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  1. CanadianSIG

    Reservist Roles?

    Thanks for the advice folks - and we've already started down that road --- we finally have gotten one of our core members into the troop WO position and our new SM seems to be a together and approachable guy - so now it's just getting together to draw up the plans and run the gauntlet. I just...
  2. CanadianSIG

    Reservist Roles?

    Tried all last year - only to have the plans deep sixed, or in the words of our Sgt 'sabotaged'... we're going to try it again but even the troops are beginning to ask why we are banging our heads against the wall so hard....
  3. CanadianSIG

    Reservist Roles?

    Agreed: but how do you fix it from a NCM level? Lack of accountability at the unit's leadership is one of our core members biggest frustrations. The seniors Cpl/MCpl/Sgts can hold the ranks accountable for the tasks we are given, and deadwood gets the message that either they cowboy up or hit...
  4. CanadianSIG

    We are driving good soldiers out of the Army

    The Plug n Play concept may not work in the Reg Force - except in small special forces type teams - but IMHO it could make a difference in the Reserves - we get deployed that way right now - it would be nice to train that way as well. By cross-training or switching up the training ex's to more...
  5. CanadianSIG

    Those of us returning from summer courses...

    RE: WARRIOR TRAINING ELOC/MLOC 1 mandatory hmmm - that is something we will have to check out As for the 'section attack' there is an interesting discussion on this forum that is well worth reading... and be sure to check out the reference materials as well...
  6. CanadianSIG

    LSVW and ILTIS Replacements (Silverado & G Wagon)?

    thanks for reminding me --- the trailer... we pull our 10K gene for the CP det a trailer light plug in receptacle that actually works ... and doesn't fall out halfway down the route... ^-^ p.s. I think the leaking roof/window on the Hummer is common - my buddies civi Hummer (which I call the...
  7. CanadianSIG

    LSVW and ILTIS Replacements (Silverado & G Wagon)?

    Any vehicle that doesn't have to have recovery's phone number taped to dash is a welcome change. From a sig perspective - I'm sure there will be some issues with the CP pods but that will work itself out since we've been wasting most of our valuable training time anyways jury rigging mods and...
  8. CanadianSIG

    Active Edge '04

    Rules?? here is an interesting post I suggest you take a look at http://army.ca/forums/threads/18270.0.html perhaps you witnessed more of lesson learned scenario than you thought...
  9. CanadianSIG

    Who gets more tours?

    willy It makes me wonder why it‘s never been mentioned at any briefing - I agree with you - if we‘re going to attempt to do things the correct way then the info needs to be passed on to everyone... this might be a unit thing... thanks for the heads up :salute: .
  10. CanadianSIG

    Who gets more tours?

    Willy, IF and I say again IF, I was aware of any sensitivity regarding the place in question it wouldn‘t have been mentioned - but this is the first I have heard. Enough said.
  11. CanadianSIG

    Who gets more tours?

    Way to go Acorn!! Wish I could import you down here to teach a few folks about beadwindows... See yah in the CP‘s...
  12. CanadianSIG

    Who gets more tours?

    Yep - I can confirm - SIGS (of all types RadOps, Linemen and RadTechs) are constantly being requested at our reserve unit. It seems that if you want to go and have the time then it won‘t be long. You have to have your 3‘s at a minimum and your security clearances but you name the Op and SIGS...
  13. CanadianSIG

    Compuer Science Degree

    A Comp Sci degree would be wasted in the basic SIGS unit - you may want to investigate the R&D branch of Signals Intel - who actually do development work. Infanteer - as for the CI - yes it‘s a bit confusing given there is something like 300 available menus off those little buttons - Send it...