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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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Kenyan said:
I was decent in math but was never an A student.

Neither was i but yet here i am.......You'll never know until you try. The CFAT math is only the begining. Theres more math on the BAC.
cool, well I'll aim high and start refreshing my math, along with getting into shape. I was making the recruiter's job difficult due to his questions. Would you rather work indoors or outdoors? I dont care, have worked sitting down for 8 hours a day, and have worked drilling outdoors for 14 hours a day during winter. I'll be happy with anything, just want to learn new things, and hopefully travel. *sorry I always end up going off topic*
CDN Aviator said:
Neither was i but yet here i am.......You'll never know until you try. The CFAT math is only the begining. Theres more math on the BAC.

And you made it through your previous MOC with fractions  ;D

Kenyan said:
cool, well I'll aim high and start refreshing my math, along with getting into shape. I was making the recruiter's job difficult due to his questions. Would you rather work indoors or outdoors? I dont care, have worked sitting down for 8 hours a day, and have worked drilling outdoors for 14 hours a day during winter. I'll be happy with anything, just want to learn new things, and hopefully travel. *sorry I always end up going off topic*

anything is possible
For what its worth on the math side of the CFAT;

I wrote my first CFAT in 1989.  Not sure what I scored, but it was good enough for Infantry, and later, for Armoured.  At the time, I had completed grade 10 in PEI. 

I re-wrote in 2006, and all I reviewed before was fractions.  That score was good enough for my current MOC (ATIS Tech) and AES Op (they used my 2006 scored when I applied for AES Op a year ago).  My score was good enough to make the cut on the CFAT side.

Between my 2 CFATs, I had completed the GED program for my Gr 12 (General) and completed several years of college, centered in IT/Network Admin/Network Engineering.  NO math was covered in those college years.

The best thing I did, IMO, was (1) review the area I felt weak in and (2) relaxed during the test.

Edit - none of this has any bearing, IMO, in my ability to pass BAC or the new stream of trng currently being introduced to the AES Op - Jr world.  It *may* represent a certain apptitude to pass said trg.

Eye In The Sky said:

  My score was good enough to make the cut on the CFAT side.

The CFAT score required for AES Op has been changed to reflect the higher standards demanded by the new course and the direct entry AES Op trial.
CDN Aviator said:
The CFAT scores required for AES Op has been change to reflect the higher standards demanded by the new course and the direct entry AES Op trial.

So...you're saying I am behind the 8-ball already.  Dammit!  >:D

sorry for bump.

Got "the" call yesterday, and for the first time in this whole process I was told that the initial contract length was 5 years, not 3 years. Which I guess makes sense due to the large amount of training, but I thought that was a bit weak that I only learned that on the phone. Of course I said yes though. Start BMQ June 8th, so hopefully I'll be able to go right to Winnipeg for the start of occupational training right away, without having to sit around for too long.

Anyways, now that I know I have a start date, I'm kicking my running and other stuff into high gear.
Kenyan said:
sorry for bump.

Got "the" call yesterday, and for the first time in this whole process I was told that the initial contract length was 5 years, not 3 years. Which I guess makes sense due to the large amount of training, but I thought that was a bit weak that I only learned that on the phone. Of course I said yes though. Start BMQ June 8th, so hopefully I'll be able to go right to Winnipeg for the start of occupational training right away, without having to sit around for too long.

Anyways, now that I know I have a start date, I'm kicking my running and other stuff into high gear.

Get your math up to speed as well. First AES Op QL3 starts around Aug 17th.

Good luck.
The other day i came across a thread which had some AES OP pictures (in flight) in it.  I haven't been able to find this thread again and my searches haven't come up with anything.  The AES OP in said pictures had a skull or something like that on his helmet i believe.  Anyone know where that thread is? Been driving me nuts the last few days.  I thought maybe i had seen them on aesoplounge.com but haven't found anything there either.
Whats up with no AESOP's being the 183/279 starting at CFNOS on Monday?
  Hello AESops...I have a question.  When you get up there and are airborne, is there any opportunity for stretching your legs, or a bit of a walkaround at all?  I find sitting for extended periods of time, without releif, is very hard on me.
  Also, which area of the job do people tend to desire?  Aurora, or helicopter?
Thanks all
lateralus said:
The other day i came across a thread which had some AES OP pictures (in flight) in it.  I haven't been able to find this thread again and my searches haven't come up with anything.  The AES OP in said pictures had a skull or something like that on his helmet i believe.  Anyone know where that thread is? Been driving me nuts the last few days.  I thought maybe i had seen them on aesoplounge.com but haven't found anything there either.

I think this is an FE vice an AES OP, but I think this is the thread you're talking about.
Benny...Yes that would be what i was looking for. Thanks!

Quick question here. Hopefully someone can answer it. I'm going for my medical and interview next week.  Does an aircrew medical come later on?  My understanding was that i would need to fast before this medical for the blood work.  I wasn't told this on the phone when my appointments were made though.
You must pass a base-level aircrew medical and be declared "fit aircrew" by DRDC Toronto before you can be accepted for training.
You should really call the CFRC to clarify what you are doing.  The air crew medical Part I and II is more involved then the "basic" medical.  It should include a cyclo eye exam, blood work and a fairly detailed Part II with a Flight Surgeon.  This is not something they do at the CFRC as far as I know, but you should clarify with the CFRC you are dealing with.

As CDN Aviator said, you must do the air crew medical.  Then your file will be sent to DRDC and gone over by staff at the AUMB (Aerospace Underwater Medical Board) and if you are good to go, they will award you a AF 2 - Fit AES Op medical catagory for your AF.

Now, I am going to assume that you Direct Entry folks are the same as us remuster folks, and you MUST have an Air Factor of 2 - Fit AES Op to be offered a position in the AES Op MOC.  If that is true, you will be required to do all the air crew medical "stuff" before being offered a position/before BMQ.

But again, I urge you to contact your CFRC and ask them, as some of the stuff with the Direct Entry process is different from those of us who remustered from other trades.
Eye...thanks for that info.  I did call and was told they would still be doing the basic medical and i guess the aircrew at a date TBD....but they will tell me more at my medical/interview on monday. Obviously that has to happen before it goes before the selection board.  We'll see how it goes...