for the tip on the Co-Op i'm not quite sure what this is but I'll find out it seems useful.
Call the recruiting centre and ask for a Reserve Recruiter. They will be able to tell you all about CO-OP.
hello i was just reading all of the comments on here and maybe someone could answer my questions, i have been thinking about joining the reg. force and i am 28 years old and at the moment i am attending to a college taking up automotive service and repair. i want to join the reg. force as a mechanic apprenticeship how would this work in the reg. force and also maybe about back in 1997 i was in the reserves i did my first year training but i left because the cpl and mcpl would call me everything excepted my actual name that my mother gave me, was this allowed in the reserves and is the reg. force like that too. and i am from nova ascotia. thank you for your time.
Call the Recruiting Centre in Halifax, (902) 427-7697. Tell them you want to be a Vehicle Tech and how much time you have left until graduation. They will be able to help you.
Hey guys. I've tried writing this out in sentences but it seemed like an essay so here is my question in point form:

-2nd year Uni student
-disillusioned with life, lazy, no discipline
-want to join the army, plan to continue studies after

Big question is, do you guys think its selfish of me to pursue the army in hopes of changing myself as a person? I feel like if I don't do something now I'll live a life of perpetual under achievement.
How old are you currently?  What are you thinking of doing when you join?
yeahimisc said:
Big question is, do you guys think its selfish of me to pursue the army in hopes of changing myself as a person?

Not at all. There are many reasons to join, and many reasons to continue to serve. One's reasons generally evolve over time as well.
yeahimisc, that is part of the reason why i'm joining as well. A good kick in the ass. Kinda feel like, I know I can work hard, I know i'm smart, there's just something missing and I believe I will find it in the forces.