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3 Fld Sqn (1 CER)

Carl Sidney? Chief? That guy - well that band is going to go places.. Don't know where though...  if i remember right, a good chap. I'm sorry to hear of Boots Boutillier. Please pass on my best wishes to his famliy if you can -  he too was a good guy (if my addled 52 year old brain has got the right one) - and one who knew his stuff.
earthquake annies said:

I remember Boot's quite well, do you have a source for this information?


"Yeah, I remember Boots while he was in 2CER."
* Edit: I apologize, I was thinking of a different person. I wasn't there at the same time or not long enough to have worked with him but crossed paths briefly at other locations.

my condolences to his family and friends.

Different Boots, I think.  I believe Maj (?)  Boutillier is the guy in question.
459 Fau__ P. E. said:
OK folks, here's todays quiz:

In the following incident who got charged?

SGT MAJOR, march in the prisoner.

Yes SIR.

Prisoner and escort, AHH - TEN-- CHAA.



left ...right .... left .... right ....left

right wheel .....

left ... right .... left

left wheel

Prisoner and escort Mark time.

Prisoner and escort ....HALT.

Here's the scene, the prisoner has been returned to his unit after being AWOL in Maui in the Hawain Islands.

After a short discourse, the prisoner offers the CO a gift from afar, a T-shirt with the logo, "here today gone to Maui ".

Somebody probably laughed.

Anybody know who got charged and what he got?

Hi Guys
I was one of the escorts...... I remember the other escort (can't remember his name) Kicked the CO's desk on the halt and CWO Mushroom (sorry LOL) Threatened to march the other escort in hatless, if he didn't smarten up.

As far as where is Theo and Darren, well Theo is a Prison Guard and Darren used to be a prison guard, but that job didn't last long either, not sure where he is now....
They Each got 30 days in DB if I recall.

Kevin White
Kat Stevens said:
Different Boots, I think.  I believe Maj (?)  Boutillier is the guy in question.

That is in fact the Boot's that I was referring to.... Thanks Kat.....
459 Fau__ P. E. said:
For those of you who had the pleasure of Waincon about 1980.

I made a little web page, 



Z59 - out.

Hey Pete you got any other photos of our first trip(s) down to Coronado? I have one of you sitting on Froggie and a few others. I was down there a few years back and hooked up with Dave Littrell by fluke. Great shot of Snowball......may he RIP...........remember when he pointed out the guy with a "terrible hair piece" and for hours we kept asking how Snowball knew this guy had "terrible herpes"

Hi Len,

Yep, I've got some pic's of way back when down there.  I think I've got one of you when we were setting some charges on an obstacle (somewhere on Coronado Is. I think)
I still got a couple of those demo bags when we used just the explosives.  I made saddle bags out of two bags for the motorcylce.  He he he, once one the tie down lines slipped out of place and I was trailing this rope for who nows for how long.  Kind of embrassing.

Wouldn't mind seeing that pic you got of me.   I'll try and track down some of those pic's of/for you.
That's to bad about Snowball.  We usually partnered up on course.  We'd go crapping, I'd catch'em and he held the bag.  Can't say I've ever had such good tasting crabs as those cooked on the dock.   I came 2nd to last on course and I think Snowball came in last.
I still remember that officer on our course who got caught with gloves.  Some leading seamen set him up by giving him some gloves.   I think he got like one or two thousand push ups he had to do.  I was more sneaky, I didn't get caught but then again I think I was only using one glove.  he he he, got one on the anker crakers that time.

I don't remember Dave Littrell or the "terrible herpes", but then again I don't remember much.

If I get time I might make a web page of those trips down there.  Guess I first trip was visiting the UDT teams. 

Anywho chow for now,

Spr.Earl said:
Dave as a Militia Plug after all these years I have my mental record,it just  needs a kick from one or two.
Like Paul Orr saying to me "I hate Militia " I said "I'm here to learn are you willing to teach me?"
After that he gave me loads of time in the field but we never got know each other.

Paul Orr was a Militia Plug's worst night  mare


Just a quick update, Paul is now working for WCB out of Richmond/Vancouver, along with a certain Jerome Fitzherbert (so I have heard).
We have a range Ex this weekend and I had to got out to A.S.U. (Ex 1 C.E.R. building) for our pre range weapon's refresher,Bubble's was on the gate and I had a yack with him,he is still the same,he told me that Larry Mackelrevie (sp) dropped by the other day and all is well with him.
Rodahn said:
Just a quick update, Paul is now working for WCB out of Richmond/Vancouver, along with a certain Jerome Fitzherbert (so I have heard).

I heard Fitz got in a pretty serious spot of bother with the law a few years back.  Can anyone confirm or squash the rumour.  PM details if possible, Fitz was a good mate.
While waliking through the hall's of former 1  C.E.R. I just noticed that all the beaver crest's mounted are gone,who removed all the "Beaver" crest's from the sway brasing's,all I saw was hole's every where with in the sway brasing's

Wher did they go?

All right you theiving bugger's own up.
I'm sure I have no idea what you are referring to, in fact, I'm quite certain there were no such things.  Overactive imagination on your part.  Not even sure there ever was a 1CER in Chilliwack, that I can remember.  Compound?  Emblems?  Pure fantasy.
Spr.Earl said:
While waliking through the hall's of former 1  C.E.R. I just noticed that all the beaver crest's mounted are gone,who removed all the "Beaver" crest's from the sway brasing's,all I saw was hole's every where with in the sway brasing's

Wher did they go?

All right you theiving bugger's own up.

I know exactly who did it and where they all went.

It took you 12 years to notice?  ;D