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drinking and the infantry

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Well, when you put it that way, true enough.  But I don't think it would shock the public too much to find out that there are soldiers who abuse drugs.  It's a job (not quite like any other).  I think where the CF falls down is in treatment and counselling.  Most modern employers have readily available programs for their employees.
Blackhorse7 said:
I'm not so sure about that.   I think NCO's should be pro-active about pulling aside troops, giving them the "do you need help speech" followed up with "because I am concerned.   And the problems of one troop affect us all.   That being said, if it becomes a problem for the other troops, you and me are having a talk behind the generator."

Only one problem with your quote. If a NCO made that statement to a soldier the first thing the drug user would do was "complain that the NCO threatened to take him behind the generator and beat the piss out of him".
With the Human Rights now used within the Forces it could very well end the NCO's carreer. Even if the NCO denied making the statement & it was not proven it still would be a black mark effecting the rest of his carreer "New Pink Fuzzy Military"
Blackhorse7 said:
Well, when you put it that way, true enough.   But I don't think it would shock the public too much to find out that there are soldiers who abuse drugs.   It's a job (not quite like any other).   I think where the CF falls down is in treatment and counselling.   Most modern employers have readily available programs for their employees.

There are extensive programs in place to help CF members who are addicted to something, More than any civilian co I have worked at. What the CF lacks is a way to make people WANT to change, other than punishements. I dont know of any other employer that will put a 33K a year employee on a 3 month spin dry - they would simply be fired.
That's too bad about the NCO thing... I absolutely believe in that form of action as a valuable learning tool.  I know I had to be "sorted out" a couple of times before I smartened up.
Speaking of bar hags, anyone remember Brigitte the Midget? Her beaten zone was the Wainwright hotel, early to late 1980's.
Or how about Murmur/ Mumbles the mute whiskey dolly in downtown Nicocia, Cyprus.  :-X
Well if you want to know a "Bar Hag"  just think of Gagetown.  I know just growing up there you knew who she was.  Regimental Rose!!!  And  fellas she is still roaming the streets of Gagetown looking for a good time from a young army buck lol.  I think she is 65 or something now.  But she still likes her 2RCR's.  :salute:
omelette du jambon said:
Speaking of bar hags, anyone remember Brigitte the Midget? Her beaten zone was the Wainwright hotel, early to late 1980's.

she's still around isn't she?
my buddy in 3vp told me about her.
and for this drinking is going down; I'd say look at 1 RCR shacks right now, there's about 20 guys stammering around drunk right now, and it's 7PM (new guy party of course :D )
and for this drinking is going down; I'd say look at 1 RCR shacks right now, there's about 20 guys stammering around drunk right now, and it's 7PM (new guy party of course  )

aww man....those were too good...

Tomorrow is the Toronto Beer festival and myself and a bunch of the lad from the 48th will be tearing it up....

Meet us at the Guiness booth at 3pm sharp!!


damn if only I saw that message earlier.
I'd drink me some guiness, dah well. I haven't had any in a while. fosters is my best friend right now :)
maybe some other time I can get a good drunker going in TO.
omelette du jambon said:
Speaking of bar hags, anyone remember Brigitte the Midget? Her beaten zone was the Wainwright hotel, early to late 1980's.

:D :P :-X

When I was there in 94, Bridget was hanging out at JDs with the Brits!

Reminds me of our first night out on QL3 after being CB for 4 weeks...

At the end of the day, the section commander tells us "Whatever you do, don't drink with the Brits!"

So we go to JDs, meet a couple lads from the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and join them in a few drinks.

After the 20th or so schooner, one of them pipes up in a strong Welsh accent "Do you know why we're the best army in the world?"

We shrug our shoulders, not being drunk enough to start a full on bar brawl...

"Because we're animals!!"  and slugs his buddy in the head!  :o

Buddy gets up with a shit-eating grin and they pound back their beers together!

Ah...memories!  ;D