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Search results

  1. C

    Entry Plan Question - Technical Diploma

    Why does CDI not qualify you?
  2. C

    Another education question.

    All colleges let you know, its called being a mature student. Being out of school for 2 years and working full time. Your have to write a test to get into the college, but thats easy. I am going to take business administration management after that take a degree in pshyc after. Then maybe...
  3. C

    Another education question.

    Okay, Sorry. I did a search but maybe it is just me but I did not get anything. Okay now, I do not have grade 10. last grade completed was grade 9. Now, I got accepted into college to take Business administration management and paralegal. Now, after completed these programs will I be able to...
  4. C

    Door Gunner

    Totaly, Was just stating that I asked and thats what the recruiter said. Also, my recruiter said SAR Tech was closed and then the other one said couple spots were open still.
  5. C

    Door Gunner

    I was at the recruiters on friday and asked about this question. He said the person who gets to do this as a secondry task is the Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator... Just would like to share that..
  6. C

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    Sorry, I did not read the full thread but would like to share my story with you. I got kicked out of school in grade 9, So i would of been about 14/15 range I think. Now I am 20 years old, which this is what has been my life. Living pay check to pay check, Never had a real good career. Always...
  7. C

    Criminal Charge help

    Thank you bruce for that info, Now i know how to fill out the section. Dang lawyers not telling you everything.
  8. C

    Criminal Charge help

    Now thats what I was looking for. Now, do I need to think about a pardon? Or what now? Should, i go march down to the police office and get my finger prints. For the recruiter?
  9. C

    Criminal Charge help

    Sorry, I did a search and nothing came up that said for me to go down to the police station. Get my finger prints and give them with my application and also the search function was not working last night. K, I got convicted for assualt when I was 18, It was very minor. This is how it worked, 9...
  10. C

    Criminal Charge help

    Hello, When i was little younger, I had a criminal charge. Its been cleaned off my record now. But does the army just pull a basic record check or go more into the check. If so, should I go get my finger prints to send in with my application? This charge was when I was 18.
  11. C

    Training Program For New Recruits

    Hey guys, To all new recruits who are trying to find a training program. I have been using this british program. Its pretty good, you can choose your level and starting points. Its a 4 week program. Take a look and see if you like it. Cheers Chris http://www.armyfit.mod.uk/
  12. C

    Relly confused please correct me.

    hello, i am a bit confusesd on when the goverment would like to pull our troops out of afganistan? I have been reading a lot about past recruiting waves, operations and stuff to get a feel for myself about whats going on with the infantry recruiting and stuff. Anyways, I have been reading that...
  13. C

    Career Options

    Thanks! Just so many exciting careers to pick from. All of them, I want to do all haha.
  14. C

    Career Options

    Hello again. I am sure, this has been posted a lot. Sorry, I am having such a hard time figuring out what I want to do with myself. I am going back to school to upgrade before I join so I can do more things then just min requiments plus my spelling sucks. Anywho, I want to be a Pilot, combat...
  15. C

    Tips for making a good impression and getting a JOB (any job, not just Military)

    Otis, you have some amazing advice. I have read all your advice on here and me and my recruiter have become to have a realationship sort of. Its not just hey. He treats me with respect and I do too. Your advice is great. Thank you a lot. Chris
  16. C

    SAR Tech

    Hey guys, looking on the canadian forces website here. I notice they have a sar tech direct entry now. When i was in air cadets we spent a week in comox on a sick trip and those guys are badass. Now my question leads to is do these guys get deployed overseas or are they mostly SAR operations in...
  17. C

    17 and 18 year old joing debate?

    Hey guys, I did a search and i did not get anything. last night i was talking to my girl friend about joining this upcoming april when infantry opens up again or when it does. we were talking about how i wanted to do when i turned 17 years old but never did for couple of reason. I knew one i...
  18. C

    Trade Change?

    Your lucky you got in as infantry. My and couple guys on here have to sit and wait till march april if that. My recruiter told me not even bring in a application till then. He straight up said go back to school and hang tight if I wanted infantry. You can come paint houses and go back to school...
  19. C

    When is the first BMOQ in 2010

    My mistake, I like my country too. I LOVE CANADA, for some reason I thought basic was only every 3 months. Reason of sizing and what not. Good to learn to know, maybe when infantry is open again it will be faster.
  20. C

    When is the first BMOQ in 2010

    My recruiter told me they will be running BMQ every 1-2 monday in a month for this year. So bmq every month does not seem right, dont know if canada can keep up with that?