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drinking and the infantry

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I am young and relatively new to the bar scene still. (only one year) I have found that I hardly ever spend the money I bring with me. I am not the type to give guys the impression that I will go home with them. But for some reason they still buy. I guess they must truly believe that I will give in, or maybe they just have hope. I have found that the majority of guys who send drinks my way are military though. I guess they feel the need to spend their money. I have been asked back to the shacks on many occasions. I don't find that offer too appealing. I have never gone..and don't plan on it. I don't want to look like a shack rat. None the less, I have no problem with having a good night out at the bar....for free.  ;D If these guys feel the need to buy, I am sure not going to say no.
The scene - late 1970s Petawawa, a Sunday, Hanger C39, Hussar Lines. The duty room. The phone rings:

"Tpr ----- speaking sir"

"Tpr -----, this is Sgt -----  of the Military Police."

"Yes Sgt."

"Do you know the wheareabouts of a civilian female named ---- ------?"

"Yes Sgt."

"Where is she?"

"On my lap, Sgt"

"Has she been living with you in Barrack Block F16 for the past week?"

"Not just me, Sgt."

"Do you know how old she is?"

"Well, Sgt, she is a lot older than she was a week ago, but she looks 19 - 24, or so."

"Well, Tpr -----, she's 15, and her father really wants to know where she has been.  We will be right over."
Alot of memories stirred in this thread.  Seems to me the DRO's said beer at 1000 Hrs.

I like the rest can't take the morning after the night before (especially the bruises, broken parts etc),
But when it comes to passing the bottle & cigar, well.

That was a time tested way to commemorate fallen friends, & will probably not die too easily.

camochick said:
This is the best advice ever when it comes to not spending money at the bar. I am one of those girls who back in the day went to the bar with 20 bucks drank all night and still had twenty in my pocket when i came home. It's a great perk to living near an army base. Make the guys think they are gonna take you home, get them to buy drinks and then get lost in the crowd before closing time. It actually became like a game for me and my friends, to see how drunk we could get without sepnding money. It kind of sounds evil but we never asked them to buy us drinks, they just wanted to score and we conveniently forgot to tell them that we prefered going home alone at night hehe. I havent been a bar star in a long time, i'm too old for that now. But i always warn my young guy friends about girls at bars, most of them just want free drinks and at the end of the night will pull the "Oh i dont go home with guys i just met" stuff. I know all the tricks women use, i could write a book hehe.

HAHA thats funny. I always laugh whenever I see average frustrated chump guys buying drinks for beautiful babies thinking its going to get them laid....ROFL. They dont realize that buying drinks for girls has the complete opposite effect. Camochick if we ever met in a bar youd be buying me a drink, and then at closing time id be the one gettin lost in the crowd >:D >:D >:D. Write a book on that, call it, "how a real man handles a barWhore"
SeanPaul_031 said:
Camochick if we ever met in a bar youd be buying me a drink, and then at closing time id be the one gettin lost in the crowd handles a barWhore"

Haha...i seriously doubt that !! 
I sense we are on the verge of reading a bunch of Shackbunny stories...

SeanPaul_031 said:
Do you know me? No.

Enough said

Haha no he doesn't know you, but he knows me haha. I love how because i take drinks from men who offer them to me, with no promise of anything to come, i am the *****. I just wanted to warn young guys that  just because you buy   a woman a drink ddoesn'tmean she is going to go home with you. I don't think that a woman owes a man anything if he buys her a drink. If he wants to make an assumption in his drunken stupor then that iisn'treally her fault. I think a few too many guys on here have had their ego crushed by some woman who took the drink and then wwouldn'tlet them have the time of day.
GO!!! said:
In addition to this, the lack of esprit de corps that we as an army suffer today is a direct symptom of no - one socialising with their peers. This is most easily done by young men with lots of booze and a paycheque in my opinion.

I find myself agreeing with GO!!!, but I will take his observation one step further.

The process described above is not limited to "young men".  In the process of standing up an infantry rifle company from scratch for Op PALLADIUM Roto 13, we routinely (but not frequently) called "Parade Nights" at local establishments for the company command appointments, many of whom are no longer "young men".  We learned to look after each other 24/7 and carried this into theatre.

These "development seminars" went just as far in bonding our leaders as did dozens of section, platoon and company attacks.
It's funny how every girl claims that they're just there to "drink and have fun", how they never go "back to the shacks" etc.  Funny how an hour later those same girls will be stumbling back towards my place.

Guess I must be irresistable.

Either that or they're full of shit....
the 48th regulator said:

'specially pet....aww man is gummy joe still making her rounds?   Man we were tormented by her in the summer of '95!!



Hey..do you remember " no neck" ??
TCBF said:
I sense we are on the verge of reading a bunch of Shackbunny stories...



Once at a barracks inspection, I opened a Digger's locker and there standing was a totally 'nakid' teary eyed female (not bad looking at that), and the Digger had a big grin on his face (couldn't blame him   ;D ), and yet was concerned he's be in strife for having her in the shacks.

I just told him to get her out of the building and nothing more would be said. He complied, and nothing more was said.

Lahr: Recce Sqn   8CH SSM at the end of a Tp WO O Gp drags   his Tp WOs to the shacks (A65 and A70?), and in we go to inspect our men's quarters.   So we get to a door named 'Tpr _______".   Well, the 8 CH had a gazillion _____s.   So, in we go, he is not at work, but in bed with a girl.   SSM looks back at us and says, "So which one of you owns this AWOL sod?".  

None of us did.   Wrong Sqn.   Kid was on leave.

I come off duty, a fellow Tp WO takes my place on duty, again in Lahr.   He is shortly visited by two young women.   They have a problem.   While being entertained by one of our MCpls, she thought she may have been videotaped.   Didn't want a fuss.   Just wanted the tapes.   Her and about two dozen other ladies - some married, some the daughters of high ranking officers - you get the picture.

No fuss.   No muss.   Solve the problem.   Life goes on.
the 48th regulator said:

'specially pet....aww man is gummy joe still making her rounds?   Man we were tormented by her in the summer of '95!!



Gummy Joe?  Hmmm.  Seems to strike a bell.  Maybe summer '94.  Kind of recall a Cameron getting involved :blotto:Unless there happens to be a totally different one in which case God help us! :'(
It seems to me in our regiment, when a certain MWO is around at functions that involve drinking everyone is practically encougared to get trashed, (I will always remember the line, "If you are underage don't buy beer from George, get someone who is of age to buy the beer for you").  While I agree that drinking and hanging out with the troops does establish a certain bond, it depends on who those people are, as some people are very mean drunks, and truthfully should be kept 100 meters from alcohol at all times.
I had a crusty old WO who advised us to "Drink rum, not vodka; I want the officers to know my men are drunk and not stupid".  We did like to party together, it was a way to bond, or decompress after whatever.  Its safer to unwind with your own kind after you have been all keyed up for a while, and you know your buddies (male and female) will keep you from making too much of an ass of yourself.  Later in your career, having a quiet beer-and-bitch session with your fellow NCO's is a good way to kick around problems in the company and do a little brainstorming and networking.  You can solve a lot of problems, defuse a lot of minunderstandings, and get a better idea of the problems facing your brethren, a real look at the "big picture" of your regiment. People will offer advice, information, and opinions to you over a beer that would not come up in a thousand years of meetings/debriefings.  Lastly, if you don't socialize with the men and women you work with, you are missing out not only on a chance to bond, but a real tool for professional development; the collective wisdom of your peers.