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Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

54/102 CEF said:
Where do we send online donations to the CBLA?  :D

Ex-D and I will set something up.

We're also going to hold a referendum about the separation of Cape Breton from the mainland. Unlike Quebec, we plan to make the question REAL easy to understand:

Danny Million's loves the camera.  Lets not forget that this individual is not taking a red cent of salary....he made money in the cable industry.   As early as last year when everyone was on strike in the province and people hated him, his popularity was down.  This guy loves the camera and knows how to start a media frenzy.  It may also be part of an election posture by him.  The Liberals will get thumped in NF in the next election unless they give in.  I know 7 seats are not much compared to Ontario, but in a minority setting they  are worth gold. That being said..he's pulling at the heart strings of every Newfoundlander.  I am tired of people not knowing the underlying issues of the province and labelling us as 'welfare recipient's.  Newfoundland has been continually screwed by Canada and should have never joined Confederation.  Churchhill Falls to Quebec by the corrupt bribe taking Joey Smallwood, the collapse of the fishery by Federal mismanagement, the stealing of NEWFOUNDLAND's OIL etc.  Paul Martin can enjoy Morocco while the homeless in Toronto freeze tonight and Newfoundlanders unleash 55 years of frustration.

birdgunnnersrule said:
Danny Million's loves the camera.  Lets not forget that this individual is not taking a red cent of salary....he made money in the cable industry.   As early as last year when everyone was on strike in the province and people hated him, his popularity was down.  This guy loves the camera and knows how to start a media frenzy.  It may also be part of an election posture by him.  The Liberals will get thumped in NF in the next election unless they give in.  I know 7 seats are not much compared to Ontario, but in a minority setting they  are worth gold. That being said..he's pulling at the heart strings of every Newfoundlander.  I am tired of people not knowing the underlying issues of the province and labelling us as 'welfare recipient's.  Newfoundland has been continually screwed by Canada and should have never joined Confederation.  Churchhill Falls to Quebec by the corrupt bribe taking Joey Smallwood, the collapse of the fishery by Federal mismanagement, the stealing of NEWFOUNDLAND's OIL etc.  Paul Martin can enjoy Morocco while the homeless in Toronto freeze tonight and Newfoundlanders unleash 55 years of frustration.

Oh the retoric......Danny Williams is doing nothing more noble that shoring up his own political support back at home by posturing !  He knows full well that he will eventualy get most of what he wants from ottawa but he decided to grandstand so that he looks like he is leading Nfld against the big bad feds......To those of you that think that Quebec gets what it wants because they whine enpough, and b***h about it...i say that Nfld is doing the same and that it is just as despicable !
aesop081 said:
Before you start with the "bleeding herat" arguments, let me say this:  Toronto isnt populated by only millionairs...that is not what i was implying......i guess you are too stuborn to see that....... but the principle is there...and To be able to live in TO....you need money...as far as the homeless are concerned.......i dont have one bit of sympathy for a good percentage of them...but i do pay city taxes, those taxes are used for public housing/shelters.....get my point.  I'm in the military, drwaing aircrew and spec pay and i will be hard pressed to live in esquimalt you have to be rich to live there....same as for toronto....

    The homeless were an extreme example to point out that not all of toronto is rich.  People living in public housing and in the ghettos would be another example.  The homeless shelter are funded by our taxes.  They are considered "services", so when we compute the difference between how much money we pay in taxes, and how much we get back, the money going to the shelters is part of that equation.  Same goes for healthcare, welfare, social security, policing, fire protection/prevention, road construction and maintanance, snow and garbage removal, etc, etc, etc.  What we end up with in the end is that the city still spends $8 billion more every year than we get back for those things.  I seriously doubt that there are that many more "have nots" in the rest of the country than there are in Toronto.  The money goes towards paying for a higher level of services in other places than we enjoy within the city.  The quality of life in a City like calgary is still a lot higher than in Toronto regaurdless of how much more Alberta may spend on "transfer payments" than Ontario.  I'm just pointing out that people in other provinces who beleive their money is going to support a higher quality of life in Ontario are out to lunch.  Anyone who's been to Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver will clearly see what I'm talking about.  Ontario receives only 12.3% of it's annual revenues in the form of federal transfers.  In any event, transfer payments hardly account for the whole picture.  When you look at equalization of total payments and revenues, only Alberta has a larger ratio of payments to revenues than Ontario.  So why the two provinces who are getting screwed the most are arguing about which one of them is to blame, I'm not really sure....
B'ys...be nice or ya a'int comin' to the bootleggers with scott and I. Lard thunderin.
Oi, just don't try this discussion after a few beers.  It'd degenerate into a fistfight within minutes.
continually screwed by Canada and should have never joined Confederation

Okay... Maybe then you'd now be run by the USA, would you rather have joined that Confederation? Or maybe France? You choose.....  ::) Newfoundland wouldn't have stood long at all on it's own that's for sure! No province would...

In my original post I blamed the leadership of the government, not any particular PART of the country. I specifically blamed the leadership for this blunder. Even if the man of Newfoundland is just "posturing" it shouldn't have gotten to this point regardless...

What would happen IF any of the provinces separated? Would the rest of Canada invade and take it over before someone else did? Is that feasible? I mean really folks, what would be the point of separating now? It's be utterly hopeless...

I'm all for a joined  :cdn:
You joined the country, stick with it. Work out the problems, like our beautiful military, put up or shut up basically! Don't tear the damn flag down because you'll only be bringing a different nation's flag back up later!

the stealing of NEWFOUNDLAND's OIL
, what about ALBERTA'S oil?  :P

C'mon! Gimme a break man, rediculous. It's a "national resource" which as stated in the first post's article, was agreed you folks would get all the financial benefits of for a full 16 years...

Say, while we're on the subject, what about IRAQ's oil? .....  ;)
48Highlander said:
Oi, just don't try this discussion after a few beers.   It'd degenerate into a fistfight within minutes.

Ur yous luukin at me sister?
Well if I was a newfie, I'd probably answer with "no, I's have mine to look at b'y"  ;)
Although I am no newfie I might have took a quick peek at yer sister.....as I am married it was just a peek, merry Christmas Bog.
Somebody said that the oil in the offshore was Canada's by law.  Fair enough.  Problem is the offshore is only Canada's by virtue of the fact that Newfoundland joined Confederation. Same goes for the fish off the Labrador and for that matter access to Hans Island, that's the one with the Danish flag on it.  (Strike me, I wonder if Danny has talked to Copenhagen recently - they might recognize a good thing when they see it.  Wouldn't be the first time they came for a visit.)

As to Ontario, Quebec, Alberta et al.  These squabbles are exactly the reason that Joseph Howe and the lads would only accept a Confederation - dammed if they were going to hand over the treasury to those blighters in Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto - untrustworthy Scots one and all.  I think it was only during the 30's that Ottawa finally got the keys to the till when the Provinces decided it was cheaper to have one central collection agency - and they handed the keys over to William Lyon MACKENZIE King -  another Scot (I think I perceive a pattern).  Anyway, I am firmly of the opinion that charity begins at home.  The starting point should be that each Province decides what to do with its own resources.  They should contribute funds to Ottawa to finance the programmes they all agree on.  Ottawa - handservant to the Provinces.  Or as Jean C put it - if he wants to do something he should have to go to Ralph Klein to ask for the check.  Bugger this centralization.

And 48th - the reason you pay such high property taxes for such poor services is the same reason you pay such ridiculous prices for mediocre properties.  Some folks have a bizarre notion that Toronto is a desirable place to live and are willing to pay over the odds for the privilege.  I don't share the view so my cost of living is probably a tad lower - although Vancouver prices and perceptions are rising to equal Toronto's.

Finally, wrt the causeway -- I don't think cash donations are necessary to achieve the aims -- adequate supplies of alcohol would no doubt ensure sufficient numbers of backhoes, miners and construction workers to get the job done for free.... ;D :salute:

Cape Breton Go Brath!!!
Ex-D, methinks Kirkhill is our newest recruit!!
Alberta's oil is not a "NATIONAL" resource.  It is a "PROVINCIAL" resource.  That was all sorted out in 1905 - Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Jean Chretien notwithstanding.  (Notwithstanding - such a lovely phrase,  all sorts of applications, should be used more often).
. . . if the east is separating, can me and my relatives have Acadia back?  ;D
:cdn: I am a proud Canadian, and also a proud Newfoundlander.  I was not implying that Newfoundland separate.  We will get what we want when the time is right for the Paul Martin government.  I agree that Danny is thumping is chest to shore I support at home.  Taking down the flag was a stupid call and was borderline treason.  
How did a post concerning Newfoundland turn into a Cape Breton Liberation Army recruiting thread...? typical mainlanders, always taking what belongs to Newfoundland for their own................