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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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HFXCrow said:
NESOP and AESOP are 2nd cousins in regards to transferable skills.
The only piece of advice I can give for both, is that your math skills have to be closed up.

If you fall behind in your academics, the slogan nobody gets left behind unfortunately does not apply.

I'll elaborate now. I strongly disagree with the idea that AES ops are kin to NESOPs, not meant to offend. The idea that people get left behind is not quite accurate. BAC is not Mad Max at the Thunder Dome, "two men enter, one man leaves"!  8 "candidates" start the course, and the 2 things that will earn a set of wings for your chest are, get ready for this, PERSONAL DRIVE and TEAM WORK. And by team work, I mean the entire course working together in the lounge to ensure that every candidate is on the same level, or as close as possible. If you are applying, take note of this advice and the advice of AES ops. Cheers, and if you have any questions at all about the trade then fire away, there are several AES ops on this forum.
Mad Max at the Thunder Dome sounds pretty close to what I experienced at CFANS, 8 entered and 4 limped out.
Quick question since this is the main AESOp forum:

I read earlier (2004 post) that trig and some algebra was requiered to be a successful AESOp on course. However when I wrote my CFAT I qualified for the trade and am guessing that is based on my spacial analysis score. However I have my grade 12 Graduate math which did not include trig.

Am I going to struggle trying to get through this course based on the math?

Don't hold back because I would like to know as math is not my forte
robbiewho? said:
Am I going to struggle trying to get through this course based on the math?

The math on course has changed over time. it is not like it was when i went through. That being said here it is :

Do you have the minimum grade 12 education with grade 10 academic math ?

Theres a reason why we ask for this as a minimum and not grade 12 trig......
I do not have Academic Grade 10 Math, just the graduate level. However my recruiter told me that I met the minimums for AESOp and I double checked with him stating that I only had the graduate course. He dissapeared for a few minutes to check and he confirmed I met the minimums.

What would a math question look like on course?
In my previous post, I was going to mention something regarding the NESOP vs AES Op similarities.  I don't think I am stretching it any when I say that every trade in the Naval Ops Room has something that ties into the AES Op trade.  NCIOP, SONAR OP (or whatever they are called this week) and NES Op's all perform jobs on the ship that are similar to the jobs performed by an AES Op.

That being said, and I know its been said before, having one of those trades as a background will not make your time at 1 CFFTS or as an AES Op any easier.  Nearly every trade has some skill that is transferable to the AES Op community, for example I damn near needed a Army - Air Force pocket translator (I can hear my Sgt talking, but he isn't making any sense) while doing a recent overland mission, that lingo isn't something you learn in the Navy.

I said NESOP and AESOP were 2nd cousins in my post.  The trades have some similarities and my focus of the post was on the 1030 Math Package. (which you may have to do as an AESOP somewhere down the line)

this is directed to the 22 year old lad with "Boo Coo" experience.
Nice Crow.  ;)

Thanks everyone for all the insight and shared experiences. To give an update on my status, I have accepted a position as NES OP, and will re-do BMQ starting on the 15th of March, since it has been more than 5 years since I did it last. I am really excited on getting back in and look forward to being on ship. I hope that the air crew there will be able to aid me in my pursuit of the AES OP trade. Thanks again for the help fellas!
can a real aes op in the know confirm something for me? 

i have been trying my damnedest to get an ot over for a few years now. in fact, this year, i was practically convinced that it was happening.  (cotp i might add)  i am aware that over the last three weeks or so, offers started going out to applicants.  i didn't get one and i really don't think one's coming now.  and i haven't recieved a notice of non selection either, so far. i believe any number of reasons could have prevented it, but i have a hard time coming to grips with this particular situation, everything considered, with the research i've been doing:

i posed a question regarding ot's in the occupation transfer thread a couple months back.  my own trade is pretty hard up and i wanted to know where and when the two trades come together and let a member make a transfer.  the answer i got was that they, the powers that be, meet along about the same time and give the yay or nay.  that sounds believable enough.

a friend of my spouse's family, one who has an inside track so to speak, or the family likes to tell me anyhow, made a general inquiry just to see where things stood with me.  he got an answer that the aes op trade has cut back on their intake numbers this year in total and that is the reason i missed out.  and he believed that my current trade had "let me go". i go on aesoplounge.com and here all the time and in three years+ worth of reading, i've seen nothing but the opposite.  with the de/ct trial, uav, the new mh, the improved lrp a/c complete with new opportunities in the aso seats, etc etc, it just sounds too hard to believe, and in fact, there's seemingly more successful people this year than the last few posting on the lounge, that they made it, also opposite to this story.

so the question: did the aes op mos decide to cut back on their intake this year in any way?  i know we just passed the fy changeover which of course influences numbers plus or minus for new members but would this timing have affected a decision for occupation transfer(a decision likely made last year?)
Seriously, please capitalize properly. Your post is difficult and unpleasant to read. I stopped part way through.
Oh No a Canadian said:
If one would prefer to be posted on the west coast would that be given consideration?

Yes but not much consideration. You also have to understand that even if you get posted to the West coast, you will be moving somewhere else in a few short years. Postings are short and frequent.
Oh No a Canadian said:
If one would prefer to be posted on the west coast would that be given consideration?

It's generally easier to stay on the East coast for an extended duration than it is in the West. It's very much possible that you could receive a West coast posting but rather unlikely you'd spend more than a single posting there consecutively.
Thanks to both of you, not something I am going to base my decision off of just something that some up while to talking to family about it. If all goes as planned I will be taking the 5 min drive to CFRC Vancouver April 2012.
When you seriously consider joining you should accept that you will never live close to home ever again. If you get lucky you might get posted back to your home province once for a four year tour.  I left the greater Toronto area in 1999 and haven't been back.
Hopefully that's not the case, at least for this trade, anyway. I grew up in Greenwood and have lived in Halifax pretty much since 94. If I ever make it through in the trade I'd hope I'd be able to come back home here for a little longer than 4 years. Maybe I better plan for the opposite.
trigger324 said:
Hopefully that's not the case, at least for this trade, anyway.

You will find that postings come hard and fast. For the trade to remain healthy, a steady stream of new folks is needed. That means that (relative) old farts like me have to leave the line units and take our experience to other jobs. All this is in line with AF objectives of having short first tours. Greenwood and Shearwater are more prone to longer stays as there are more possible postings but, you can get caught in the "vortex" and remain at those bases for a longer time than you would like. One has to be careful what they wish. Either way, if you wish to progress in the MOS, you will move.........

Hey guys. I have a few questions that I would like answered, if you could. I am just coming the end of my NES Op 3's and am definatly wanting to go AES Op (this has always been the plan). I excelled in the EM Theory and truly enjoy using all the sensor equipment that is carried by the Halifax class ships, so I know that I will love the trade change. I would like to know what the best method of making it into the trade might be. I was considering a COTP route, but I am not sure of the criteria for such a move. I also contemplated a VR followed by an application for the trade, but I am not confident in my civi qualifications for the math and science levels achieved in HS. What do you think I should do? Before anyone suggests asking my bosses, I would rather not step on any toes if possible.

On a further, and less important note, my family and I are from, and currently posted to, the west coast. What is the probability of the 407 for a first posting?

Thanks for the intel.
As of the APS ( this summer), the MOS is full. That , IMHO, will lead to reduced intakes to cover for attrition.

COTP is rank of Cpl/LS with 48 Months of service.

There is no "best way" to get into the trade.

As far as a posting to 407 goes, it is one of many postings where we send new AES Ops and you are as likely to be sent to anyone of them. We are now sending fresh gradutes to ground jobs directly after graduations, so those getting a flying tour right off the bat should consider themselves lucky.

That being said, all are AES Op jobs and require motivated and competent individuals.