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drinking and the infantry

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camochick said:
Haha no he doesn't know you, but he knows me haha. I love how because i take drinks from men who offer them to me, with no promise of anything to come, i am the *****. I just wanted to warn young guys that   just because you buy   a woman a drink ddoesn'tmean she is going to go home with you. I don't think that a woman owes a man anything if he buys her a drink. If he wants to make an assumption in his drunken stupor then that iisn'treally her fault. I think a few too many guys on here have had their ego crushed by some woman who took the drink and then wwouldn'tlet them have the time of day.

I agree 100% with you. I hate that just because I don't turn down a free drink, then I am called the *****. I am not the one who is trying to get someone drunk just so I have somewhat of a chance of getting them to come home with me. If it were me buying drinks for the guy, he wouldn't turn them down, or be looked at as a *****.

It's funny how every girl claims that they're just there to "drink and have fun", how they never go "back to the shacks" etc.  Funny how an hour later those same girls will be stumbling back towards my place.

Guess I must be irresistable.

Either that or they're full of crap....

I am sure this is true with many girls you have met. But not every girl is like this. I do truly go to the bar to "drink and have fun" with my friends. I am not there to find someone to go home with. Besides, I find the bar is the worst place to look for someone to "be with". So I would not be lying when I said I wouldn't go back to the shacks. But I am sure that many girls do this.

I guess it just annoys me that girls are always the one to get the bad name. If I take a drink from a guy, then I am a bar*****, if I go back to the shacks with a guy then I am a shackrat. Even if it is a one time occasion, we still pick this name up. So what about the guy who spends all his money buying girls drinks at the bar hoping to take one home, or the guy who has a different girl at the shacks each weekend? What horrible label does he get?? None.

end of rant...
"I'm sure if the ratio of men/ women were reversed......"

Yep.  Fun to watch when a bunch of guys got posted back from CFE with their German and Dutch model wives.  The stares they got from the local trailer trash trollups (who tricked guys into knocking them up, had the rugrat(s), then exploded into  purple tracksuits) was just pure evil.

"The stares they got from the local trailer trash trollups (who tricked guys into knocking them up, had the rugrat(s), then exploded into  purple tracksuits) was just pure evil."

That had to be the funniest thing I've read in a while. I was crying from laughing so hard! So true, but some went into spandex of various loud colours!  ;D ;D
c4th said:
Or blind drunk or really ugly   ;D

Yeah, could be a bit of that too :P

Card_11 said:
I am sure this is true with many girls you have met. But not every girl is like this. I do truly go to the bar to "drink and have fun" with my friends. I am not there to find someone to go home with. Besides, I find the bar is the worst place to look for someone to "be with". So I would not be lying when I said I wouldn't go back to the shacks. But I am sure that many girls do this.

Obviously there's an exception to every rule....but I take a "I'll beleive it when I see it" attitude.  Not that it much matters to me why you go to bars anyway :)  I'm usualy just there 'cos there's nothing better to do.

Card_11 said:
I guess it just annoys me that girls are always the one to get the bad name. If I take a drink from a guy, then I am a bar*****, if I go back to the shacks with a guy then I am a shackrat. Even if it is a one time occasion, we still pick this name up. So what about the guy who spends all his money buying girls drinks at the bar hoping to take one home, or the guy who has a different girl at the shacks each weekend? What horrible label does he get?? None.

end of rant...

You won't get a "bad name" from something like that.  You WILL get one if you sleep with half the regiment.  So a guy who does the same thing (sleeping with a lot of girls that is, not sleeping with half the regiment) will actually have a good reputation, but so what?  If you care about your reputation, act accordingly, otherwise ignore it and have a good time.
The only time anyone has ever forced a drink on me, in any situation, was in the mess.  "Here," they told me, "if you're not going to drink, at least have a can of Coke."  So I did.  :)
"if you're not going to drink, at least have a can of Coke."  So I did."

- You wants to be meanin' Coca-Cola!


Just a common motto I had to share...heard this one on course and have been using it since

"Work Hard, Party Hard!"  ;)
TCBF said:
"if you're not going to drink, at least have a can of Coke."  So I did."

- You wants to be meanin' Coca-Cola!



Of course!  I was just quoting verbatim.  :)
bullet counter said:
Gummy Joe?   Hmmm.   Seems to strike a bell.   Maybe summer '94.   Kind of recall a Cameron getting involved :blotto:Unless there happens to be a totally different one in which case God help us! :'(

Saints alive, I believe you are right, and it also involved a certain fella from a Scottish unit located in Toronto...Not highland the other unit....name sounded like farty so he was, wonder what ever happened to him??

You would not happen to be that Cameron would ya?


aesop081 said:
Hey..do you remember " no neck" ??

I know a certain young lady that we call no neck. I've never had the actual pleasure of meeting her, but I know of several that have.
we had a young lady float around the 1 RCR shacks for the longest time, the stories I could tell, the stories I could tell.
Yeoman said:
I know a certain young lady that we call no neck. I've never had the actual pleasure of meeting her, but I know of several that have.
we had a young lady float around the 1 RCR shacks for the longest time, the stories I could tell, the stories I could tell.

Back in the late 70's in 1 RCR we called her "Bucky". You guess why. ::)
the 48th regulator said:
Saints alive, I believe you are right, and it also involved a certain fella from a Scottish unit located in Toronto...Not highland the other unit....name sounded like farty so he was, wonder what ever happened to him??

You would not happen to be that Cameron would ya?



In an ideal world it wouldn't have been me.  It still makes for an interesting story though. 
I haven't read all of the posts on this topic, so I don't know if anyone has mentioned it, however it has been my experience that while drinking has certainly lost the importance that it played years ago, drug use is certainly on the rise. The attitudes towards "soft" drugs in our society is finding its way into the military. Also more and more of our members nowadays are using hard drugs like meth, cocaine, and steroids.
Jumper.... true enough..

I have a friend that is still in.  One of his Troopies went on a tasking, and the guys were doing marihuana and cocaine right in the room.  He asked to be assigned to another room, but was denied when he wouldn't say why.  I have another buddy that is still in that is pretty much a chronic pothead now (or at least he was, we have since fallen out of touch).
Tell me about it Jumper .. Shilo's drug problem has been pretty bad itself, won't even begin to describe some of the stuff floating around on this small base or in the shacks.
    We have the same problem the US had after Vietnam.  Burned out troops with low morale turning on with whatever chemicals can be had.  After generations of being gutted by the feds, overdeployed, underequiped, and sh*t on at every opportunity, its easy to see how the morale and discipline starts to tank.  Thats when the drugs start to become a real problem, and when the NCO's are unwilling to bust chops over it, because the problem is too large to deal with without bringing the whole Regiment into disrepute (anyone remember CAR?) then you are in real trouble.  It took the US a long time to rebuild their forces, and return it to the fighting force that it is today.  I think we have a similar task ahead of us.  The Soviets had a problem when their troops in Afghanistan switched from vodka to hashish, their discipline went to hell, the soldiers got really screwed up, and a lot of the troops that returned became more dangerous to their countries stability than the Afghans were.  I don't think we are that bad, but its a growing concern.
I'm not so sure about that.  I think NCO's should be pro-active about pulling aside troops, giving them the "do you need help speech" followed up with "because I am concerned.  And the problems of one troop affect us all.  That being said, if it becomes a problem for the other troops, you and me are having a talk behind the generator."

I don't think it would bring the whole Regiment into disrepute.  What happened to the CAR is perhaps the worst abuse of government power I have ever seen.  But that was a Regiment that got crucified for a couple of guys who should have never been soldiers in the first place.  It wasn't a drug or alcohol problem.
Blackhorse7 said:
I'm not so sure about that.   I think NCO's should be pro-active about pulling aside troops, giving them the "do you need help speech" followed up with "because I am concerned.   And the problems of one troop affect us all.   That being said, if it becomes a problem for the other troops, you and me are having a talk behind the generator."

I don't think it would bring the whole Regiment into disrepute.   What happened to the CAR is perhaps the worst abuse of government power I have ever seen.   But that was a Regiment that got crucified for a couple of guys who should have never been soldiers in the first place.   It wasn't a drug or alcohol problem.
    The problem with the CF right now, it that the perception that any hint of scandal will be used by the Canadian press to further destroy the Canadian military, and that politicians will line up for the chance to help.  The functional problem with this perception is that it prevents many good NCO's from pushing hard enough to solve the problem, for fear of making waves big enough to get noticed.  The underlying problem with this, is that the perception is fundamentally correct.  The Canadian press and politicians are more than willing to jump on the problems of a single soldier, and use it as the reason for attacking a whole regiment, even when rampant corruption of a whole political party are insufficient to generate any reprecussions for politician's behaviour.  We are on the wrong end of a really brutal double standard.  The Canadian people, on the whole are behind us, but the press and politicans see us as a source of juicy sound bytes and cheap (for them) publicity.