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3 Fld Sqn (1 CER)

Scotty turned to the dark side and went WSPOL around '82.  Saw him once in Wainwright, he was working at the Betty Lake plant, about 4 years later.  That was the last I saw of him.
He left Wainwright in '99 IIRC. I can't remember where he got posted to.
Kat Stevens said:
I think yer out by about 15-20 years, old  mate.

Me think's not Cat it was the summer of 78 now the that you brought up my old timers. ;)
Here's our full course photo.
The only Sapper's from the West were Brent (8 FER),my self (6Fd),Jeff Dyer(6Fd),Danny Henderson(6Fd),Graham Brewer (6Fd) all the rest were from the Maritimes and the Rock.
Duh after looking at the photo I for got the chinese guy who was also from 6Fd.

I remember Scotty and I "borrowing" a duece and a half from base transport lol. Amazing when all you had to do was act like you had the authority to do it lol. God those were the days.

Spr.Earl said:
Me think's not Cat it was the summer of 78 now the that you brought up my old timers. ;)
Here's our full course photo.
The only Sapper's from the West were Brent (8 FER),my self (6Fd),Jeff Dyer(6Fd),Danny Henderson(6Fd),Graham Brewer (6Fd) all the rest were from the Maritimes and the Rock.
Duh after looking at the photo I for got the chinese guy who was also from 6Fd.

Who is the old grumpy looking guy 2nd from the right in the back row??????
SprCForr said:
Would the Chinese guy be Kishi?

Jeff funny you should mention that because after posting the photo I was looking at who's who in the Zoo and for the life of me I can't remember his name but no it is not Roger Kishi (this is before his time) and besides they guy was Hong Kong Chinese,really nice guy.

Roger Kishi made Sgt. and left 6FD yrs ago,he still lives in N.Van I believe.

Rodahn said:
Who is the old grumpy looking guy 2nd from the right in the back row??????

Hi Jeff,since Kat has nudged the old timers I was a bit peeved in the photo because of the easterner's attitude,back then I was full of piss and vinegar and wanted to learn everything,for those guy's it was way for pokie over the winter back home in the Maritimes or on the Rock as back in the 70's there was no job's to be had.
Plus what a charade to pose for the course photo! ::)

What ever happened to Hugget and Gordon our course instructors in the above photo?
Rick Huggat retired as a CWO here in the Edmonton area.  Haven't seen or heard of Steve Gordon since about '95 ish.
Go way Huggy Bear retired as CWO !!!! ?  :o
Good for him ,I had loads of time for him,max flex dude. :salute:
Some will remember this name "Joey Boston"
The last  time I met him was when Mike Hartling was on his last RSS posting to 6FD at a party we had.
At that time he was mixed up with the movie biz.

Spr.Earl said:
Some will remember this name "Joey Boston"
The last  time I met him was when Mike Hartling was on his last RSS posting to 6FD at a party we had.
At that time he was mixed up with the movie biz.

Now there are a couple of names from the past, Joey and I were on Eagle river project together.... As well as a certain ex where we were tasked to build an expedient crapper.... Joey placed the resting pole so high a certain Sgt used it, spun around a support tree twice and fell flat on his a$$.... Good times.....
Joe Boston ended up selling hot tubs up around my old stomping grounds, Pender Harbour area if I remember correctly.  Huggy's last job was LFWA RSM, boy done good for himself!
Spr.Earl said:
What ever happened to Hugget and Gordon our course instructors in the above photo?

I didn't see or hear anything of Flash upon his posting out of 4CER in 82..... He appears to have dissapeared, he wasn't in CFSME when I was posted there in 84....
He went to 2CER for a while, then the school, then to 1CER.  I think he did another 4CER tour, then poof!
Old gray matter just kicked in
Was he the W.O. who was charged along with a Cpt. with negligent homicide when a young lad was electrucuted in Zygon a few years ago?The W.O.'s name was Gordon if I remember correctly.
Spr.Earl said:
Some will remember this name "Joey Boston"
The last  time I met him was when Mike Hartling was on his last RSS posting to 6FD at a party we had.
At that time he was mixed up with the movie biz.

Nick you have a contact for Joey? That was a name we missed in May, still have flashes of Joey and that Van of his driving around playing "Black Betty" or whatever that Queen band was on his 8 track