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Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

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Hi there.

This is just my opinion, cause its similar to yours.  I am a session bass player, and I'm currently on the road in North America.  This life, its great it really is, I get to meet lots of great people such as Finger Eleven, Goo Goo Dolls, Faber Drive, Jimmy Eat World.  And all the other great bands I've got to meet while touring.  The money is good, not many expenses due to the tour bus and riders (meals and drinks) at shows.  Now, despite all this, I'm home in 4 days and when I get there I am re-activating my application and going to be merit listed again (how do I know?, because the Capt. at Toronto CFRC told me he would do it for me after I talked to him).  I thought to myself the same thing you did, I want to have a stable job with a stable income, now I could go to Fleming in Peterborough ON for their Paramedic program, but the opportunities, benefits, and yes money are too plentiful in the Forces to pass up.  Its an exiting, and demanding job, and that is very appealing to me.  There is no money to be made in music anymore.  People do not buy albums, everything is downloaded.  And the only age demographic with enough money to spend on music (age 14-18 & its their parents money :-p) just don't care enough to buy the album, they will just Limewire that catchy song in their head.  I'm leaving for something better, no doubt.

You appear to have been making a big effort to reach your goal here, good for you.  As for what you should do, by what you have told us, CF sounds like a wise choice.  And if you really are passionate about it and willing to do what is necessary to get in then thats half the battle won.  Just remember (as I'm sure you are fully aware), what you want to go into is dangerous, things happen, and as you said, you have a son and a girlfriend to look after.

Good luck to you, Kyle
Hey guys, read some post on here for the last few months but i am faced with a decision and i figured who better to ask then people in the forces.

*sorry about my life story*

Now Ive had a pretty rocky childhood, i don't have any formal training or education, my folks split up when i was 12 and my moms went nutty dragging me and my sister all over Canada so i never had the same opportunity's as others my age. We never stayed in one place too long so i didn't even have the chance to graduate high school. the highest i achieved was some grade eleven courses, but i am not stupid, before all this i had A's, and high B's in school so i know what I'm capable of intellectually. I am now 21 and some people have recommended the army to me as a structured environment that will give me skills in life, but is not having my GED going to greatly hamper my lifestyle there? Ive been told to go for officer training, but obviously i need schooling for that, so i guess my question to all you guys is this:

Should i go back and get me GED (yeah i realize I'm old and it embarrasses me, but its better late than never) and look into post secondary and go officer or is it worth all the trouble? Maybe i should just go NCO like some have told me.......I'm sick of dead end jobs.

I really need a direction in life and a career path to look ahead to, a goals to set and eventually achieve, this has been on my chest for along time, so i welcome all opinions whatever advice you can give i will listen to because this crossroad may shape the outcome of my entire life!

Thanx for your time :salute:
The highest level of education you have, the better.

Go and get your GED, then join up.

Pretty blunt answer I know, but it is the best option. Also do a search of the site, since there have been questions like this asked before.

Good luck.
You may be able to join right now, depending on how many credits you have, but I highly reccommend getting your GED first. It leaves you with more options in the Military, and it makes you a better candidate for selection.
Your background is nothing to be embarrassed about.  What's important is that you're going for it.

Good luck, and keep us posted!
If you have your grade 10(with enough credits), you could also join now, and whilst in, get your GED through the [acronym=Canadian Armed Forces]CAF[/acronym] paid for...

That's what I would do.
Don't sweat the age thing with taking your GED. I challenged the exam last year at the age of 46. I dont think I was the oldest in the room either......

What you need most, you seem to have already, and that is motivation.

You do not need to apologize for your life story - and you kept it short anyway.

As for age, you're not old. You have thirty-nine years to go until CRA (Compulsory Release Age) yet. Joining as an NCM is certainly an option, and you can improve your education once in as has been mentioned. You will need a degree to become an officer at the current time, in which case there is a programme (UTPNCM) designed to provide NCMs the opportunity to gain a degree and subsequently be commissioned that would be available to you later on should you join as an NCM.

Have you talked to a recruiter? You will get a far better picture of the opportunities open to you that way.

Good luck.
Mr.Blakey said:
Should i go back and get me GED (yeah i realize I'm old and it embarrasses me, but its better late than never)

Just my 2 cents, but something twigged for me in your comment. To pass on some hard-earned wisdom: screw other people's opinions. (If you pardon the expression...) That's their life, not yours. Your GED is good for you. If you want it, go get it, and forget what anyone else thinks.

If you decide to join the Forces, good for you. But always make the best decision for you and yours.

Anyway, it sounds like you've got good sense, so you've got nothing to worry about... And 21 is so far from old...

Forget the GED if you want to take post secondary, anything worthwhile that is, anytime soon.  Finish your high school. Talk to you local high schools/community colleges about classes.  GEDs are worth as much as the paper they are printed and are designed to make people happy they at least accomplished something in their life but couldn't quite handle the high school courses.  My 2 cents.
I wrote my GED at the age of 19. I was probably one of the more young people there. Most were at least 40+ Your grade 12/GED is always a good thing to have if the military does not work out. Grab a GED book, look it over and do the test. Its not that bad of a test.
Thanks for all the replies!!

But im still a little confused here, if i did join the army they can get me my high school diploma while i serve? Can anyone give me links to this specific info, i would sift through old posts but i dont seem to have the time right now.....Is a high school diploma that much better than a GED? I wish the recruiting office was closer to me it seems they close before om off work which makes it somewhat more difficult in finding answers........
I have to agree with kincanucks, here.  Go and get your high school diploma.  You are probably only short a few credits and yes, a diploma is much better than a GED.  For example, if you did want to apply for university/college course, they may require specific prerequisites which a GED does not have.
As far as I know, the army will not "get you your diploma" while you serve.  The BPSO is a great source for courses, however, in your first year or so (depending on trade choice) you will be too busy on BMQ and trades training.  Also, there are opportunities to go and take courses on your own, via distance education or by going through an adult high school where you do assignments on your own, hand them in to be marked and only have to be present for the final exam.  The latter one is what I did when I went and got my Grade 11 Advanced Biology (at the ripe "old" age of 38  ;) ).
In my opinion, the recruiting centre will look more favorably on you with a diploma vs. a GED.
I took my GED while in the Forces. If you are looking for structure, you picked the right place. The military is that. Not only will you attain life skills and likely a trade, you will be preferred by most civilian companies when you get out. Companies value Honour, honesty, strong work ethic, integrity. All things you can achieve while serving in our Military. And like other posters noted, go with your instincts, consider the opinions of others, but the decision has to come from within you.

Good luck!

Gnplummer421 :cdn:
I'm not sure what province you are in but check out ALL your options. Some High schools have a mature student program that evaluates your previous schooling and current work experience / skills you might have picked up along the way.  The GED is a fairly quick fix and will help you during the recruiting process.  We look at more than education when selecting our soldiers. The CFAT is also important in the process.

It all depends on your personal situation, are you working now and don't have time to study / go to school or are you between jobs? Each person has their own issues with life that nobody on this forum is privy to so do some research, write out your options and make the best decision for you. You have a great start by realizing you want to do something more than you currently are.

Best of Luck.
Mr.Blakey, you could always consider joining the reserves while you work on your GED/Diploma.  I joined the during high school and took what's called a "component transfer" into the regular force after I graduated.  I found my time in the reserves to be a valuable experience getting my foot in the door, and deciding what I want to do with my life.
So aside from a high school diploma, what post secondary would i need to become an officer?
That depends on the trade...

The recruiting website has this info.
Mr. Blakely,

Not having your high school diploma at 21 is not embarassing...I finished mine through correspondance when I was 23 and then I went to college for 2 years and got a diploma in Police Foundations and then went to university and got my degree...I am now in the regular forces and I did 3 years in the reserves before that.....

I would suggest getting your high school diploma rather than the GED but that's just me...They will give you maturity credits if you do correspondence and you can work from home...

Check out this website if you want to find out about high school correspondence courses and if you have any questions about it you can personal message me...

Ignorance is not embarrassing, my friend.  Choosing to remain ignorant is.  The fact that you are aware of a possible deficiency and are thinking about doing something about it is very creditable.

My 1/50 of a buck:

1.  The more education you can get, the better.

2.  You can upgrade now or upgrade within the CF.

3.  WRT a commission - there's nothing to stop you from enlisting as an NCM, getting some education and then working on a degree (which the CF will pay for) to qualify you.  But the NCMs can have a lot more fun sometimes. 

4.  Best advice I have seen to date - talk to your local recruiter.

Good luck.